One Ring ☝🏽 to rule them;
One Ring☝🏽 to find them;
One Ring ☝🏽 to bring them All,
and in the darkness bind them.🙂
..for normal ordinary harmonious living
Investors Gain!
We are in the business of normal ordinary harmonious living; we are disrupting a forever-year old business of normal ordinary harmonious living called Sanatana dharma for the better by making the bitter butter better butter.
We are solving this gentleman's concern through this changing the joke that goes, 'Intel inside idiot outside' to 'Intel inside intelligent outside'
by rehabilitating what it means to be human.
A human is the smallest unit of the society, and male and female dynasties within our domestic homes need to keep it together ecologically for 'family' to make sense as the second smallest unit of our economy, you see?
.. because protection of health is better than prevention of diseases is better than cure!
(because even insurance providers look for people with no health challenges..coz otherwise they are at risk of losing money through claims!)
The Best is yet to be; the Best is in the making. You are in the making.
Welcome to MI(My) World
~ MITI BayBe (the Logo image in the center of the circle above)
Family in the heart (blog post of note)
A human being is no'thing; I help improve nothing!
Our human body is designed to work like a tree (convert gunk into life-enlivening substance organically like a 'green' star/Taara) with our 12 body organ systems (like apostles) functioning to improve our lovestories metabolically. Aayurveda says, 'ajeerne bhojanam visham.'
Insufficient metabolism/tapas of our sukha and dukha (income spaces and outcome spaces) causes lifestyle diseases. Wise'dom (improvement of IQ through e'ducation) suffers consequently. e-Commerce through #humanityacrossboundaries suffers consequently. Children (stardusts) don't grow up healthy enough to be 'green' stars/Taaras. GDP suffers globally.
Unhealthy metabolism causes lifestyle diseases. Families and societies suffer consequently. Work-Life balance suffers consequently.
Healthy = heal'th'y (degree of healing per time giving rise to 'why/y' for being in existence from the transmutation of unwholesome/fragmented/wounded impressions in lovestories to life-enlivening substance without unhealthy precipitates).
At-t-it-tude (i-tude) (at the business of dashing the t, where t is a human standing upright with feet firmly on the ground and head finely balanced between left and right wings just like the alphabet t in small letter, such that the t extends its dash like a shade-providing tree, like an umbrella, that gently rains information mercifully so other human ts have a similar attitude and we have many t's by MI suite of 4 verticals floored/standing on ground zero of ShriYantra and roofed by Vedic mathematics is how we get healthy, wealthy, wise sustainably without longevity/shelf-life concerns).
Redefining what it means to be human and #humanityacrossboundaries through improving 49 metabolic processes (and sufficient healthy nutrition with food fit for humans that we call #meristematicdiet) that makes a being with a naturally organic human body an evolutionary advantage. MITI Advantages follow.

The dot at the centre of the ShriYantra is where we are headed. We call the crystal glass orb 'humane #LordOfTheRings'! It takes something to be so clear, like the glasshouse at the centre of Lalbagh Gardens.🙂
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more visual content:
There’s something in here for Everybody.🙂
We are game-changers in the business of normal ordinary harmonious living. A green Taara-quality, dashaavataara/dashami-quantity humane being is our idea of a human being. We regard anybody who is other than this to be a person who is in different stages of becoming one. I (Bitha Sadanandan) am the prime facilitator working with LifeShapers in improving what's on our daily plates per meal so one person, one family, one society at a time becomes healthy enough to metabolise love stories organically. Gaps between Have's and Have-nots narrow as our Have'rsian canals that form our bones improve in health. Teams of people, businesses, organizations who collaborate with me improve the quality of facilitation possible in having Have'rsian canals/networks of timeless health, wealth and wisdom through improving #humanityacrossboundaries one plate of balanced nutritious meal at a time.
We are from the Health and Wellness industry. We are offering a suite of services, coachings, products that give you a MITI Advantage on your journey to your McLife. For starters, watch the movie, Bridge to Terabithiya - trailer here. It would give you a sense of the adventure there could be en route in working with Meristem Intelligence®️ suite of solutions in bridging our gaps (between current models of reality and ideal model as it needs to be) and gaping some bridges in having a beautiful life in Terabithiya (the country of the human body that houses our life), else people becoming one amongst the listed on W.H.O.'s list of diseases! Are you one amongst those listed in the 'disease' list or 'healthy' list?
Terabithiya is a sacred land (from a person-centric model of reality) that a buddha discovered that keeps on becoming wholesomer. 'Flat Earth Theory,' for example, is another land (tian) that another inquirer arrived at thats included without contradiction in arriving at Terabithiya. (Earth-centric model of reality is from a life-as-a-subject centre of affection and heliocentric model of reality is from object as centre of affection.)
TruthMath and 'just' and 'very' are a few words that find relevance in our model of reality. You can even verify the truth of our claims through dashing the dots and dotting the dashes appropriately, which we can help you with so you can arrive at our conclusions too.
Healthy imagination is one of your first benefits in traveling with us.
Welcome aboard! 🙂
Terabithiya is a sacred land (from a person-centric model of reality) that a buddha discovered that keeps on becoming wholesomer. 'Flat Earth Theory,' for example, is another land (tian) that another inquirer arrived at thats included without contradiction in arriving at Terabithiya. (Earth-centric model of reality is from a life-as-a-subject centre of affection and heliocentric model of reality is from object as centre of affection.)
TruthMath and 'just' and 'very' are a few words that find relevance in our model of reality. You can even verify the truth of our claims through dashing the dots and dotting the dashes appropriately, which we can help you with so you can arrive at our conclusions too.
Healthy imagination is one of your first benefits in traveling with us.
Welcome aboard! 🙂
NEWS! Do stay tuned to our social media and watch this space for what we're up to in addressing this problem that's a bottleneck in addressing W.H.O.'s list of diseases!
We are currently working on lifestyle as a disease! We call it 'diabetes' and it is of the brain!
Halloweens is from the trick or treat hallucinations from diabetes of the brain due to lifestyle choices. We have the light within but insufficient/inefficient brain metabolism to discern 'rice' from 'chaff' and consequently see 'Doomsday' visions of reality. Reality is sooo much better than fantasy. To see the actual version of Reality, diabetes of the brain a.k.a. natural stupidity must be resolved. This is the problem we are currently addressing through MI suite of lifestyle solutions!
We are cleaning the yellow..of the light of love that keeps you alive..coz without love you wouldn't have grown from an ovum in your mother's body into a body that is human, to begin with..and en'lighten'ment is about keeping the yellow nice and bright and shiny...else you have halloween's trick or treat life everyday.
We're just cleaning the 'yellow, yellow, dirty fellow' for en'lighten'ment!
We are cleaning the yellow..of the light of love that keeps you alive..coz without love you wouldn't have grown from an ovum in your mother's body into a body that is human, to begin with..and en'lighten'ment is about keeping the yellow nice and bright and shiny...else you have halloween's trick or treat life everyday.
We're just cleaning the 'yellow, yellow, dirty fellow' for en'lighten'ment!
Consider this:
hagawat Giita 6th adhyaayam has this shlokam, which if followed we wouldn't have diabetes:
yuktaahaara vihaarasye (neither feast nor fast; maintain moderation in consumption of food)
yuktacheshtasya karmasu (moderate physical activity; neither strenuous nor sedentary levels of activity..(moderate exertion in fulfilling dreams/duties; work-life balance with moderate activity for our job)
yuktaswapnaava bodhasye (moderate sleep, moderate wakefulness)
yogobhavati dukhaha (integration maintains humility where human is from Hume'ing/integrating the space of living so 'enlivening' sustains)
(the aforementioned is another person's interpretation; will post my version of it on a video here shortly. More to follow.)
hagawat Giita 6th adhyaayam has this shlokam, which if followed we wouldn't have diabetes:
yuktaahaara vihaarasye (neither feast nor fast; maintain moderation in consumption of food)
yuktacheshtasya karmasu (moderate physical activity; neither strenuous nor sedentary levels of activity..(moderate exertion in fulfilling dreams/duties; work-life balance with moderate activity for our job)
yuktaswapnaava bodhasye (moderate sleep, moderate wakefulness)
yogobhavati dukhaha (integration maintains humility where human is from Hume'ing/integrating the space of living so 'enlivening' sustains)
(the aforementioned is another person's interpretation; will post my version of it on a video here shortly. More to follow.)
Time for break'fast, sunny side up and good morning!
Do keep scrolling. There's something in here for Everybody..Everyday!
...coz its an Eve'rything..of Adam and Eve fame.🙂
End to End Solutions (Farm to Table) by notechlogy
Healthier Natural BreathingImprove health, wealth and wisdom without even moving a muscle with our notechlogy method of healthcare, and experience the same body you have been living all your lives in as a converter of 'sickness' to 'health.'
Wower DynamicsImprove the quality of the well you live in {ref: Frog in the well} by adding some things and repurposing a few others with our course-correction counselling tips so you uncover what's been right under your nose as your treasure house!
Hiway your MI Way Get into the driver's seat of your office table {ref: #LordOfTheRings} by changing the genre of your story with our MITI Advantage suite of solutions so your innovations have people looking at your work with 'Ooh! Game-changer!'
The following 10% of causes were found to be the reason for 100% of our problems: food, water, work, fun, cleanliness, rest, marriage, wealth, creativity, love. Our relationship to AllThatThereIs is mostly affected by how we are related to these 10 causes and what we have by which we maintain our economy to the degree of ecology we have. Shrishti Optimization by ecological economics is the present reason for existence of my Enterprise {we keep upgrading the reason according to industry requirements based on internal redistribution of valunits - value units per Form recognition (ref: Plato’s Theory Of Forms)}.
MI target market(s) are babies who are not yet born but constantly seek good enough ennobling reasons and spaces for coming into existence (and become ennobled into forever living) through the ecological economics of our everyday busynesses of living. A person is the smallest unit of a society and a family is the second smallest unit of a society, you see? i has a ‘me’ in the living space of a heart and when the heart is a living room from which hearths a good life, we have #humanityacrossboundaries. It takes several fine course corrections to get the right dots/PointsOfReference to be in place so the elephant in the room is seen and alive upholding the pink palace that’s the health of our life. i call my corrective method of marketing the nth way - the way of the virgin, the way of the martyr, the way of the saint/monk, the way of the witch, the way of the healer/yogi, the way of the married person, the way of the orphan, the way of the monarch(queen/king), the way of the pauper/fakir, the way of the baby ..there are said to be 22 states of matter, so 'nth way' at least has 22 ways - its a whole world of basics (Basix).
We are into e-commerce (e=mc2) where e is the energy required to keep the nucleus of a family together so male and female dynasties keep it together for olympic commonwealth from #humanityacrossboundaries through #healthierspermandovum.
