I am to clean money by having money go through my banks because of the nature of Work I do, so I am upscaling my business processes so I meet this requirement, which has been in demand since some time but I wasn't roaring enough in faith due to unknown factors, such as malnourishment. I am also to upgrade 36 Chamberrs of Commerce across the world to fast track #humanityacrossboundaries, which also requires money the amount of which I will know only as I get any closer to it, which basically means I go in faith until such number gets clear. Alert! Prices are going up for MI products/services/coachings.
Munna Bhai, MBBS' {me!} Calendar
Trust - the process - says Sisu of Raya and The Last Dragon (movie), so encouraged by the idea of a LIVE Business Model Canvas (link available on the Page named MI Map), putting up a Work-in-progress LIVE Calendar of MI day, so people can gravitate to the activity that most resonates with them and collaborate through ecological economics for a #humanityacrossboundaries-based better world that converts our 'bitter butters' to 'better butters' as we remember our 'seashells' that pearl'd our human lives on this pale blue jewel of a dot in the night sky {Earth} that common grounds our dreams and we call 'Home.' (Earth didn't form overnight in this big wide world, so we might as well watch our daily calendars and sync up (maybe) to this MITI calendar and improve our health, wealth, wisdom through our professional Works for a Shri world.
Here's the Calendar for April with a list of body parts one could consider maintaining health of per day through the month. The Calender is part of #TheHumaneBodyProject and is named based on a system of thought: Bodyparts are categorised into 41 parts with each 'Part' having 4 subparts each of which can be maintained over 4 days. So, Lowerarm, for example, has Armcalves, ArmAchilles, Wrist and Hands, where Armcalves refers to the fleshy part of the arm that corresponds to the calves of the legs (only, instead of legs, the arms have 'calves' like fleshy composition) and ArmAchilles refers to the achilles part of the legs just before the ankles/wrists. Humans are basically like animals with 4 limbs who walk upright on two feet so arms have similar but different sizes on the body because of use, so naming arms in accordance with legs makes it easy to identify and take care of related body parts without too many names confusing the naming system. The '41' of the 41-bodypart health maintenance system is in accordance with the 41 langhanams that a practitioner needs to go beyond in becoming a humane human being as per the original yoga philosophy that guides Meristem Intelligence®️ thought processes. Please schedule a 121 with me at meristem.simplybook.me to know more about the thought processes or for further details.
In February, for example, I thought it was nice to regard the month as opportunity for brewing the iron (Fe) ..you know, Fe-brew-ary..that maintains the sanctuary of the body-based system so crude (iron) becomes liquid gold, so cardiovascular system seemed to be a good physiological system to pay attention to during the entire month when different parts of the body according to the calendar may be paid attention to from a cardiovascular perspective and health maintained for optimum health, wealth, and wisdom. I will put up MI 12 Physiological Systems chart so health of our body vehicle can be 'maintained' systematically, and with least effort facilitate health, wealth and wisdom through #humanityacrossboundaries.

Will put up daily tidbits so visiting this Page would be of benefit for you. It also would help me update one or the other part of the website, so there is more to pay attention to during your everyday visit/checkin on this site.
Story Time!
I am a seed. I have come to find myself in this soil, in this geography, with whatever it has at this point in time on this place called Earth. The soil is not ideal. I know it used to be because the soil has the flavor of what used to be. Never mind. I have life; I'll find a way. I gotta. Now, how can I do that? Let me feel the soil around. I cannot see yet for I am in deep dirt, but I can feel. Looks like I gotta till this soil a bit before I can breathe well. Let me do that from both my ends, with my roots and shoots. Perhaps this is also what they meant by ‘burning the candle on both ends.’ Who says anything about burning out? Maybe it is burning whatever is not mine until I come to my lean mass! I am meristematic on both ends. I will feel my way through the soil until I find some rich growing material. My skin and the nature of touch I experience will tell me what is good and bad. Patience. Patience. More patience. It is there. Keep feeling. More patience. Wait, I am growing while I am seeking and searching! My roots and shoots are growing stronger! Sisyphus pushing the rock up the hill was not for waste! Good for me. It will come handy later. Perseverance. I am growing. I am making it to the sunlight, that’s it. Perseverance. Keep on. Wait, there are others around? Ok they are doing their thing. I gotta do mine. Keep on. Heave ho! On. Breathe. In breath, out breath. Extend, contract and relax. Rinse and repeat. Stretch my limits. There are parasites around attempting to feed on anything that has life - me?! I gotta figure out and develop a thick hide and adjust acidity/alkalinity to suit my need. They don’t talk of survival of the fittest for nothing, right? I manage to be born into the light. (I did that!)
