DripplesDripples (drops n' ripples) attempts to invite a relook at our current definitions, at what we know and don't know, of our selves, at health and of life itself, and perhaps have a perspective that is new.
We have seen the Matrix series. Several people, similarly across time and space, have attempted to represent a structure of Reality or 'how Reality works' in their own way through various media. No matter how the purview, life works; "life finds a way" as famously quoted in the movie, Jurassic Park I. This blog is my attempt to present a worldview as discerned as the basis for Meristem Intelligence on how the System of which we are all part of - affected and effected - is influenced and influences us and our experiences of living. Understanding the System would help live in the System, without which survival is the only option. Better be informed, for ignorance is not bliss; it is, at the least, painful and traumatizing and at best blinding for it keeps the best part of being alive in the hidden/dark/shadows. 'Waking up' involves waking up to what is not hitherto far seen/known/thought of and living life from this new space of understanding and/or knowing that which was hitherto far unknown. Mindfulness certainly is an active verb.
It is essentially a good world, this Universe. Very economical and super-efficient. Only that which wants to make things better is born for another opportunity to make things/something better, or is not born at all. (A lot of the bad things we see around are by people who have somehow forgotten their essential nature of goodness, and only need reminders long enough until they remember, for they were born as babies too, and babies are innocent and in the reflection of all that is good and pure and 'new' that may have gotten subjected to not-so-good things and became bad in reaction or retaliation). Keeps going in circles until a 'better' is discerned. So, the world is basically a 'good-sustaining system' and sustains best that which stands the test of time, so timeless values if imbued in what is created and/or existing has a far greater chance of continuing to subsist. That which is destructive, and if the whole system ('human beings' is a system because we are all like parts of one body called 'mankind.') is not able to turn the tide from being destrudinous/destructive/abusive to libidinous/constructive/bettering, then the system is moving towards a natural death. It is just like an anatomical body. If a part of the body has cancer and that is not controlled and healthified, it destroys the whole body. Vedas have a word for this phenomenon; it is called 'Manuvantara' - one cycle of Manu or man. In terms of Meristem Intelligence, Manuvantara is one chance by Nature to correct the ways/algorithm so that it (the system of human beings') can be subsistible by the Whole. 'Human beings' have potential and thats why there is Manuvantara. If we correct our ways before destrudo gets the upper hand than libido, then 'pralay' or the 'cleansing wave' does not happen and Natural balance is restored, and whats more? 'Human beings' would have won the stamp of approval by Nature to be a species well worth investing in. ({There are references in history books to this phenomenon called Manuvantara. The Bible talks of Noah and his Ark to tide by the then 'pralay' so that Noah became a version of Manu (or seed that started a fresh crop, so to speak) maybe in the West. There is also reference to Manu - a man who survived the 'pralay' and remembered the learnings he had from that now-washed-away civilization and that thats how we have vedic scriptures today. Manu was perhaps to the East what Noah was to the West (this is my postulate) A lot of people of the Christian and Islamic faith are awaiting/in-dread of 'Judgement Day' or some reference to 'the end is near.' This theory also gives credence to the discovery of old bones dating farther back in time than when apparently man was first said to have been evolved into existence. Clearly, this invites verification but would you take a chance meanwhile at mass extermination or would you meanwhile invest in correcting what is wrong, repair the fabric of time and space, and make things better for yourself and life around you in whatsoever manner possible?} Please take heed to this appeal. Meristem Intelligence® is at Work facilitating and finding better ways to live life in sync with the Universe and All That There Is. As I practice Nirbeeja Yoga™, I often get hints that I am to continue what I do and to keep on with furthering my inquiry, and to share if deemed important to do so responsibly. The solution? Keep doing the right things - things that heal, really heal old wounds for yourself or that of another, not as a force or 'heal as fast as possible' but that as 'every little effort at correcting that which is other-than-peaceful-and-harmonizing' into gentle,kind,mindful,peaceful,harmonious ways of being and interacting. Every effort counts (little drops of water/rightful (not righteous) conduct makes/heals a mighty ocean). Inculcate timeless values of truthfulness, gentleness, kindness, nonviolence (no matter what to find a way that does not involve violence in any sense of the word), develop a nurturing attitude, than a controlling one. {Purviewing everyone as basically children in different stages of development helps a big deal in developing this nurturing attitude, including oneself because some of the worst forms of violence may be found in how we treat ourselves. The kind of diseases we have or a person has is clue to the degree of violence a person is subjected to, by themselves or by somebody else.} Enough for now. Will keep writing on this later. Please keep watch over this blog. Tnx.
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AuthorMy name is Bitha Sadanandan. I am a person behind MITI World but this blog is my 'look what I found' pin-up kind of wall developed for a purpose mentioned in the Blog Header. Some things just need to be said, even if an idea only you are crazy enough to have! {Volcanoes are the reason why I voice my thoughts here; a healthy steam-engine keeps the environment life-sustainable.} Categories
June 2030