Shriya through Shrishti Optimisation is the reason for the existence of my Enterprise
We are making Earth Srinagar - ref: #shivatrilogy by Mr.Amish Tripathi where Srinagar was devastated by pashupatiastra (nuclear bomb) and Earth needs to be restored from the aftereffects of the Big Bang.
i come from the paradigm of thinking that says 'protection of health is better than prevention of diseases is better than cure.'
i preach what i practice
Vision (what's in it for people/world): Have humans have a life that is so healthy they don't seek liberation from (coz, well, people don't seek liberation from a life that works - they only seek liberation from a life that doesn't work or doesn't work as well as they would like - which is all from different degrees of dramas that masala their life; too much masala and you have acidity and indigestion and a life that doesn't work as well as you would like with difficult spaces and cul de sacs you don't know how to get out of and wondering 'who moved my cheese?' A life that is healthy simply works - ecologically, economically and sustainably {healthily, wealthily, wisely} - without much effort once you know to do the right things!)
Mission (what I do in the whole business): Have fun (coz I'm born to complete my Work and having fun is an essential part of completing my Work) and live a normal ordinary harmonious life happily married to life and my work for ever and ever and ever. (I do nothing and teach people how to do nothing properly so they have what it takes to hold Kaustubh/philosopher's stone that Harry Potter was found holding when he looked in the Mirror Of Erised/Desire for health, wealth and wisdom for ever and ever and ever called 'marriage to life and work' by balance 0s/happiness.)
Niche: Basics - a whole realm of original basics - underlying the very fabric we call life, reality or whatever that's everywhere and nowhere in different levels of fractals.
The starry circle (above) with a person in the center is what humane #LordOfTheRings (i) look like. Some people call it a black hole - super heavy Guru! That's why MITI World is Kooling the Guru so that which arises from shri (ShriYa from 'ntra - liberation through movementless energy, frequency, vibration a.k.a. anabolism, metabolism, catabolism) can improve health, wealth and wisdom to timeless normal ordinary living ubercool harmony. {We help people get married to life and become humane #LordOfTheRings so they have a life that works for everyone by connecting dots and circles across boundaries for Olympic commonwealth. That's how everyone takes care of everyone as a devamrita [droplet of the O'shin elixir of Life] should so no one has diseases, becomes poor or dies, a.k.a. sanaatanadharma.}
Har Har Mahadev (everyone who has a body that is human should be able to take care of AllThatThereIs as the dot at the centre of the ShriYantra, else has not matured enough to be called an adult!)

This mandala is called the ShriYantra. The dot at the centre of the ShriYantra, like a glass orb, is what i look like; MITI BayBe, ay?
I know, we take mythology and mix it with game-changing science and make a potpourri that has you hit the dictionary at least a couple times during a read. After all, English as a language took many a colony by storm before it being pelted enough to dissolve language barriers across the globe. While we have our local/regional languages, this international language at least has some scope by which we can attempt to make our personal languages convey messages to foreign or alien civilisations so nobody is left simmering alone. Some hope, ay?
(I am the dot at the centre of the circle represented by ©️)
(The glass orb as a drop of the o'shin and o'shin in a drop is what I refer to as ©️. They say fish can't see water. Maybe that's why i am invisible too.)

Srishti Optimization through improvement of 'me (self)' to become green Taara-quality dashaavataara-quantity humane beings with Mookaambika sapping the becoming by premium healthcare, wealthcare and wisdom care at affordable price is the reason for the existence of this Enterprise.
This is the timeless original rocketscience of normal ordinary harmonious living, married to life and AllThatThereIs, for happily everafter called Sanaatana Dharma.
Naturally, we are always 'work-in-progress.'
MI website is long time overdue with a gazillion updates since last update. We are overhauling (updating..upgrading) everything starting with top of Homepage so people can begin to see the humane being (elephant) that our six senses (Basix) have been unable to see before.
This is where 'I' take care of 'You' (Nikhil/AllThatThereIs) through 'me(MI)' as the experiencer of life within 'I's(identities) to maintain health of 'I love You.'
'i' specialize in maintaining being 'humane' and maintaining being 'me' as the originally intelligent human from whom artificial intelligence gets a meaning. We are changing the joke that says 'Intel inside, idiot outside' to 'Intel inside, intelligent outside.'
This website of this Enterprise formed as a consequence of finding answers to the question "What the heck is life? What the heck is Reality? What is missing the presence of which would make a difference in what it means to be human, alive, living and in love?"
This is the 'i'land where you begin to spring time into el dorado (people/Karnas with golden truth as LifeVest and earrings represented by the long earlobes of Buddha and behave as Green Taaras/Stars/TreesOfLife/PillarsOfEarth/Earthizen, enlivening life in the multiverse, a.k.a. MITI BayBe. Ours is the MITI BayBe production unit; we make MITI BayBes for the success of Members as Teammates in Organisations.
#unifyingfield #intangibleworldheritage #healthierspermandovum #humanityacrossboundaries #MyStoryProject
Things work a little different here. Just look around and you will know a bit of what’s different.
Organic nonviolent growth is the central concern of this Enterprise🙂
MIssion: Create #LordOfTheRings who heal the fabric of timespace and enliven life in the multiverse.
VIsion: People operating from watt'er (wower that is powered by the scintillating ZamZamGanga/kaustubha {unobtainium} springing forth from within them) as source for 0 technology.
(If you are interested in history, the aforementioned is the older Vision and Mission of my Enterprise. Kinda like documenting here the evolutionary history of my Enterprise - its quite interesting in and of itself, if you are into studying phenomena and that kinda of things.
Turnkey solutions to unlock the potential there is in being human through coaching, done-for-you services and innovative pro-ducts to birth you into a new epoch of what it means to be human - a humane being of green Taara quality!
Premium organic original health, wealth and wisdom at affordable price
Primordial/Generic health services
Rehabilitating Mankind to Humankind
This is where virtue'al meets real'it'y!
MI World is a generic.
All of what is mentioned in this domain comes from a person-centric model of the universe where reality is soo much better than fantasy, its a game-changer in what it means to be human.🙂
We put Humpty-Dumpty together again and sitting on the Wall {the ledge between the known and the unknown} doing e-commerce by e=mc2!
What do we do?
Original humane intelligence facilitation. We help create human beings on the Planet where a human being is seen as the next stage in evolutionary development of what has hitherto been referred to as 'Mankind' wherein the human body is evolved but the 'being' who has a human body is in different stages of development into 'humane' beings. We facilitate this development through therapy, yoga, do-the-right-thing course-correction initiatives, playoga-based community-building initiatives and reconnect-with-root innovations. #humanityacrossboundaries from a person-centric model of the universe is a pet concern with a definite technological movement that bridges 'how things are' to 'how things could be' our modus operandi. We are interested in creating a noncompetitive market seeing how competition with others itself is root cause for several layers of disease in the society through the ConScience (conglomerate science) of sanatana dharma as relevant to the 21st Century.
We have an expertise in the rocketscience (ConScience - conglomerate science) of normal, ordinary, living from the yoga/blessing of having a body that is human.
We are creating MITI BayBes on Earth, which is like upgraded version of a human being - a humane being.
We are like Sati behind a veil functioning from the paradigm of ordinary humane domestic living set by Queen Victoria on Florence Nightingale mode operating Hotel California to better our 'normal' 'ordinary' 'experience of living' as human beings.
We are creating human 'beings' on the Planet!
This is a spaceShip formed from finding the Titanic aboard Noah's Arc aboard Darwin's HMS Beagle aboard which is the Palace-On-Wheels in which is the Jumbo {Ele-ph-ant} Circus of Life that leads from Dwaraka to MITI House that is within the Garden City through which animals evolve into humane beings by which to get sustainable happiness that is liberated from the lockdowns in time and space that is the new dawn from the ground {dha-rma} that isTerabithiya. {If you could read this sentence in one go and understand the content, your attention span and conceptual intelligence would already be better.}
In other words, Meristem Intelligence®️, is the ConScience of Life a.k.a Ishwarapranidana/in-tension/'ordain'nary (a message of Love from Implicate Order/yonder/The Great Unknown/The Other Side) so that the Known becomes healthier, wealthier, wiser.
MITI World offers surfaces, templates, mirrors and methods by which to see yourself, recognise your developmental milestones and become humane.
MI World is perfectly imperfect and imperfectly perfect operating from ground 0 of absolutes by notechlogy; there is no give and take because imbalance is what goes around and comes around seeking balance, like rice in the process of making batter. That's how we make our Products and Programs.
We are always Work-in-Progress!
Doing the right thing and that's what makes us Per'fect (per-confection perfection)
Come to this space often to see what's different! We keep sifting and redistributing our truth values (dots) across our different Trademark Pages as they are all interwoven basket weave of MI Products Of Contemplative Conception. The values redistribute as discernment unearths better ways of doing things in facilitating health, wealth and wisdom en route forming humane beings. In other words, we love to sift the sands of time and form new castles to inspire your dreams and aspirations! After all, the best is yet to be; the Best is in the making. You are in the making! and so are We. 🙂
Nothing is different; Nothing is different
Our brand of Nothing is New and, hence, Everything gets imbued with the improved Nothing that is at the heart of everything!
There's something in here for everybody! 🙂

Our Vision: {Vidhi}
Terabithiya - an 'is'land in the infinite moment of the present where normal, ordinary human beings living as Earthizens (citizens of Earth) are at Work taking care of Earth and the Universe as our ancestral home by maintaining #humanityacrossboundaries to enliven life in the Universe and restore the Universe to its former glory.
(Terabithiya is a Country by intelligent cosmic design where Life is touched such that health, wealth and wisdom are inspired to flow from dis-ease to wellbeing organically. Consistent with one's original blueprint living matrix or ishvarapranidhana and ishvarapranidaana as per ishvarapranidana, people in this Country mind their own busyness by following along one's conscience as vocation until ordained by Life as the station from which to serve for the betterment of the Whole as the physis of growth. Each being {people, animals, plants and microbiome, as visible forms of life} shines in their own light from occupying their own place in the schema of things, functioning in harmonious rhythmic synchrony with All That There Is in the Universe and Multiverse, being and becoming better by doing what matures their love to truelove and soulsatisfiedly happy.) {Text mentioned in orange is the 1st version of our Vision and Mission.}
Our Mission: {Vidaan}
The immediate objective of this Enterprise is to bridge the gap between subjective and objective worlds. The shortterm objective is to bridge the gap between history and herstory. The longterm objective is the eradication of diseases and sanitization of 'nonviolence' in our domestic homes for a truelove-based economy.
We kind of work on the longterm first so the other term objectives get fast tracked too. All this through premium health, wealth and wisdom {lifecare} at affordable price.
(To have humane human beings who are HOPE (Humane {beings} Of Planet Earth <-- click here) and therefrom have Deepavali Mandala/Constellation from people shining by their own lights in their own orbits in the schema that is things around the Sun, where the Sun is the invisible restless physics of life that is constantly looking for a better sustainable stable {Wholeness}. (This basically means people coming to their fullest potential from within the design of their own human body and behaving as part of a Whole and Whole of a part in the schema/matrix of All That There Is that is working towards Wholesomization.)