I sit on my desk job. New soil. Rinse and repeat the above process? Umm..the soil is not the same as hitherto far experienced. Each day has a different date that has never been before. Different composition every day. But, I am a seed nevertheless and this is basically soil nevertheless for the best of me is in the making and the soil I am in is through where I grow and become. I am bigger and stronger from persevering to grow and learning to survive through the different soils I have found myself in hitherto far. I have that! Rinse and repeat it is. Now, what does this soil have? All kinds of living organisms. They even pose to be well-wishers and nourishers and bracket themselves into friends, families and enemies. I can rebracket them, of course. They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. They are all related to me by how I feel in my skin about them. My relationship with them changes when how I feel in my skin changes in being in contact with them during my everyday whatnots. Some claw at me, some feed off me, some nurture me, some protect. But, it is my journey through to my sunlight and I am my kind of seed. I remember that there are all kinds of seeds. Some seeds sprout with just a little water. Some needs a little burning before they are warm enough to sprout. Some sprout only after a rainfall. Some needs a forest fire followed by a rain to begin to sprout. Each seed is unique and hence the kind of seed I am needs my kind of seasoning/conditioning/nourishment. “One man’s food is another man’s poison” and all that. I become my kind of tree by maneuvering through the soil the way I need to move however the soil is, for this is the soil I am in. The river water just flows to the Ocean; rocks and plants and whatnots are ‘training material’ to be flowed around, over, or by for my destination is the Ocean. As is for the water, so it is for the seed that I am. As I till my soil better, I just as well as whosoever is in this soil gets to breathe better. I get to grow!
I place a plant in a pot on my desktop to remind me of the fact that I am a force of Nature; I am a seed living this moment in time in this soil and sprout I will. I just need to figure out how to stretch and get to that rich nutrient nurturing source, and keep being nourished by it, that will get me to see the
light that is best for my growth at this point in time for me to become the tree that I am meant to be. This plant on my desktop will keep my perspective in place. I need this reminder.
I am a seed, and so are you.
I sit on my desk job. New soil. Rinse and repeat the above process? Umm..the soil is not the same as hitherto far experienced. Each day has a different date that has never been before. Different composition every day. But, I am a seed nevertheless and this is basically soil nevertheless for the best of me is in the making and the soil I am in is through where I grow and become. I am bigger and stronger from persevering to grow and learning to survive through the different soils I have found myself in hitherto far. I have that! Rinse and repeat it is. Now, what does this soil have? All kinds of living organisms. They even pose to be well-wishers and nourishers and bracket themselves into friends, families and enemies. I can rebracket them, of course. They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. They are all related to me by how I feel in my skin about them. My relationship with them changes when how I feel in my skin changes in being in contact with them during my everyday whatnots. Some claw at me, some feed off me, some nurture me, some protect. But, it is my journey through to my sunlight and I am my kind of seed. I remember that there are all kinds of seeds. Some seeds sprout with just a little water. Some needs a little burning before they are warm enough to sprout. Some sprout only after a rainfall. Some needs a forest fire followed by a rain to begin to sprout. Each seed is unique and hence the kind of seed I am needs my kind of seasoning/conditioning/nourishment. “One man’s food is another man’s poison” and all that. I become my kind of tree by maneuvering through the soil the way I need to move however the soil is, for this is the soil I am in. The river water just flows to the Ocean; rocks and plants and whatnots are ‘training material’ to be flowed around, over, or by for my destination is the Ocean. As is for the water, so it is for the seed that I am. As I till my soil better, I just as well as whosoever is in this soil gets to breathe better. I get to grow!
I place a plant in a pot on my desktop to remind me of the fact that I am a force of Nature; I am a seed living this moment in time in this soil and sprout I will. I just need to figure out how to stretch and get to that rich nutrient nurturing source, and keep being nourished by it, that will get me to see the
light that is best for my growth at this point in time for me to become the tree that I am meant to be. This plant on my desktop will keep my perspective in place. I need this reminder.
I am a seed, and so are you.