The following 10% of causes were found to be the reason for 100% of our problems: food, water, work, fun, cleanliness, rest, marriage, wealth, creativity, love. Our relationship to AllThatThereIs is mostly affected by how we are related to these 10 causes and what we have by which we maintain our economy to the degree of ecology we have. Shrishti Optimization by ecological economics is the present reason for existence of my Enterprise {we keep upgrading the reason according to industry requirements based on internal redistribution of valunits - value units per Form recognition (ref: Plato’s Theory Of Forms)}.
Disgusted with the state of affairs, I decided to grow MI up. Its been a few years. We have a complete set of solutions put together from best practices we found consistently works over time {also corroborated by ancient text books and scientific documentaries} for growing everybody who is a nobody into somebody who would be proud of who they have turned out to be..and so would their ancestors and neighbours and parents too..and their ex-associates too.
From Farm to Table
HandmadeThe Programs are painstakingly put together over several years from all sorts of study fields, some from under the rocks most dont know exists.
Just Add CoffeeWith a sip of your favourite drink or a bite from the umpteen cultures that supplement our everyday ability to live, our Products are designed to complementarily make our individual and collective lives humanely congenial.
Take AnywhereOur Programs and Products are designed to be consumed by 'human beings' anywhere who have the ability to care, which is basically anybody who has a beating heart and respiratory rhythms.
{Non-english languages are a problem that we are working on finding solutions for} |
There's something in here for Everybody!
Where you start in the Journey into MITI World from makes a difference in the experience you have at start, en route, and quality of experience. All roads lead to Terabithiya through MITI World but where you start, how you start, how you participate changes what you experience and how you experience what you experience and the longevity it takes to get to Terabithiya. What you sow, how you sow, so do you reap! Conversely, what you reap, how you reap, so do you sow. {What/how you participate is also how you procure material for your own initiatives; what/how material goes in is also seen in what comes out as your Produce. In other words, if good clean healthy material goes in the right way in just the amount it needs to be at a point in time, good clean healthy produce comes out. What you produce affects not only your life but also carries through to your contemporaries and grandchildren through your gametes. Pay attention to what you invest in and how you invest your time, effort, and energy as money.}
Map of MITI World!
{Its 'MI' Business Model Canvas right now; working towards 'MITI' Business Model Canvas..just began with the Canvas in a 'presentable' form, and LIVE at that, thanks to Canva. You can see as updates are being made, so you know which direction to take as the 'River (of Life)' takes course per unit of time.} In development. Kindly be patient. The Best is in the making🙂
In developing the Map of MITI World, 10 planets-stars-universes formed. MI roots go far back and deep into myceles and things keep mushrooming once we begin at something. Perhaps now 'multiverse' makes sense given that 10 universes are a set of unique verses with specific values.🙂 We will come to unicellular organisms soon, and then maybe dots will be better appreciated in making sense of MI World.😶
The 10 brains, planets, stars, universes are different levels of simply complex and complexly simple scalar wholes. They are a basket weave of the mother medium that is Life. You will find flavours of each other in each of the 10. That's why the 10 form a Dashaka and MITI BayBe the Ekadashi.
Road to Terabithiya
It always begins with a 'Helo.' If you have said a 'helo' to Bitha Sadanandan or have breathed in the spaces that she has breathed in or have had a conversation with her or bounced off of any of the content on her social media, your journey to Terabithiya has already begun because she has been on this Work since some time. The words she speak and Programs are her products of contemplation. A conversation with her, different social media including but not limited to content on this website, school, songs on SoundsOfLife/Nothing are all different syllables in the syllabus towards Terabithiya. They are all different gateways into the waterway that leads up to the Ocean {O'shin} that is meristem intelligence, which is the intelligence required to live in Terabithiya.
If you want to help or be helped or want to spend some time silently or in conversation with her, schedule an appointment or Subscribe into any of the 4 Sentinel Gateways into the spaceShip that is Terabithiya.
Sanatana dharma is also the timeless ground of the present from which life emerges a.k.a. Terabithiya!