Terabithiya - an 'is'land in the infinite moment of the present where normal, ordinary human beings living as Earthizens (citizens of Earth) are at Work taking care of Earth and the Universe as our ancestral home by maintaining #humanityacrossboundaries to enliven life in the Universe and restore the Universe to its former glory.
(Terabithiya is a Country by intelligent cosmic design where Life is touched such that health, wealth and wisdom are inspired to flow from dis-ease to wellbeing organically. Consistent with one's original blueprint living matrix or ishvarapranidhana and ishvarapranidaana as per ishvarapranidana, people in this Country mind their own busyness by following along one's conscience as vocation until ordained by Life as the station from which to serve for the betterment of the Whole as the physis of growth. Each being {people, animals, plants and microbiome, as visible forms of life} shines in their own light from occupying their own place in the schema of things, functioning in harmonious rhythmic synchrony with All That There Is in the Universe and Multiverse, being and becoming better by doing what matures their love to truelove and soulsatisfiedly happy.) {Text mentioned in orange is the 1st version of our Vision and Mission.}
Our Mission: {Vidaan}
The immediate objective of this Enterprise is to bridge the gap between subjective and objective worlds. The shortterm objective is to bridge the gap between history and herstory. The longterm objective is the eradication of diseases and sanitization of 'nonviolence' in our domestic homes for a truelove-based economy.
We kind of work on the longterm first so the other term objectives get fast tracked too. All this through premium health, wealth and wisdom {lifecare} at affordable price.
(To have humane human beings who are HOPE (Humane {beings} Of Planet Earth <-- click here) and therefrom have Deepavali Mandala/Constellation from people shining by their own lights in their own orbits in the schema that is things around the Sun, where the Sun is the invisible restless physics of life that is constantly looking for a better sustainable stable {Wholeness}. (This basically means people coming to their fullest potential from within the design of their own human body and behaving as part of a Whole and Whole of a part in the schema/matrix of All That There Is that is working towards Wholesomization.)
The aforementioned text in white is the 2nd version of our Vision and Mission; the text in orange is our 1st. Scroll up and you would find the 3rd version and at the very top of this Homepage, you would find our latest. It may be a study in evolutionary dynamics within the make of my Enterprise, for those interested in phenomena and those kinds of things.
This is what we care about - MI LifePartner - MI body - MI personal earth - the object of MI affections at the centre of MI personal universe a person-centric model of the Universe that's within the helio-centric model of the universe that is within the earth-centric model of the universe. (It's from the round-Earth theory!🙂)
The condition of being human is simple: No more a baby, not yet an interdependently independent leader of an adult who can manage the whole garden of life, but a whole jungle of animal behaviours in between the two 'pillar and post' states to get to the self-prophesied destiny afforded by the fact of our birth in a body that is human. Each of us have an inner child and an adult self who wants to be respected, honoured and dignified but go into 'guerrilla warfare' then admit the presence of both within. The becoming Human is the transition phase that is difficult between origin and destination. MITI World caters to that so we become humans as our species is futuristically named to become, just as is our names. Let's grow up!
We, as proprietors of this Enterprise, function as catalysts in transitioning how economy works today to how economy could be as humans become humane as the next stage of human evolution. Functioning from fight/flight/freeze, we mistrust everything new or unknown; we are here to help heal that with love as a technology that wowers sanatana dharma for the better.
We are a homeschool-based restaurant that is situated inside the Tree of Life {of Garden of Eden from Book of Genesis fame}. Per our worldview, humane beings have 12 Brains (me, Me, MI, I, Mine, UI, You, Yours, Us, We, Ours, MWe with health of nothing and everything maintaining the 12 Brains interchangeably as does nature and nurture, matter and energy so cannot position nothing and everything accurately because nothing and everything has 6 levels each apart from 'nothing' and 'everything' being unique entities themselves maintaining originality of form). So, there is a total of 26 Alphabets to learn in studying what it means to be human (a humane being). Our Ashoka chakra (liberation from grief-based routines) requires 12 + 12 visible and invisible levels and nothing and everything as unchanging forms (where A and Z are akin to am and aha of Indian language vowel schema), so 7 of nothings and everythings hold the visible 12s called Reality, which is divine masculine and divine feminine's vesica pisces of Sacred Geometry fame - MITI BayBe (my Enterprise's Logo) - so is also any person who has a body that is human with 12 organ systems. Reality is soo much better than fantasy!🙂 The 12 Brains is the layers of Tree bark formed over the years while we contemplated on normal, ordinary, harmonious living dynamics systematically observed of human experiences. The specific value points constituting the 12 Brains sift and change as the fabric of time and space heals, which necessitates a redistribution of value points across the basket weave of our 12 Brains to now support the 'new normal.' Do watch our spaces across different media for how our support may be appreciated.
We serve 'truth' values as food for thought based on truth mathematics/cosmic mathematics. It helps to enable doing the right things so people can produce and maintain time-sustainable products. MITI World is a schooling Wall-Mart based out of MITI Kitchen (our Cookery at the centre of our personal earth from where Sita, Parvathi and Saraswati in conjunction with their Partners as Mookaambika bakes products of conception as medicinal food for thought to get beyond the pandemic of violence where MITI BayBe (our Logo) represents our visible version of Mookaambika; it just makes sense to have a working Adam-Eve God-Devil combo to balance the opposites and keep MITI World sane!} Just pick something off walls on our social media windows and take a byte. Just make sure to down it with some water and fresh vegetables; they go well together. Being a Kitchen-based scalar Enterprise, we are always Work-in-Progress in spawning oxygenating news. MITI BayBe is the mother of all media from being the mother of fishes (vesica pisces) and can only teach how to fish so we have #humanityacrossboundaries by vesica pisces, not give away fish you see? No give and take except money equivalent to 'know'ledge towards 'fish' - it's the governing dynamics for being and becoming a humane being. We wouldn't have begun to become humane until we begin learning to breathe healthier naturally, is what we found over the years, and healthier natural breathing is what maintains the stupidity of the human race in a world working towards Artificial General Intelligence? Nah! Original Humane Intelligence O(H)I - Oh! i.🙂
This is one of the posters that got us thinking and lead us to addressing the concern through what this Enterprise provides: Original Humane Intelligence Facilitation✨
This Poster and another one that said we should try the market for being a good human being where there is a huge deficit.
"How to be Human."
Humans have 12 brains and then have shva and sa to hold them all together.
Originality comes after sanitisation of what you have. That's also how we address natural stupidity so intellect becomes intelligent.
'Natural stupidity' comes from eons of violence that have left a lot of us anaesthetised to life. The pandemic has also left brain fog and similar side effects in our midst so 'anaesthesia' perhaps makes more sense in this context. Awakening from this anaesthesia a.k.a. poornapragna through a stage-wise process is called enlightenment. Visit our 5th Planet (DharmaPada For SoulSatisfaction™️) to know some of the stages involved in this awakening.
Our Logo, MITI BayBe, represents a humane being a.k.a human being having an ennobling up'right' poise and is an in-dust-realist scalar boson. Our's is a BayBe-making History'nHerStory-moving home-based family Enterprise.🙂
It's all about normal, ordinary, humane living based on ConScience - the Classical (time-sustained) Tradition Of Life a.k.a Sanatana Dharma.
We call our Logo, MITI BayBe. Why, what, how, when will all be found on the About Page on this website.🙂
We adopted the Care Model of Business. We made it our business as care'ers to Care Enough about living humanely through Swabhiman {respect, honour and dignity} from 'i'land Terabithiya in having #humanityacrossboundaries! We sell unobtainium of 'nothing' in lovebytes made from absolute-technology at affordable price. Come fill your tanks if you are in short supply of #TrueLove.
Take a peek into MITI World Map. Everybody starts at some point on the journey of becoming MITI BayBe; maybe your being here marks the beginning of your's on this journey? Head here to locate your gateway and the pathway you have from this gateway towards having Meristem Intelligence. It is a prerequisite in being able to live in Terabithiya - your personal 'i'land in the moment of the present from where origins/springs life from the wellth of the moment in solving the problems of the present. This is where future-ready humane beings are forming in leading people to the final frontier in human evolution - original intelligence. That's, basically, what sanatana dharma or the timeless Tradition Of Life is all about. Benefits accrue over time! 🙂
What is Meristem Intelligence?
Let's say it is the intelligence required to be a humane being and that it is something that we don't already know. That is the simple answer. Meristem Intelligence is from the realm of the unknowable, which is a realm that is beyond what we already know or could know exists due to several reasons. Do watch the .ppt below for a problem with explaining the complex answer. We are working on better ways to explain this concept simply. Our intellect is a system of words, sounds, symbols, images by which meanings are encapsulated. Meanings in different intensities also form belief systems, and within these belief systems are limits and delimits in understanding what could be and couldn't be hitherto. Meanings in required flavour and depth is also what is required for appropriate conceptual understanding but our human bodies already know something that our intellect needs to catch up with, and it is not limited to words. Meristem Intelligence has a language that includes the language of the humane body, which is body intelligence that is nonverbal as well as verbal that includes words but is not limited to words. It is a language that has a human intellect become humane. Each of us have a set of words that form our personal vocabulary consistent with our repertoire of exposure to concepts. We don't know what we are not exposed to. Communication becomes challenged by the difference in semantic repertoire and experience repertoire between people. Hence, complex and unfamiliar concepts are having to take some time getting conveyed so that value is appreciated. In other words, our intellect has gotten so diverse that depth is unable to be conveyed as value, especially when something new that no body has hitherto been able to think of is being conveyed. Also, Meristem Intelligence®️is having to move at snail-pace in conveying the value implicit in this Work because our intellect works based on words and the grammar between our words have violence, and we are bringing nonviolence into our language, and that takes time. Also, our body does not require words, but we have a difficulty associating with our body without words to identify parts, experiences and impressions. Meristem Intelligence is experiential intelligence, meaning the intelligence develops from words making sense through the faculty of experience, and experience happens in the tissue-body. Meaning, if the hardware (tissue-body) is not primed enough to accommodate a software/information technology in a computer, updated software/information cannot be installed. Our Intellectual Quotient cannot grow into Intelligence Quotient until our tissue-body hardware gets updated into accommodating latest technology. Meristem Intelligence®️ is latest technology based on Shoonya or Nothing, while even our computers are based on 0-1 technology. Our body, as the original organic computer ever made, is having to get upgraded so the latest original intelligence for humans a.k.a manvanthara becomes accommodatable. The latest technology is nonviolence-based, by the way. While our body is having to learn nonviolence while our economical experience is 0-1 based (older version of nonviolence) from hitherto conditioned experiences of living, which has been subtly violence-based due to whatsoever reasons, the combination of sensory and intellectual challenge from exposure to hitherto unfamiliar levels of nonviolence takes time getting used to. Nirbeeja Yoga®️ helps cover these deficits but it takes regular exposure and engagement by individuals and collectives to experience the benefit of humane technology and to see societal benefits from such nonviolent way of living. The best is yet to be; the Best is in the making! You are in the making, so begin now and be a Leader of the Pack! You begin to see solutions to problems most people don't know exists!
