DripplesDripples (drops n' ripples) attempts to invite a relook at our current definitions, at what we know and don't know, of our selves, at health and of life itself, and perhaps have a perspective that is new.
Kindly indulge me as I attempt to presence a perspective that may be unusual or even out-of-the-box from everyday thinking.
There is a University that each one of us get admission into the moment we are born. It is a teaching school and each student learns a subject according to what they have a studentship about. Studentship is whatever it is about that there is a genuine 'I really dont know but I am inquiring into it'ship about the topic of inquiry. This University has all kinds of courses imaginable, and the learning is practical on-the-court/job in-reality; basically, if you are born, you are in the University. I dont know if anyone really gets out of it (a la Hotel California, with several other chambers in it than the song depicts). It has standards/grades (like the first standard/grade, second standard/grade, etc. of primary schooling and degree courses too and placements according to the level of training in Almighty.Inc that is in sync with the University). As the standard/grade in school levels up, there is a shift is how reality is perceived and in the understanding of what reality is, much like viewing through a kaleidoscope. So, when there is a perceived shift in reality, you should know you have probably leveled up/moved to the next standard with a whole lot of new teachings to layer upon what has already been learned. We all actually know about both. I attempt here to present the already known but maybe in the subconscious/unconscious minds so that the conscious mind can make choices with this knowledge; afterall, knowledge gives confidence. Attendance is based on choice. How soon you learn a subject depends on how much time you spend learning it. As you learn one standard/grade, you level up until degree and advanced courses depending on how much you want to learn. Placement appropriately, again depending on choice of job available, but sometimes also based on requirement, again depending on level of skill and jobability (i.e., ability to deliver the requirement). The jobability depends on what a person can do, and the 'doing' needs to be consistent with what Almight.Inc is producing as a Company. it is a construction company and like any company it requires softskilled and hardskilled employees. Again, placement is according to skill. Everyone who is in the University is also an employee one way or the other in Almighty.Inc. Promotions are based on performance and there is always scope for promotions. Pretty organic a Company this. All the people around a person are basically colleagues, hence, which is over and above what the person's relationship with the colleague is. Some are aware of their employeeship, some are not. This writeup is also an attempt to remember/remind/bring to awareness what may be in the subconscious/unconscious. We are not on Earth for nothing; each one matters, so be gainfully employed. It is quite a perfect system, this Company. Bad seeds get weeded out. No one is indispensable; jobability depends on who can do the job and jobability is constantly evaluated. It is quite a hotseat that way literally. It is the line of fire. So, a person can check their job status by checking in with their conscience. If they can face their conscience and stand undaunted, they have their performance evaluation in realtime - quite an effective management that way. Karma is basically what you do; performance appraisal according to Karma (past wrongs can be righted by present doings). Payment is in terms of goodwill, money, companionship, teaching, performance appraisal-based promotion. It helps to do anything keeping one's conscience as a constant companion; that is real-time performance self-appraisal. Helps to be a good student, calibrate/maintain karmic balance, skill-upgradability, etc. Every effort counts. Be aware of your choices as acutely as possible. There are ways to develop awareness, of course, by which choices can be caught as they are being made consciously/subconsciously/unconsciously. Checking in with one's conscience is akin to checking in with the Management of University AND Almighty.Inc, much like checking in with the high command. You are judged based on Karma (what you do; even thinking is a doing for it has energy by which something happens whether a person knows it or not about what happens), so be conscious about how you spend your time. Now, about the University - only a student continually enrolled in the University can do the job properly, else there is a chance of being burned in the line of fire if the concern is only about jobability. A fulltime student is likely to be a good employee since such a person is in continuous training. The teaching in the University is in real time. How do you know what course you are enrolled in? Just become aware of what is coming to you - the energy, the thought content, the tone of voice and conduct, the people who interact with you and what transpires, the billboards that catch your attention, the books that interest you or material that you read - they are all part of how the course is delivered. As you become aware of what you learn, you can choose what you want to learn and the University modulates the teaching accordingly so that the learning material is more streamlined to your subject of interest. The challenges faced are a bit like resistence-training or popup exams to test your learning and to assess where tweaking is needed. You can self-assess of course by your faculty of conscience and make adjustments to how you learn and what you learn by the inherent tool of choice. Awareness is key and what there is to be aware of comes by observation and exposure to unfamiliar {you need to be slightly at the edge of what you know and look out from the boundaries at what you may not know for starters; really good for stretching the muscles :) } Happy learning, dear World citizen! (Will update content of this post as and when further clarity is deemed necessary/beneficial and/or as I learn my lessons better in the University).
Knowing-seeing-thinking-feeling hands![]() A space that is beyond known points of reference that comes about from having encountered spaces sufficient enough number of times that familiarity brings in a sense of knowing because the nervous system has been there before enough times and now recognizes the landscape. It is not the slow 1+1=2 logic anymore but intuition (automated logic that has come about from repeatedly putting one and one together) and is a space that is at the frontier between the known and the unknown, where the 'unknown' is the open space of the mysterious that has its resonance in the known but is like the missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that is yet to be put together, only that this is a jigsaw puzzle whose location in time and space, and hence the how/where, is yet to be determined. When someone is in training to recognize spaces/textures/sensations and the hands are the tools of trade, then there comes a point where the hands begin to become knowing-seeing-thinking-feeling hands. |
AuthorMy name is Bitha Sadanandan. I am a person behind MITI World but this blog is my 'look what I found' pin-up kind of wall developed for a purpose mentioned in the Blog Header. Some things just need to be said, even if an idea only you are crazy enough to have! {Volcanoes are the reason why I voice my thoughts here; a healthy steam-engine keeps the environment life-sustainable.} Categories
June 2030