Terabithiya may be likened to the Pure Lands that sambhogakaya or enjoyment body teaches the bodhisattva. It is like the essence of living life in the infinite moment of the present on Earth. It may be what people call as Uriel - You on high arial plane a.k.a planet, only the Planet is inside the hitherto known realms of reality. It is not something you climb up or ascend to but get tesseracted progressively into when your wounds heal and you 'rain' down from heaven and 'vapor' up from hell well enough as hell gets boiled out of your hell and heaven out of your heaven so the waters of heaven and hell are clean enough as aakaashaganga and paathaalaganga and all the spirit gets distilled out of your water well enough to get freshwater clear, and you have Mi {'rice' as your essence, distinguished from 'chaf'} consciousness and then learn to ferment through Nirbeeja Yoga®️ to have MITI BayBe conscience as you tesseract {get wholesome as you drop between the cracks of polarities} into Terabithiya. You learn to have unobtainium {that which cannot be obtained} so you have sufficient nothing by which to live in 'i'land spaceShip Terabithiya. You start tesseracting into Terabithiya when you do things consistent with such humane becoming. It takes all kinds of vehicles in which to be driven and drive to become skilled enough to live in Terabithiya - the land of humane beings - and none of these vehicles are actual. Tetragrammaton is a good representation but it is not something you physically sit in but become, like when the whole of you as time and space is counted as a worthy grain of sand in the Sands of Time and you continue to maintain your constitution consistent with such becoming as a step on a stairwell; kinda like the grain of sand congealing to become as big as the Earth, which would also be MI idea of scalar boson.
The Work is about growing up from the tiny stardust to having a grain of the sand of time and gradually becoming like Sun, Moon, Earth, solar system and the Universe within you as a reflection of the world outside inside you so you can take care of All That There is because we are all related similarly and have the entire universe to enliven like a desert needs to be seeing how Earth is the only Planet as far out as we can see where humans live and there are several reasons why humans formed on Earth (coz Earth formed from Venus and Mars coming together in marriage and keeping it together by the blessings of all other celestial bodies so that life enlivens by Earth's existence and produce (see further on this here), just as humans are Nature and Nurture keeping things together!) and then coming home to Earth as our grand ancestral home from which we need to work, in which we each have a specific unique role to play in the schema of things, and Work such that you leave a mark by which others yet to be born can pick up and run a mile with just that which you leave behind as proof of your having been in existence. A humane being is a person who is on this Work. A humane being (Green Tara) in a humane society (society of Green Taras) is a goal, which is when we all would be in Terabithiya so that human beings can enliven life in the Universe and restore the Universe to its former glory (before the Big Bang). MI Way IS the Highway!
The above is part of what I know. Part of the Work I have to facilitate is having people become Green Taras and the 10 webpages (check dropdown list from Me to MWe on Programs on this website's Menu) are one of many facets (Base10s) by which to come home to being Green Taras.
If you want to help or be helped or want to spend some time silently or in conversation with her, schedule an appointment or Subscribe into any of the 4 Sentinel Gateways into the spaceShip that is Terabithiya.
Sanatana dharma is also the timeless ground of the present from which life emerges a.k.a. Terabithiya!
Terabithiya may be likened to the Pure Lands that sambhogakaya or enjoyment body teaches the bodhisattva. It is like the essence of living life in the infinite moment of the present on Earth. It may be what people call as Uriel - You on high arial plane a.k.a planet, only the Planet is inside the hitherto known realms of reality. It is not something you climb up or ascend to but get tesseracted progressively into when your wounds heal and you 'rain' down from heaven and 'vapor' up from hell well enough as hell gets boiled out of your hell and heaven out of your heaven so the waters of heaven and hell are clean enough as aakaashaganga and paathaalaganga and all the spirit gets distilled out of your water well enough to get freshwater clear, and you have Mi {'rice' as your essence, distinguished from 'chaf'} consciousness and then learn to ferment through Nirbeeja Yoga®️ to have MITI BayBe conscience as you tesseract {get wholesome as you drop between the cracks of polarities} into Terabithiya. You learn to have unobtainium {that which cannot be obtained} so you have sufficient nothing by which to live in 'i'land spaceShip Terabithiya. You start tesseracting into Terabithiya when you do things consistent with such humane becoming. It takes all kinds of vehicles in which to be driven and drive to become skilled enough to live in Terabithiya - the land of humane beings - and none of these vehicles are actual. Tetragrammaton is a good representation but it is not something you physically sit in but become, like when the whole of you as time and space is counted as a worthy grain of sand in the Sands of Time and you continue to maintain your constitution consistent with such becoming as a step on a stairwell; kinda like the grain of sand congealing to become as big as the Earth, which would also be MI idea of scalar boson.