The information contained in this video may be new and sometimes difficult to comprehend if watched at one stretch. It is recommended to watch for a while, go about your daily familiar activities, and come back here when you are ready for some more newer food for thought. Your intellect, then, will be able to digest the information better and dash the dots over time. Just make sure to add fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables and sufficient water to your daily diet as Meristem Intelligence®️ is nonviolent vegetarian food for thought and our economy has a mix of vegetarian and non-vegetarian consumers working on 0-1 technology so our physiology needs to go through some organic physiological reconditioning/relearning to rehabilitate enough to accommodate nonviolence-based technology.
The matter presented here may also undergo change (in nomenclature, 'language,' order, degree of truthvalue or even content-matter) as this Enterprise is always Work-in-Progress and newer ideas/discoveries change the landscape sometimes quite significantly in explaining the subject, presentation and the 'how,' like any field of study. What parents had studied during their schooldays may be different from what their children study as new discoveries change how information is conveyed, and what we do with how things are perceived today than they could be earlier. It is not anybody's fault; they just could not discover something before some technologies became available. Learn to recognise valuepoints (dots). Stay curious and keep your radar open, mindful for truthvalues in updated information.
The matter presented here may also undergo change (in nomenclature, 'language,' order, degree of truthvalue or even content-matter) as this Enterprise is always Work-in-Progress and newer ideas/discoveries change the landscape sometimes quite significantly in explaining the subject, presentation and the 'how,' like any field of study. What parents had studied during their schooldays may be different from what their children study as new discoveries change how information is conveyed, and what we do with how things are perceived today than they could be earlier. It is not anybody's fault; they just could not discover something before some technologies became available. Learn to recognise valuepoints (dots). Stay curious and keep your radar open, mindful for truthvalues in updated information.
Meristem Intelligence is like the Elephant in the above analogy. Degree of sensory awareness and experiences with concepts is likely to make understanding difficult. As you go through the content on this website and on other social media where Meristem Intelligence® regularly posts, 'a-ha!' moments are likely to dot 'enlightenment.' Over time, the dots dash and the Elephant/Dinasaur/Multiverse that MITI World is would be more easily seen.
Meristem Intelligence is what it takes to be in nonviolent wholesomizing waltz between the essential imperfectly perfect and perfectly imperfect truth that is integral with the design that is the Whole in such a way that the micro and macro wholesomizes correspondingly in a relationship that is mutually respectful, nurturingly ennobling and trustingly blind in commitment. To a human being, it is like a marriage with Life through the fact of having a body as the primary relationship and all other relationships being part of the body-family {#EarthFamily}.
We call it the Standard Model of Classical Mystery (updated on 21-Feb-2024) or the conscience (conglomerate science) of sanatana dharma!
(It has become overtime what we call, 'Standard Model of Classical Government' by governing dynamics that maintain health of silence, stillness and nothing so sounds, movements and everything that has silence, stillness and nothing as base becomes healthier, wealthier, wiser. Updated on 23-Dec-2023)
Here's a synopsis into it. (It is work-in-progress, of course, but something to think about or maybe have a laugh about? Nevertheless, it is here you read about it first. It is completely unedited first draftish and will be edited over time as deemed appropriate, as is rest of just about everything in MI World. After all, perfection is said to be an iterative process and we are always Work-in-Progress from a person-centric model of the universe.)
The classical model of standard physics has Shiva-Parvathi in Shivaratri, as in constant creation, at the centre from which emerge strings to and from the periphery, like a nucleus is related to cell membrane (string theory?). The particles electromagnetically maintain tension amongst the 36 chambers between sphenoid and tail between the 36 fundamental particles that maintain the universe at its core that has both particles and antiparticles, and the protoplasm between the core and periphery are maintained by Higgs, Biggs and Hygge bosons in progressively maintained health by the taandavam of Nataraja or the ShriYantra formed by the dynamic relationship between Shiva and Parvathi maintained by Sati and Rudra always in nuclear fission and Shiva and Parvathi in nuclear fusion, the balance between the two maintaining stability a.k.a. Chitta/commonsense with the centre being always alight like Sun and periphery of core being dark like Moon and the egg that is this construct or kushmaanda yolk'd/yoked by Hygge bosons formed from the balance in fission-fusion with Higgs bosons present if fission takes upper hand causing entropy and Piggs bosons present if fusion takes upper hand causing dystrophy. The tetragrammaton formed from the four is common sense a.k.a MITI BayBe or vescica pisces at the microcosm which when expressed in stability forms the four sentinel pillars of meristem intelligence - MITh, Connect., D4S, NY - as would also be four walls of a house as a macrocosm for which the microcosm needs to be functioning appropriately in the 'me' of a person as a cell/ovum who has sperm incorporated to form the human body as the smallest unit of a society and which cell is fractal contiguous with the macrocosm represented by sacred geometry with the world outside as the the 36 chambers of commerce that becomes ecological when the microcosm is maintained in truelove balance and moving per e=mc2 @ 0.1 at 0.5 per developmental phase of progress and which is of 10% of the 1% of the 100% in similar fractals for stable evolutionary movement through spacetime fabric.
The classical model of standard physics has Shiva-Parvathi in Shivaratri, as in constant creation, at the centre from which emerge strings to and from the periphery, like a nucleus is related to cell membrane (string theory?). The particles electromagnetically maintain tension amongst the 36 chambers between sphenoid and tail between the 36 fundamental particles that maintain the universe at its core that has both particles and antiparticles, and the protoplasm between the core and periphery are maintained by Higgs, Biggs and Hygge bosons in progressively maintained health by the taandavam of Nataraja or the ShriYantra formed by the dynamic relationship between Shiva and Parvathi maintained by Sati and Rudra always in nuclear fission and Shiva and Parvathi in nuclear fusion, the balance between the two maintaining stability a.k.a. Chitta/commonsense with the centre being always alight like Sun and periphery of core being dark like Moon and the egg that is this construct or kushmaanda yolk'd/yoked by Hygge bosons formed from the balance in fission-fusion with Higgs bosons present if fission takes upper hand causing entropy and Piggs bosons present if fusion takes upper hand causing dystrophy. The tetragrammaton formed from the four is common sense a.k.a MITI BayBe or vescica pisces at the microcosm which when expressed in stability forms the four sentinel pillars of meristem intelligence - MITh, Connect., D4S, NY - as would also be four walls of a house as a macrocosm for which the microcosm needs to be functioning appropriately in the 'me' of a person as a cell/ovum who has sperm incorporated to form the human body as the smallest unit of a society and which cell is fractal contiguous with the macrocosm represented by sacred geometry with the world outside as the the 36 chambers of commerce that becomes ecological when the microcosm is maintained in truelove balance and moving per e=mc2 @ 0.1 at 0.5 per developmental phase of progress and which is of 10% of the 1% of the 100% in similar fractals for stable evolutionary movement through spacetime fabric.
Professionals alert!
The following are 36 skillsets that humans seem to be engaging in. Check out which skillsets you most have and ponder on what you would like to get better at so that your intellect becomes intelligently humanely fluid as you learn to solve problems in the world that we already share spoils and benefits of. The more number of problems you are able to solve, better goes your placement in the schema of things called Reality!🙂
Artists (creativity people)
Nurses (doctors, healthcare professionals)
Doulas (pediatricians)
Midwives (learners, bakers, fabric conditioners, masseuse, prostitutes, dancers)
Decorators (designers)
Architects (infrastructure designers, engineers, construction contractors, landscapers, builders)
Mechanics (people who work on engines and process projects)
Reporters (journalists, news people)
Cooks (kitchen and food people)
Hosts (hospitality people)
Gardeners (farmers, plant growing people)
Managers (homemakers, networking and HR people)
Entrepreneurs (starters, entertainers, using media)
Weavers (threads and fabricators, including storytellers, yogis and community'cating people)
Cleaners (detoxifiers, clog-removers)
Timekeepers (MC's, watchers, coordinators)
Financiers (investors, funders, bankers)
Peacekeepers (meditators, mediators, advocates, prayers, reposers, nonviolence promotors)
Steeples (mountaintop-holders, icons-of-note inspirers)
Healers (shadow and death-workers, resurrecting people)
Politicians (policy-makers for insurance of life-health)
Stabilisers (priests, chair-holders, ordained people)
Healthifiers (evolutionists, wholesomizers)
Soldiers (civilians, citizens, daily-wage workers, defence/police/military people, loan-recovery people, terrorists - immunity people)
Accountants (documenters)
Software developers
Analysts (data scientists)
Distributors (retailers, postman services, grocery suppliers)
Transporters (vehicle-based services)
Linguists (grammarians, calligraphers, mnemonics, coders)
Calculators (psychometrists, mathematicians, alchemists, metallurgists)
Gurkhas (night owls/nightshifters)
Mouse/Rats (archeologists, diggers, miners, mountaineers, spies)
Nurses (doctors, healthcare professionals)
Doulas (pediatricians)
Midwives (learners, bakers, fabric conditioners, masseuse, prostitutes, dancers)
Decorators (designers)
Architects (infrastructure designers, engineers, construction contractors, landscapers, builders)
Mechanics (people who work on engines and process projects)
Reporters (journalists, news people)
Cooks (kitchen and food people)
Hosts (hospitality people)
Gardeners (farmers, plant growing people)
Managers (homemakers, networking and HR people)
Entrepreneurs (starters, entertainers, using media)
Weavers (threads and fabricators, including storytellers, yogis and community'cating people)
Cleaners (detoxifiers, clog-removers)
Timekeepers (MC's, watchers, coordinators)
Financiers (investors, funders, bankers)
Peacekeepers (meditators, mediators, advocates, prayers, reposers, nonviolence promotors)
Steeples (mountaintop-holders, icons-of-note inspirers)
Healers (shadow and death-workers, resurrecting people)
Politicians (policy-makers for insurance of life-health)
Stabilisers (priests, chair-holders, ordained people)
Healthifiers (evolutionists, wholesomizers)
Soldiers (civilians, citizens, daily-wage workers, defence/police/military people, loan-recovery people, terrorists - immunity people)
Accountants (documenters)
Software developers
Analysts (data scientists)
Distributors (retailers, postman services, grocery suppliers)
Transporters (vehicle-based services)
Linguists (grammarians, calligraphers, mnemonics, coders)
Calculators (psychometrists, mathematicians, alchemists, metallurgists)
Gurkhas (night owls/nightshifters)
Mouse/Rats (archeologists, diggers, miners, mountaineers, spies)
Schooling with a difference.
MITI World is really a school-based restaurant {rest'aurant}.
We are fishing humans out of the brackish waters of unmindfulness ('kaalapani') and making gold/lotus people out of them while resting through normal ordinary moments of living. We, basically, boil the hell out of hell and heaven out of heaven regularly through Nirbeeja Yoga®️ that's at the heart of our practices so Power dynamics give way to Wower dynamics and people are able to be normal ordinary harmonious humane beings.
The world is waiting for the next big thing. Come unwrap your's.🙂
Food for thought, anybody? Lots of it coming your way. In fact, maybe you'll find some in and between words! Munch on something crunchy, will ya? You are gonna need it! We are a bit of a badass in making the world a better place! You never know from which way comes our next new curveball in giving you your next new thought!🙂
New is Here! (pun intended)
This Section here has a lot of news, literally and figuratively. You may never have seen something quite like this ever, though some things may be familiar and some evokes nostalgia! It like a buffet of best practices from all around the world across time and space. So, buckle your seatbelts and get ready to scroll! 🙂
The Basix is like the underwear. You wear one, you keep it well up and in the right fit, you sing like Tarzan! The king of your own jungle!
You then, of course, need to behave such that everyone in your jungle is well taken care of and you continue to be regarded as the king of your jungle.
That’s why we have Three programs in offer. It is kind of like - a collateral, interdisciplinary, multifaceted education system that several keep complaining the absence of. We call it the Unifying Education or Integration. Keeps you young at heart, originally beautiful, a flower in the Garden of Life. The Garden, of course, is part of the Forest of Life!
Here’s the Goods we make.
Click on each image to read a whole lot of stuff about our little beasts of integrity. They are the ones that put the zing in anyone’s life. We call such life, MITI Life. It’s a MITI Advantage! Your life-sustaining evolutionary organic advantage!🙂
Our body is the vehicle in which we journey through life. Like a vehicle, our body needs servicing. Bigger the Performer you are, more the servicing for maintaining who you are and who you need to be in accomplishing what you came into existence for.
Three servicing programs (Services) in offer in maintaining your body-vehicle.
Click your best fit.
Click your best fit.
From Nothing to Everything
Foundational yoga during activities of daily livingSimply put, Nirbeeja Yoga®️ is the slow track of the fast track that is Meristem Intelligence Therapy, which is the fast track of the slow process of ennobling evolution of the soul through lifetimes.
Put even more simply, Nirbeeja Yoga®️ cleans your breath of life, which is a person's animating principle within the body, such that the essential oils of a person gets cleaner. When the oils are cleaner, the oils uncloud the clarity of water/conscience. This 'water' is in sync per clarity with the Ocean of Consciousness. When the 'waters' are clear and essential oil is clear, the light of love within shines through easier as the breaths come together without clashes/'kleshas' from gunk or impurities, like a Lotus that blooms risen above the dirty water body it was born into in the middle of everything. It just becomes easier to care enough about everything in your life. Gunk buildup within our different layers is why violence (both legalised and illegalized) has been part of human culture thus far. Gunk biodegradably organically out and pristine clear love-care becomes the central freshwaters of everyday living. This is how you be 'still as a lake' (asana), 'peacefully silent' (pranayama) and 'meditatively thoughtless' (dhyana). And this happens while you go about your activities of daily living, in biodynamicstillnesses! You become a humane being.🙂 This is also how you clean the fabric of time and space that is your body by photosynthesis {dynamically detraumatize, come to virginal originality like virgin coconut oil and create life-sustainable values by your inner light} and behave like a tree in the Garden/Forest of Life! Unstuck and ongoingly learn to honorably unmesh/untangle who you are from your environments, crowds and past life histories so you have clarity of mind from your 'essential oil' getting desilted. With your body-vehicle lubricated by cleaner oil with your waters crystal-clear scintillating with the light within and without, your soul-potential diffuses through as your soul gets purer and heart guilt-free such that it becomes easier to voice out the truth and live life in truth, like a baby happy to be alive and tinkering with all that is around as play things to create from in this biggg cocoon of a world called Reality! You, then, create originals and live a MITI Life! Become a nicer loveable person as you increasingly come to living in the present moment, rather than surviving. Get restored. Liberate. Make better the Breath of Life. |
(Therapeutic form of
Your path of truth to becoming your best version EVER!Find your path when clueless, discover your soul-caliber, find the problem that you are born to be a solution for, tame your beast, bloom and shine in your own light - restedly restless in SoulSatisfaction - as you make your universe a better place to live in.
#Swabhiman |
Now, these 3 Programs are more presented here as 3 separate offerings, but really it is all part of one Journey - your becoming. Like mentioned earlier, things work slightly differently here. Click here for a better overview of what is happening here in MITI World for facilitating Meristem Intelligence.
MITI Kitchen is always at Work. Here's what we are serving right now.🙂
This is a screensnap of MITI School. We are working on developing an online Course for Noninflammatory Presence right now. The idea is to be able to use nothing to protect ourselves from inflammatory agents in maintaining health and higher qualities of living.
Major Update: The Course name has been deemed appropriate to be changed from 'anti-inflammatory presence' to 'noninflammatory presence' because the 'anti' suggests a defense-offense stance to immunity, which is definitely NOT how we see healthy immunity to be. In our paradigm of humane organic living, healthy immunity is other-than-defense/offense and hence akin to nonviolence, as opposed to anti-violence. Thank you for your kind attention to this important detail.
Pre-sales Page is up for our Course. Do click the Button below for the link.
Since PayPal presently cannot accept payments from Indian Customers, we are having to manually enrol Students into the Course with a PayU payment gateway. Do let us know through WhatsApp on 7619302221 if interested. Tnx.
Psst: The Path is already laid; all you have to do is walk it. (If you don't know where your Path is or how to walk it, head over to MI Map Page.)
Join the Care Enough movement. This is where we
The Humane Body Project
We have a human body but rarely talk about our body as our first home from a subjective, personal experience point of view without feeling shy, embarrassed, shameful, apologetic or even as a secret. We would, easier, talk about heart, lungs, brain, joints, skin when they have problems or pain, certainly not our genitals. We do not want to draw attention to our own bodies though we do like to take care of our 'body' healthily and do healthy things, as though taking care of an instrument - impersonally. We can talk about 'a' human body as though an object (impersonal) or as a thing to be dealt with or spoken about. We even refer to our body as 'it.' Our object-like regard of our body leads also to abuse of different kinds, like we would a phone or any object that can be 'used.' Such regard shows up as oppression, suppression, and several of the manifestations of the Drama Triad {please scroll up to see a diagrammatic representation of the Drama Triad}.
The Humane Body Project is an attempt to bridge the gap between regarding our bodies and that of other's as objects or instruments versus the organic, drop of the Ocean of Consciousness, home to experience love and life from that our human bodies are. Humane bodies. Bridinging this gap is most likely going to heal the sociocultural and economic differences engendered by treating our bodies like objects. A humane regard of our bodies is likely to engender nonviolence, harmony and happiness from our ability to comfortably be at home with our own bodies as our first home that houses our soul; the brick and mortar house being the second home.
The Humane Body Project is an attempt to bridge the gap between regarding our bodies and that of other's as objects or instruments versus the organic, drop of the Ocean of Consciousness, home to experience love and life from that our human bodies are. Humane bodies. Bridinging this gap is most likely going to heal the sociocultural and economic differences engendered by treating our bodies like objects. A humane regard of our bodies is likely to engender nonviolence, harmony and happiness from our ability to comfortably be at home with our own bodies as our first home that houses our soul; the brick and mortar house being the second home.
MyStory Project
We, each, have a life story on how we came to be who we are, what worked, what did not work, what did not work as well as we would have liked them to have. We have blessings to count and complaints/blames for why things happened the way they did or not. We still have a role to play in the schema of things, no matter what we have, who we are, where we live. What we do today with what we have affects those around us and also our own lives, and what the future shows up as from what we choose to do today. We author our own lives by the choices we make today, in this moment, on what we would rather do than anything else. We can change the course of our lives and move History/Herstory for the better from what we rather choose to do today. MyStory Project is about enabling, supporting, connecting, living such that our choices today makes better the present, heals whatever discomfort came about from the past and enable imagining/dreaming about a better future without fear/anger/sorrow/joy/disgust/unknowns engendered from the past.
We are on WhatsApp on these specific Groups. The above Projects take shape in these Groups with specific activities and exclusive benefits and MITI Advantages. The Projects have playout in several spheres but these Groups are where interested people can come together and join actively in the Care Enough movement. Just click on the links below from your phone to get direct entry into the Group of choice. Do join.🙂
We're on Radio! Aakaashavaani Terabithiya!
Our other value-consumption points around the world!
If you have a difficulty choosing, write to us on the Contact Form below or WhatsApp at 7619302221. Tnx.
Meristem Intelligence is the science of sanatana dharma or the Timeless Tradition of Life as understood in the 21st Century. Our definitions and practices bridge the gaps between Known and Unknown.
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You would find further key principles on becoming a Patron. Get exclusive discounts, early access to content, collections of select posts and Articles published in different Media in one place plus active interactions found no where else!
Patronship is like being a share-market investor. You get collateral benefits.
In associating with Meristem Intelligence®, everything that can go right will go right.
The longer you are invested in here with us, better are the returns.
"I felt better after them, better in the sense of more connected to the present. The sessions helped me integrate things I rejected before."
"I never experienced such an engagement from any kind of bodywork therapist and this gave me the feeling to be in very safe hands. :)"
~ Mayden
~ Mayden
"The sessions are a gift one can get! I feel and believe the service that Bitha is providing should be availed by everybody. Please Keep up the good work."
~ Ravi
~ Ravi
"I feel de-stressed, better relaxed with new clearings for new thought processes happening effortlessly. Relaxed."
~ Swapna
~ Swapna
"In the first place I must always be grateful to you making me capable to get rid of some difficult issues. Thank you so much. I recall your help each and every moment and day in my life."
~ Veena
~ Veena
"The experience was once in a lifetime one. You will need to go through the process to understand it. A must do recommend therapy."
~ Vipin
~ Vipin
There is a clue here, in the series below, on what the Journey of your arrival in your Universe would involve. It is not the obvious. It is kind of like Alice-in-Wonderland meets Harry Potter meets Journey through the center of the Earth meets The Matrix meets Jumanji meets Pirates of the Caribean meets Lord of the Rings meets The Alchemist as you arrive at Terabithiya, which is the game-changer :). If you sign up, make sure to buckle up for an adventure that may not be found in any of the movies but would certainly have you feel Life to be a virtual game as you arrive at your Kingdom or Queendom as the case may be. Bon Voyage!
Dear Earthmate,
For now, I'll let these inspired people, who through the wisdom of their intelligence, created songs and videos across time and space that, coincidentally, speak for me on what I do. Turns out that these people over time and space have all been saying and doing things that nicely leads up to what I am doing through my work, and hence are contributors. The least that I can do is to have them speak their work; the best that I can do is to elucidate what they have been also attempting to say through their Work, the way I can see it. Beauty, afterall, lies in the eyes of the beholder. I am only dashing the dots and adding some of my own to the chain of Life that goes all the way back to our ancestors from whence Life began and, dedicatedly, to the Health of Life to come henceforth, for Life happens in the privilege of the Present.