The Work is about growing up from the tiny stardust to having a grain of the sand of time and gradually becoming like Sun, Moon, Earth, solar system and the Universe within you as a reflection of the world outside inside you so you can take care of All That There is because we are all related similarly and have the entire universe to enliven like a desert needs to be seeing how Earth is the only Planet as far out as we can see where humans live and there are several reasons why humans formed on Earth (coz Earth formed from Venus and Mars coming together in marriage and keeping it together by the blessings of all other celestial bodies so that life enlivens by Earth's existence and produce (see further on this here), just as humans are Nature and Nurture keeping things together!) and then coming home to Earth as our grand ancestral home from which we need to work, in which we each have a specific unique role to play in the schema of things, and Work such that you leave a mark by which others yet to be born can pick up and run a mile with just that which you leave behind as proof of your having been in existence. A humane being is a person who is on this Work. A humane being (Green Tara) in a humane society (society of Green Taras) is a goal, which is when we all would be in Terabithiya so that human beings can enliven life in the Universe and restore the Universe to its former glory (before the Big Bang). MI Way IS the Highway!
The above is part of what I know. Part of the Work I have to facilitate is having people become Green Taras and the 10 webpages (check dropdown list from Me to MWe on Programs on this website's Menu) are one of many facets (Base10s) by which to come home to being Green Taras.
Since people are in different stages of development towards becoming one {pun intended} from the multiple personas and pluralities that a person needs to juggle in maintaining just one Life {we only have guarantee of having this current lifetime that we have, with rebirths and afterlives being subject to availability by the life-account manager over whom we only have the option of being a value-adder to the business that is Life through living in a way that makes life worth living for babies of all sizes}, MITI World has gateways to the roads that lead to Terabithiya. Incidentally, all roads lead to Terabithiya because Life always finds the best way to move forward in evolution. MITI World has gateways invented to safely, sanely, mindfully move through the roads leading to Terabithiya.
The following are some of the gateways. You may have entered MITI World through one of the gateways. It is a maze with specific benefits through each gateway. We dont want to break the surprise coz that would be like reading/watching a thriller while somebody has spoilt the fun for you by letting you know of the climax and end. Well, actually, we have already kinda revealed several of the warmups and treasures and whatnots within several of our media presence but how good are you at finding the dots to 'a-ha' it? Actually, you still wouldn't get it by dashing it even, like you dont taste a pastry by imagining it. You may get started on any of our media gateways into Terabithiya. Just the names of the gateways are mentioned below. MITI Map is in the making; something so 'everywhere' that is right in front of your eyes but you cannot see coz you need to be tour-guided to appreciate the details takes some map-making skills. Work-in-Progress🙂. Will put it up hopefully soon. Maybe it will get sooner if more people can begin to dash the dots through following our media gateways. Once our intellect is sufficiently informed, ideas emerge in MI head to easily communicate/educate by visual representations. We are trying to show you what may never have been thought of before; that's why we are leading humanity into the next stage of human evolution - a humane economy!!
The following are some of the gateways. You may have entered MITI World through one of the gateways. It is a maze with specific benefits through each gateway. We dont want to break the surprise coz that would be like reading/watching a thriller while somebody has spoilt the fun for you by letting you know of the climax and end. Well, actually, we have already kinda revealed several of the warmups and treasures and whatnots within several of our media presence but how good are you at finding the dots to 'a-ha' it? Actually, you still wouldn't get it by dashing it even, like you dont taste a pastry by imagining it. You may get started on any of our media gateways into Terabithiya. Just the names of the gateways are mentioned below. MITI Map is in the making; something so 'everywhere' that is right in front of your eyes but you cannot see coz you need to be tour-guided to appreciate the details takes some map-making skills. Work-in-Progress🙂. Will put it up hopefully soon. Maybe it will get sooner if more people can begin to dash the dots through following our media gateways. Once our intellect is sufficiently informed, ideas emerge in MI head to easily communicate/educate by visual representations. We are trying to show you what may never have been thought of before; that's why we are leading humanity into the next stage of human evolution - a humane economy!!