Why am I doing this? Ubuntu. It is African for "I am because we are." I discovered I cant really be happy without all of us being truly happy. (Trust me. I have tried.) I discovered that while I could be happy by myself, when in presence of other people with various levels of well-being, I become less happy and I did not like that. I figured if I need to be happy no matter where I am, everybody would need to get to a level of happiness so that I dont keep going through a roller coaster about my sense of wellness depending on who is around me. I also discovered that we Earthmates are really one BIG family. That we are genetically all meshed up and that our country-based boundary scruffles and bloody wars are just one big not-so-funny historically repeating ongoing lament that you can only laugh about with complete lack of mirth in it, which is the exact opposite of what a laugh should be. If I can do anything about stopping that pattern, I will; I am on it. I discovered one more thing - we may just be a bit entangled in our soul and hence a bit stuck, like a Lego puzzle constructed somehow/anyhow, and THAT is the real reason we tend to get unhappy. That, in fact, we have a difficulty tolerating happiness (!) and need to relearn how to be happy and maintain being happy.
It is only people who do who need maintenance. If you are someone who does a lot, you need more maintenance. So, I help teachers, mentors, coaches, caretakers, therapists, entrepreneurs, leaders, managers, students, artists, homemakers, explorers become their best version yet by getting them destressed and maintained in their optimal health, untangle their stucknesses, and come to be living fully in the Present so that they can maintain being on their path of Soul-satisfied happiness AND be the one BIG ball of life that we Earthlings together truly are!
Life is kind of a Hotel California - you can check out at any time but you can never leave - kind of like the movie, The Groundhog Day! (My method actually gets you through the process that the man in the video goes through so you become enlightenedly wise such. It is kind of a slow fast-track). You might as well make the most of it by living your grand BIG dream of your life while you are alive. Life is really such a precious privilege. (Lets get started!)
May you care enough to do something to make things better about what you care and pass on the kindness received. This is really all I am doing.
For the miles in genuine smiles and for generations to come..
Peace, Grace and Flow.
Gently, kindly, mindfully,
Bitha Sadanandan.
It is only people who do who need maintenance. If you are someone who does a lot, you need more maintenance. So, I help teachers, mentors, coaches, caretakers, therapists, entrepreneurs, leaders, managers, students, artists, homemakers, explorers become their best version yet by getting them destressed and maintained in their optimal health, untangle their stucknesses, and come to be living fully in the Present so that they can maintain being on their path of Soul-satisfied happiness AND be the one BIG ball of life that we Earthlings together truly are!
Life is kind of a Hotel California - you can check out at any time but you can never leave - kind of like the movie, The Groundhog Day! (My method actually gets you through the process that the man in the video goes through so you become enlightenedly wise such. It is kind of a slow fast-track). You might as well make the most of it by living your grand BIG dream of your life while you are alive. Life is really such a precious privilege. (Lets get started!)
May you care enough to do something to make things better about what you care and pass on the kindness received. This is really all I am doing.
For the miles in genuine smiles and for generations to come..
Peace, Grace and Flow.
Gently, kindly, mindfully,
Bitha Sadanandan.
If all of the above is a little on the heavy side, relax, sit back, sip a cup of something warm and consider the following with a bite at something nice.
USPs of this Enterprise
We make Bunty-Bubbly people {people who Mr.Rabbits the Wonderland and bubbles healthy products of contemplation}.
Cook a masterpiece of a Life worth a healthy-wealthy inheritance in the sands of time. You have the rice {life} and eat {enjoy} it too!
Be the mighty i that makes the difference that matters the difference!
Nataraja Travels for a string-science existence from centre of everything
Peace-islands bloom around wherever you walk; you hold the peace in place.
See makara vilakku from the comfort of your bodyhome and live an en'lightened' nonviolent life.
Hearth en'lightened' harmonious communities wherever you go where people just huddle around and talk 'love'abling things.
You may be experiencing a bit of metabolic workout from just reading this material. Happens to the best of us. It is part of how this Work is designed. It takes some effort to understand this, which in and of itself is workout. Good for intellect becoming intelligent! Grab a cup of water to sip along. You are likely to get healthier by the time you finish understanding some bit of the material presented in here that may be of interest to you at this point in time.
Watch this video below for a minute. It is gonna help relax your nerves and healthify your imagination. Good for cooling your emotions a bit!
Just to make things a little more clear, Meristem Intelligence as a concept is 'rocket science.' It is going to take some time to get one or maybe even groups of people to get their heads, bodies, breadth {bandwidth} around this, and then their bodies would follow. Please take your time about appreciating the content here one bite-sized morsel at a time. It has taken years for us to begin to get what is that we have been trying to sell. It is going to take a while before you get it but it’s okay to move one tiny step at a time as long as you are started on the journey of becoming nonviolently humane. We haven’t been EarthFamily in a long time due to one reason or the other but then that’s the opportunity in being alive today; we can move history for the better! One step at a time, one moment at a time, one breath at a time 🙂.
You may practice a bit on to get your synapses exercised a bit. It will help in putting things together and seeing what you have differently.
What is missing is present by its absence and absent by its presence, you see?
MI Way IS the highway!
A person is the smallest unit of a society for within the constitution of a single person as a microcosm is the representation of the entire world a person sees and lives life from!
Maintaining a normal ordinary life in nonviolence by the true sense of the word must be the most difficult battleground there is, and the most industrious one. Look! It has taken us a whole Enterprise to just have peace and nonviolence in our domestic homes!..and we are soo far from where we want to get to but one person at a time is good enough; that's why we have the Logo we have!
Things look a little familiar here? Kind of like you have seen it elsewhere or you know of it, only presented in a new way, or that things are not presented the way you have known it?
That's because "Nothing" is different; "Nothing" is new!
Let's say Meristem Intelligence is the Timeless Tradition of Life or sanatana dharma clarified into simple consumable format (it is probably gonna take some time before you can digest this sentence so eat some fresh salad, drink some coconut water and room temperature water too and revisit this website every so often. You will get what we are talking about slowly depending on how fast your infoprocessing speed is; trust me most people dont get it at first few reads and it took us about 42 years to realise what we have been trying to sell, so it is okay if it takes time to get your head around this. Just dont be left behind). {Those who do, take time to get it that the Programs need to be registered into to get the value of what we are offering here. Artificial Intelligence has been ruling our lives so much that a lot of us organic beings have become artificial too, which is what the first poster on this Page talks about, and which this Enterprise is addressing so we really have an organic original humanely intelligent society. If you had to live a copy-paste of a life as lived by predecessors without thought, reasoning or commonsense, what is the use of you being amongst the living today? What value-addition does your life make to having a better healthier life for contemporaries and future generations? We know it takes time and that's why we are making online Courses so you can get it at your own developmental pace. Visit our School to know more.🙂}
Read and click through the above on what Meristem Intelligence is.🙂
Japanese call it tochinoshin - the conscience of one who stands as tall and brave {in faith of a Vision worth living for} as a tree in the Garden of Life..actually Forest of Life!
The more noninvasive {studious}, patient and nonviolent you get, better are the gifts, benefits and outcomes from the Programs here.
"As you sow, so do you reap." It is the law of Karma or Providence.
Those who are indirectly benefiting from our Works is paying the price for not Working with us directly!
"If you are not paying for the Product, you are the Product!"
The Ocean is wide and deep. How much water you get from it depends on how big your Intelligence Quotient (not Intellectual Quotient) is.
Here's the difference between the two.
(oops, Work-in-Progress. Will put this up soon.🙂)
The good news is that intelligence quotient can be improved, no matter what it is presently. That's why we have 4 Programs in Offer - Meristem Intelligence®️ Therapy, Nirbeeja Yoga®️, DharmaPada For SoulSatisfaction™️, Connect.™️
They are all for just one purpose - to help human beings evolve into the next stage of human evolution that we call a Humane Being. It is a MITI Advantage!
Our Work
'The Work' is a phrase perhaps first expressed by J.I. Gurdjieff in his Fourth Way method of living life. Our idea of 'The Work' is maintenance of the fabric of time and space conducive to healthy organic beautifying living. We hope you see our idea of 'The Work' as an inspiring Vision that you would want to invest your time, effort and energy in to find underlying meaning to buoy you up in all the activities you do. It, certainly, puts a light step to our feet as we contemplate 'what we would like to do today.' Our idea of Terabithiya matches how this 'fabric of time and space when maintained well enough' looks like. Incidentally, the idea of Kumandra in Raya and The last Dragon looks a bit like the 'all is well' space we have in mind in our MITI BayBe World. We think a lot of kids are born thinking such is the world they are born into until we 'adulls' pour a whole bunch of dour dull ideas into the young adult mind forcing them to 'synaptically prune' their MITI BayBe world into a tiny cuppy hole similar to the hole that most 'adulls' live in and call survival as living! The cause for natural stupidity being ignorance on how to maintain their bodily fabric of life because of which 'adulls' are living in a body unwashed of yesterday's or previous moment's impressions {like eating out of unwashed vessels or wearing dirty clothes day in day out} 'adulling' or corrupting their original fabric into less-than-optimal performance capabilities. It is like a machine designed for masterpiece work doing less than its capability. Imagine how a Company would work if its employees did suboptimal Work day in day out; wouldn't the Company want to lay off or bench the underperformers to optimise Project Profitability? Human Beings are like Almighty.Inc.'s pet Project; lots of potential in the design. MITI BayBe is providing training for how to optimise health, wealth and wisdom using nonviolence as the tool and 'nothing' as the how-to of everything for a sacred mathematical growth of humane beings. We call our how-to as Nirbeeja Yoga®️ for DharmaPada {walking the path of peace and truth}. We gotta be able to hold our head up against gravity and functioning in commonsense cum original health {ishvarapranidhana or original in-tension} to continue functioning as a human being, right?
A Humane Being is the new Human!
It is an evolutionary thing; it is the next stage in organic human evolution into a 'better human' being.
The content here is jam-packed with wisdom so much so that we struggle to dilute it enough for easy consumption. A thing of beauty is joy forever, you see? A good thing offers benefits over time; every time you interact with it, you get benefit(s). Every time you visit here or the Products of Meristem Intelligence®️, you get benefits as dashes that dot over time and dots that dash over time and you get healthy, wealthy and wise!
Here's what is not obvious..and is likely going to take some time getting to have an 'a-ha!' moment about:
Where you start in the Journey into MITI World from makes a difference in the experience you have at start, en route, and quality of experience. All roads lead to Terabithiya through MITI World but where you start, how you start, how you participate changes what you experience and how you experience what you experience and the longevity it takes to get to Terabithiya. What you sow, how you sow, so do you reap! Conversely, what you reap, how you reap, so do you sow. {What/how you participate is also how you procure material for your own initiatives; what/how material goes in is also seen in what comes out as your Produce. If good clean healthy material in, good clean healthy material out.}
If you would like to participate/contribute in this Cause but may not be ready yet to join a Program, we have a Pay-as-you-deem-fit portal called 'Donate.'🙂
Here's an idea to set the context for where to begin with this Work:
We, each, have a human body. The rhyme, "twinkle twinkle little star" also refers to the idea that we are, each, stardust born into this lifetime for a humane experience. Just like the lifecycle of a star, the galaxy, universe also has a life journey in the Multiverse. That's why we are said to be the microcosm of the macrocosm. It is all in fractals. So, while we have telescopes, we also have microscopes. Just as there is the world and space outside where the stars and galaxies and universe exists, since we are also stardust, there is a light within us that bridges the white and black. Yogis call the world within as antaranga and the world outside as bahiranga. Just as within an atom there is a nucleus, within us is also 'star'dust. When we come home to our selves, we come home to the life journey of a stardust from nucleus to mother universe. The development in the internal world is mirror to that of external world, i.e. the order of nature is reversed in the internal world vi’s-a-vi’s external. In external world, mother universe gives rise to universe from which mother galaxy forms from which baby galaxies form from which stars develop that give rise to stardust. So, there could be galaxydust and universedust too in the cosmos from which the qualities of a human being comes to be when the microcosm that is us lives congruent with the macrocosm. In the internal world, stardust becomes star becomes galaxy becomes universe {personal universe} in the Multiverse depending on internal integrity that is consistent with the law of existence {poornamada poornamidam poornaath poornamudacchyathe | Poornasya poornamaadaaya poornamevaa vashishyathe |}. Greater the degree of push-pull, greater is the violence of harmonious congenial development and, hence, the ability to last the test of time. When a person's existence is based on wholesomeness and bettering the whole, the whole becomes better and the person grows as the beasts implicate in sacred geometry. You become a humane being.
Why all this talk? The video above talks about the Great Nothing. The Great Nothing has resonance with the sense of nothing within a person, that Vedic mathematics and gematria and sacred geometry call as shoonya - nothing - as the common basis for everything. Being able to be in nothing enables a person to be in the macrocosm as its microcosm a.k.a. child of the Multiverse.
The longer you are invested in here, better are the returns.
Here's a fun fact, for example:
If you look closely, those are Daffodils. Daffodils are flowers who have a bell in their make-design. Unlike "who is going to bell the cat?," these already have a bell and so does the cat, actually. Can you hear it? If you can't, watch the movie, The Polar Express!🙂
Healthy imagination is one of the benefits in being invested in MITI World!
Here are some of our team members this season. We call it Healthy Imagination at Work!
Organic Original Intelligence Facilitation
~ the organic intelligence that is privy to those born from an egg or seed
Human beings are a fine mix of seeds, eggs, and organic computing. We are upright organisms with feet on ground and head facing against gravity, and that presents a whole gamut of challenges in being human and what it means to be human. We found that a tiny gear helps evolving human beings to the next stage of evolution - a humane being.
It’s a beautiful world with everything connected to everything and that’s what makes Life Work, but we found that a tiny gear would help in evolving humanity to the place of peace, non-violence and harmony so that life works for everyone with a heart and respiratory rhythms. The clue is ‘nothing’ - no- thing. Just look around here and ‘nothing’ as we mean it will eventually make sense and be more 'have'able. That is when we begin to behave {be-have} as humane beings.
This nothing is what it takes to get to the other side of darkness and emerge original.
We, each, are the consequence of millions of years of evolution. In us, in our tissues, is the history of mankind - good and bad - in our pleasures and sorrows. This is how life came to us. Having life, being amongst the living, we have within us the ability to make things better from however they are, whatever may have been the past, to move Life forward - to evolve - individually and as a species, making the world a better place to live in for us and for those who share our planet-home. We are, afterall and beforeall, EarthFamily.
Let's interact and build a world that is worth living in ourselves, brings coexistent harmony with our contemporaries and in which future generations show up happy to be.
One step at a time, one breath at a time, one act of random kindness (ARK) at a time.
One step at a time, one breath at a time, one act of random kindness (ARK) at a time.
This Work puts a person right on top of their priority list, and that's a scary thing for most because it necessitates a 'me first' attitude, and that is what is required for a nobody or anybody to become a somebody that matters and changes history for the better. This is what it takes for Swabhiman - pride in being oneself (i - tude). Important for tochinoshin.
You are not alone or helpless as long as you are willing to do the right thing in righting a wrong. When you have a habit of doing the right thing, you become an instrument of love, changing history for the better and healing the world that is aching for some care.
Do you care enough to do the right thing? It really takes nothing but the exercise of your free will in the direction of solving a problem by the Winner's Triad rather than the Drama Triad.
Do you care enough to do the right thing? It really takes nothing but the exercise of your free will in the direction of solving a problem by the Winner's Triad rather than the Drama Triad.
Why Terabithiya?
Coz Terabithiya is the fabric of Life where original intelligence resides! Until a person is in Terabithiya, a person is not living, surviving mostly, and survival alone is the best recipe for disease and discomfort. You need survival, living and thriving for wellth and wealth and dashavatharification! It is 'rain' logic. {Going up and down dashimi and dashavathara cycles enough number of times until a person becomes soft like water.} "Be Water, my friend" advise-suggested Mr. Bruce Lee.
Here's the Road to Terabithiya
{Psst: You dont know this yet, but the moment you thought of checking this site {or said 'helo' to this more in About}, your journey has already begun into the world of Meristem Intelligence and SoulSatisfaction. The longer you are invested in MITI World, Fun as Work {or maybe Work as Fun} is certainly ahead! That's how we become humane beings!🙂}
A tip of wisdom:
Creating Humane Beings
Things may be slightly differently put here than you are used to. There is a reason for this - the codes of conduct is slightly different. It is designed to evolve human beings into humane beings. Good for building strong individuals with character and substance. Codes are like the alphabets of a language. Doing the right thing while having a scientific temperament with curiosity and interest saves much time, effort and energy put into becoming better become efficient and effective. Good for becoming a good child/student of your creator/teacher.
Living Life through unknown order {a.k.a Chaos} by non-violence
A small step for a person; a giant step for humankind
One step at a time. One moment at a time. One breath at a time.
This Enterprise has the old-world charm of a Finishing School with an Malayalee touch and the suburban Phoenician vintage in new-age superscience garb for sustainable evolution where slow is the new fast. Kinda like the horse and tortoise with hare being the Mr.Rabbit of Wonderland!
We are repairing the fabric of time and space that someone, somehow, for whatsoever reason tore, not unlike the Tapestry that had to be repaired for Order of Life to be restored in the Disney World movie, Brave.
'Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.' Pain is inevitable because there is something called 'growing up pain' and there is also pain from staying in the same place; choice is yours on which pain you would rather have. Suffering due to loss of money, time, effort, energy is optional once you discern which is worth spending them on versus not. Products and Programs created here are original and from the R&D of the entrepreneur. Most people do not know how to discern original from artificial and so could suffer loss of money, effort, time, energy from those who make copies of what is being spoken about or sold through this Enterprise. You can choose to contact the original creator of these Products and Services, and save yourself and your loved ones a lot of resources from being an Early-investor in our Programs coz we are Work-in-Progress Always. Just like a 'rolling stone gathers no moss,' being invested in a Work-in-Progress History-bettering Organisation that we are makes you a rolling stone that gathers no moss. Get smart and avail of the EarlyBird Offers in our Course. Like we have been saying since inception of this Enterprise, invest now, else it could get expensive later. We used to sell in Rupees; we are now selling in Dollars. Your future-self will thank you for the investment you made in yourself today.
'Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.' Pain is inevitable because there is something called 'growing up pain' and there is also pain from staying in the same place; choice is yours on which pain you would rather have. Suffering due to loss of money, time, effort, energy is optional once you discern which is worth spending them on versus not. Products and Programs created here are original and from the R&D of the entrepreneur. Most people do not know how to discern original from artificial and so could suffer loss of money, effort, time, energy from those who make copies of what is being spoken about or sold through this Enterprise. You can choose to contact the original creator of these Products and Services, and save yourself and your loved ones a lot of resources from being an Early-investor in our Programs coz we are Work-in-Progress Always. Just like a 'rolling stone gathers no moss,' being invested in a Work-in-Progress History-bettering Organisation that we are makes you a rolling stone that gathers no moss. Get smart and avail of the EarlyBird Offers in our Course. Like we have been saying since inception of this Enterprise, invest now, else it could get expensive later. We used to sell in Rupees; we are now selling in Dollars. Your future-self will thank you for the investment you made in yourself today.
The best kept secret in grace and beauty is out in the open for anybody to see, has always been, but the ones who see it are those who have the sense and sensibilities sane enough to see it. We help people have the sense and sensibilities necessary to appreciate it and live life as the children of the creators.
Watch the movie, The Silent Flute, to get a sense of the 'nothing' referred to in our Enterprise. It goes a bit further in that our body becomes the home from which the Mirror of Erised is recognised and then stepped beyond in coming home to the Mirror of Nothing as the still lake for nonviolence and harmonious organic ordinary {dharma-based} living.
Human intelligence is of, lets say, 3 kinds - concrete, fluid and crystalline. We need all 3 kinds; they each have specific function. How much of which makes the difference between intellect and intelligence.
Our intellect and intelligence is not fixed and stable. They are dynamic. They can be improved and developed, just like a muscle, with the right approach and tools.
A few exercises and simple tips goes a long way in having humane intelligence and commonsense cocreate a safe, nonviolent, fun, ennobling home for everybody.
It is a cacophony of sounds, images, information and philosophies on how to live life, and yet we survive our everyday moments of productivity and retire to bed hoping to do better the next day. There are codes, symbols and alphabets in learning the basics of healthy, happy, harmonious living so that your productivity is not just linear but cyclical, spherical and triangular! Lets call it a fantastic combination of sacred geometry, sacred algebra and sacred arithmetics that has a fine reconnection with our good old English alphabets.
As symbols and codes, alphabets made a world of difference in how the world is perceived and how the experience was expressed. From the expressions, newer worlds got created. We have the internet today from codes put together in newer combinations.
Basics never go out of vogue. Anything goes wrong? A good nice foundation in basics cushion and saves many a day. There are some important basics in living a humane life. We will cover them, discover some more, and learn/unlearn/relearn and get wiser. Let's have a life that Works for us, our ancestors, future generations and for all life at large! - a bit like systematic investment plan in self-improvement.
"Your serenity is based on taking responsibility without taking blame, and letting go without giving up." {A quote given by a Brahmakumari during the 14th PRCI Global Conclave where PRCI's motto is "Communication for a better world"}.
We cannot be done with thinking before thinking things through, you see?, not even the above quote.
That's our Lucky Motif! She shows MITI World how to win the race!
We take from everything, make something and return to everything something better! That's how we have been operating since quite some time. That's why we take some time to presence our masterpieces. Watchout for what's happening in our School. If you are not amazed, keep watching; most people cannot see a plant grow!
By the way, we used to sell our Products in Rupees; we are now selling in Dollars. So, some of the growth is visible.