As your MITI Life begins to take shape, you begin to become resident-in-training in becoming a citizen of Terabithiya. We call it EarthHome and such citizens as an Earthizen.🙂
The following are some of our points of contact. Any or all of them offer dots. The buttons below look like dots too and needs to be clicked to go to dots within the content of these gateways, and then you need to come back to this page to connect dots from the outside too, as in overview. You also need to connect the dots by the names of Dots. Talking with Bitha Sadanandan gets you further dots. The value is qualified when you have Nirbeeja Yoga®️, the weave of DharmaPada For SoulSatisfaction™️, and the indescribable beauty of Meristem Intelligence®️ Therapy. The dots connected through the above is part of our curveballs to bring you home to being a humane being through humane societying a.k.a. #humanityacrossboundaries. From connecting the dots MI World presents on your own, you could be cleaning and making humane the communities you live in on your own before you come to doing your own self-improvement Work. Registering for a personal consultation or purchasing any of MI Products gets you started on your personal self-development MI way.
Website (this site you are reading this text on)
Short-video casts (60-sec videos on Moj)
Schooling with a difference!
We are kind of englishifying Hebrew-Vedic-Dravidian logic and then fermenting with Arabic-Tamizh waves before adding some street flavours to colloquialize the recipe to 21st Century button-age so life gets better. Fine wine in the make! We call MITI method of self-improvement the Johnny Walker Walk. 🙂
Visit the link below to learn some fun ways to maintain your health and well-being.
These are our Planets {Trademarks-- we'll 'come out' about them one 'easily consumable seedless-grape' label at a time coz, well, they are BIG and could disrupt our everyday understanding of 'market' and we don't want them to be indigestible}. All are connected to becoming Meristem Intelligent - the MITI Advantage in being countable as someone who leaves a followable footprint in the sands of time. All roads lead to Terabithiya!🙂
Why Terabithiya?
Coz Terabithiya is the fabric of Life where original intelligence resides! Until a person is in Terabithiya, a person is not living, surviving mostly, and survival alone is the best recipe for disease and discomfort. Living naturally organically has a person moving through dashavatharification. You need survival, living and thriving for health, wealth and wisening. It is 'rain' logic. {Going up and down ego-scales enough number of times through Nirbeeja Yoga®️ until a person's content becomes distilled enough to be pure soft fresh water using nothing.} "Be Water, my friend" advise-suggested Mr. Bruce Lee. Meristem Intelligence®️ offerings is the 36th Chamber into becoming sane through nonviolence.
The following are our 10 Planets offering unique values from which to arrive at Terabithiya - the Country in the Moment of the Present and is the subject whose object form we call Earth/Universe upon whom we do our human activities of daily living. Most people do not know this Country and hence behave less-than-human while this Country works on having better formats of human beings through the process called evolution. It is the Country of sanatana dharma inside the horizon line between known and unknown, like inside the surface tension of a lake where the lake and air above meet or in the place when a lightswitch is placed midway between on and off.
In short, our 10 Planets/Stars/Universes are from the realm of the unthinkable or from the realm of unknowable aka yonder from the paradigm of the infinite moment of the present.
Again, the following 10% of causes were found to be the reason for 100% of our problems: food, water, work, fun, cleanliness, rest, marriage, wealth, creativity, love. Our relationship to AllThatThereIs is mostly affected by how we are related to these 10 causes and what we have by which we maintain our economy to the degree of ecology we have. Shrishti Optimization by ecological economics is the present reason for existence of my Enterprise {we keep upgrading the reason according to industry requirements based on internal redistribution of valunits - value units per Form recognition (ref: Plato’s Theory Of Forms)}.
Mercury - Food Planet
Venus - Water Planet
Earth - Work Planet (@personaldharma - education, entertainment and training) {Journey towards SoulSatisfaction}
Mars - Fun Planet (advertising and business services)
Jupiter - Cleanliness Planet (education, entertainment, training)
Saturn - Rest Planet (advertising and business services)
Uranus - Marriage Planet (advertising and business services)
Neptune - Wealth Planet (education, entertainment, training)
Pluto - Creativity Planet (shrishti Optimisation from Plato's Theory Of Forms..we'll come to it shortly)
Uriel - Love Planet (The One planet..where plurals from Pluto get more singularly real and you become more the One who can stand by doing what you came into existence for 🙂)