{Ads and News Corner!}

The Pre-sales Offer Page for the Course titled, “Learn to have a Noninflammatory Presence using nothing in 6 months: A Beginner’s Guide to having nonviolent humane domestic experiences,” is up for Enrolling. If you haven't noticed already, we are a 'train'ing Enterprise; we help people become original so that they can create original things. Our Train starts onboarding at larger scale from this Course towards having more original humane beings who can create original things. If you dont know already, original things have in-built copyright privileges and that is the actual 'right' in civil jurisdiction terminology coz the Law stands firm on Dharma or Implicate Order and are principles by which just administration ensues, which is why the Kings used to be called a representative of the 'King of Kings' or Almighty Father {Poppy} as Kha/Space - the Father of All That There Is (Objective World) - where Almighty Mother (Mommy) is Kaa/Time - the Mother of All That There is (Subjective World).
Major Update: The Course name has been deemed appropriate to be changed from 'anti-inflammatory presence' to 'noninflammatory presence' because the 'anti' suggests a defense-offense stance to immunity, which is definitely NOT how we see healthy immunity to be. In our paradigm of humane organic living, healthy immunity is other-than-defense/offense and hence akin to nonviolence, as opposed to anti-violence. Thank you for your kind attention to this important detail.
Click the Button below for the link:
Major Update: The Course name has been deemed appropriate to be changed from 'anti-inflammatory presence' to 'noninflammatory presence' because the 'anti' suggests a defense-offense stance to immunity, which is definitely NOT how we see healthy immunity to be. In our paradigm of humane organic living, healthy immunity is other-than-defense/offense and hence akin to nonviolence, as opposed to anti-violence. Thank you for your kind attention to this important detail.
Click the Button below for the link:
Since PayPal presently cannot accept payments from Indian Customers, we are having to manually enrol Students into the Course with a PayU payment gateway. Do let us know through WhatsApp on 7619302221 if interested. We started Work on the Course in June and our Goal for the month was to have the Intro and one miniCourse ready to get started with. The Baby got big and sprouted small and big Courses all in different stages of development, so our Course is having a feast in the making with ingredients from at least all of these Courses, just like how our Enterprise came to be. Chip of the old Block. Those who register by the pre-sales Offer have the EarlyBird advantage of being part of the creative process, something which ready-to-consume Product Consumers may not have available. It is an advantage that our Connect.™️ (educative to create) Program makes available; kinda like on-the-job learning-training. It takes something to take out your money and Register into the Course. If you can do it, you have crossed a MITI hurdle in self-development coz this Course is History in the making coz a humane being of this kind has never come to be, like a fish who made that big move into becoming a land-dweller. We call the land Terabithiya, by the way. By investing time, effort and energy, including money, required in paying the asked Ticket-price, the journey begins already consistent with whose company you have invested. Benefits accrue over time, like systematic investment benefit. We, in MITI BayBe World, are Work-in-Progress. Always. 'A rolling stone gathers no moss' you see, so when you are associated with us, you get fresher too. It is called 'associative benefit.' It is a MITI Advantage🙂 available only to those who stay invested.
We have been saying this since the inception of the Enterprise - invest now, else it is going to get expensive. {We used to sell in Rupees; we are now selling our Products in Dollars.} Nonviolent humane beings make the difference that move history for the better. The future is already amidst us as tiny tots. The sooner you invest in becoming a humane being, better they become in being humane beings so you don't pay the price for not taking action NOW into becoming nonviolent and humane. It is a systematic investment plan; the sooner you invest, better are the short term and long term benefits.
We have been saying this since the inception of the Enterprise - invest now, else it is going to get expensive. {We used to sell in Rupees; we are now selling our Products in Dollars.} Nonviolent humane beings make the difference that move history for the better. The future is already amidst us as tiny tots. The sooner you invest in becoming a humane being, better they become in being humane beings so you don't pay the price for not taking action NOW into becoming nonviolent and humane. It is a systematic investment plan; the sooner you invest, better are the short term and long term benefits.
Also Also..
Our Podcast, link below, is hosting some important orientation Trainings for being able to live a normal ordinary organic life for whenever you choose to live on Earth and live nonviolently and humanely. These podcasts augment the Training being made available through our online Course above and School. Link to school available on Scroll on Programs {page}. Do join! The EarlyBird gets the benefit of being able to appreciate the beauty that is in living on Earth as an Earthian! It’s a MITI Advantage!
What is it that is always present and never gives way? What lasts the test of time? What is missing the presence of which would make a difference in the experience of living timelessly? These questions led MITI to answers encapsulated in a tiny gear.
The Programs are a spin-off from some Wheels. Here’s a basic form of the Gear. We call it shatkarmas or 6 basic dos. Scroll down for another of the Basix that run MITI world.
How you do each of these Basix makes a difference in how you experience peace, love, happiness, harmony, well-being, wealth, health.
Things are Work-in-progress here. Always. The Best is in the making; the Best is yet to be, you see? Research and Development is a way of living here.
The Products of Conception we offer in our Programs comes with collateral benefits..several of them..and gives dividends over time.
Imagination is said to be a sign of intelligence. Healthy imagination is one of the first benefits.
The longer you are invested here, better are the returns!
There are somethings that are always true, always work and never go wrong.
Here's a few key principles that makes MITI World go round
Food For Thought🙂
Healthy imagination is one of your first benefits from being invested in Meristem Intelligence®️
Patrons of this Work receive Patronship Benefits. You would find further key principles on becoming a Patron. The longer one is invested in here, better are the returns.
Become a Patron of this Work to know more MITI stuff, get exclusive discounts and offerings.🙂
The above images are originals, created by MITI people. We are able to make these and then put these up for public review and collateral spawning of ideas because we practice Nirbeeja Yoga®️🙂
You are the Soul of your Universe. Won't you take care of it?
If Life has somehow had you forget this fact, contact me and let's get you back on your path. Your Universe awaits your being at home with yourself, your body, and your life. Resistance causes persistence and clouding of vision. Acceptance causes pause in which change that betters can be seen.
Meristem Therapy (Meristem Intelligence®
Maintenance Therapy)
Your life-sustaining evolutionary Advantage!
Facilitation of Original Intelligence (commonsense!) through Meristem Intelligence Therapy
Meristem Intelligence Therapy is super advanced trauma care.
This method of trauma-healing dissolves preexisting trauma in the system and brings about increasing capacity of 'contained bandwidth' within with which to experience the movements of life without getting overwhelmed. Therapy combined with Nirbeeja Yoga helps to maintain the state of reduced-to-no chance of trauma depending on how well the practice of Nirbeeja Yoga is so that a person (you) could continue to live life in the present moment and in a state of inspired flow which is said to be the state from which inspired creativity comes. This helps to live an inspired life ongoingly.
Just as the physical body needs periodic maintenance through diet, exercise and cleaning to maintain health, mind and soul needs maintenance for overall well-being. Through my Work that I call Meristem Therapy, I help facilitate the initial conditions necessary to maintain the well of health from where good, nourishing life-sustaining wealth emerges by which you create a life that is most true to you and most inspiring to you to live by and thereby not only embody the life you come to be born into but create that which is the best version of your self and your life EVER.
This method of trauma-healing dissolves preexisting trauma in the system and brings about increasing capacity of 'contained bandwidth' within with which to experience the movements of life without getting overwhelmed. Therapy combined with Nirbeeja Yoga helps to maintain the state of reduced-to-no chance of trauma depending on how well the practice of Nirbeeja Yoga is so that a person (you) could continue to live life in the present moment and in a state of inspired flow which is said to be the state from which inspired creativity comes. This helps to live an inspired life ongoingly.
Just as the physical body needs periodic maintenance through diet, exercise and cleaning to maintain health, mind and soul needs maintenance for overall well-being. Through my Work that I call Meristem Therapy, I help facilitate the initial conditions necessary to maintain the well of health from where good, nourishing life-sustaining wealth emerges by which you create a life that is most true to you and most inspiring to you to live by and thereby not only embody the life you come to be born into but create that which is the best version of your self and your life EVER.
Benefits of investing in this Work
- -"Every person who takes the time to heal themselves heals all those who came before them and all those who come after them." (modified aboriginal wisdom where it originally it said 'every woman who heals herself heals all those who came before her and all those who come after her." Modified after noticing the beneficial effects in people's lives from doing the work with me.)
- - Ease and grace in being able to accept who you are - who you really are.
- - No shaking or quaking. No pain. You move through comfort into ease and freedom. You dont even know you are healing. A lot of times people who come for sessions think they just had a good sleep and wonder what work happened. (they just happen to have shiny eyes, rested demeanor and ease of movement after the session...wonder how that happened :)
- - You become the music, who can then play a musical instrument or sing or just be silent and you would still sound like music. (Music is always in harmony with the environment and speaks without having to say much where words are lyrics.) {Of course, you would have to go through several sessions before you come to this state but it is there to happen and you can experience it).
- - Discover the unknown that rules your world. Meet your dark side, become friends and work things out for the BETTER. It works out and in a way that you may never have imagined. I can bet on that one. You will become FREE to be yourself... Your fear of fear itself could get transformed. IT MAY SEEM LIKE A REBIRTH AND MAY BE THEREBY GET A SECOND CHANCE AT LIFE and all this while it may seem like you are sleeping or just having a conversation with me during a dedicated scheduled appointment time for the work.
- - Evolution of your identity and of who you think of yourself to be. Limiting beliefs organically transform to enabling ones without having to work on it during wakeful hours.
- - Serendipitous coincidences starts coming about. You become more awake to opportunities that are healthy and beneficial towards your best development. The Universe would seem to be on your side.
- - Your container gets bigger. Your emotional quotient (emotional intelligence) get better. You ability to handle stress, consequently, gets so much better. Your reactivity to life gets reduced and you begin to respond more to life than react.
- - You start noticing the finer things in life and start appreciating life better. It is as though you now have fresh eyes. May even feel like you are reborn into something better.
- - You begin to be more at peace with yourself. Your mind, body, energy, intellect and spirit starts functioning in sync with each other. You begin to come to be in the flow of life more often than not. Your emotional bandwidth increases and with it your capacity to love and live, than to survive life. You are more likely to notice the sunshine and the wrinkle of experience in the traffic than be irksome or irritable. Your tolerance level increases. Patience soon follows. You can wait while the best is in the making and taking the time it takes.
- - You become empathetic - the first requisite trait that qualifies you to be a human being. You evolve from your animalistic nature.
- - You rebecome the celestial being you were always meant to be - a microcosm of the macrocosm. (Earth was supposed to be the abode of celestial beings. The place was not maintained well enough and degradation came about until a lot of us are behaving the way we are. Remember for as far and as long as we know Earth is the only place where life is found. There must be a reason for this, ay?)
- - You receive without losing status and begin to give without becoming any less. You come to learning what love is.
- - You become integrated. Fragmented parts of your soul begins to come together. You begin to shine in your own light.
- (Please note: The benefits are perceived over time. The longer you stay invested in the process, better are your returns on investment. Think of it as compounded interest. Your investment in this Work would be the gentlest and kindest gift you would be giving yourself. The testimonies speak for themselves.)