DripplesDripples (drops n' ripples) attempts to invite a relook at our current definitions, at what we know and don't know, of our selves, at health and of life itself, and perhaps have a perspective that is new.
When speaking about human anatomy, we are largely spoken about as having just 2 parts - mind and body. Our health is said to be good enough when mind and body are functioning within the range of normal and our definition of 'normal' implies a sync between the 2. Also, our idea of 'normal' is almost synonymous with our idea of 'at least at the lower to mid level of healthy.'
I have referred here to 2 sets of vague terms having a prejudiced 'in common understanding' as having a collective agreement on the definition of these terms, when in fact if specifically asked for the definition of 'mind' 'body' 'normal' or 'healthy,' we are likely to encounter a range of values from vague to expertise, with experts variously defining 'mind' as pointing to the head but expressing characteristics that is a mix of sensory, psychological, energetic, and everything else other than tissues, and 'body' as nothing but tissues. ('Normal' and 'healthy' requires perhaps a full post each on the differences in opinion about them and the impact of lack of clarity about these on the sense of well-being of individuals and collectives. Without a well-defined goal {'normal' and 'healthy' are names of goals too} where is the journey towards? Perhaps in the general direction of it, where if the law of average applies, considering the degree of variation in the understanding of these terms, there is the risk of 'looking London going Tokyo.') It would not be radical reductionism to distil the dichotomy to just 2 basics - visible and invisible - where our collective idea of 'body' may refer to the visible and that of 'mind' to the invisible. All around us are various objects that are made up of matter and energy (visible, invisible). For that matter, 'object' and 'subject' are again visible and invisible, respectively, in conceptual understanding with matter and object versus energy and subject ranging on a see-saw scale hinged on a threshold of tolerance, so to speak, before one gets converted into the other. (Our nature of 'Reality' is not dissimilar, for we see ideas getting converted into products everyday and products giving rise to ideas in their own time.) In reference to the object that is a human being having mechanical and functional aspects, visible and invisible aspects are referred to as 'body' and 'mind.' Within the see-saw range hinged on the threshold of tolerance, the 'software' that is the SukshmaShareera (unmanifest body) interacts and becomes in due time the 'hardware' or SthoolaShareera (manifested body) which again interacts and informs the SukshmaShareera in the process of maturation or what is popularly called as 'ascension' where the substance of a person matures through wisening and, in my estimate, becomes 'adult.' (Collectively, we tend to call a 'body' that has grown to its fullest size as adult, but that is only the tissue body at one level of maturation determined by genes when the potential in a person at 18 or 21 years old may barely have seen the tip of recognition, if that, depending on opportunities.) (#DevelopmentalStages in a human being is understudied, to put it mildly, for why else will we be facing global crises like violences and ecogeographical issues if human development was seen as an ecoculture on a live medium that is the 'petridish' that is Earth. We would, certainly, be tolerant, even indulgant, of the abberrant ones like we would children who are naughty and yet to learn the ways of the world to grow up, knowing that they need loving overseeing and prompt nurturing for healthy growth, like a gardener would his garden. Like I said, some thoughts have just not been thought about, which is what I am doing - following a wise person's advise 'Be the change you want to see in the world.') Mind, then, in my opinion, in light of the above, is energy like the steam from an engine which when directed can pull an entire train forward but if left undirected and diffuse could rot the train in stagnation. The 'train' here is the 'seed,' as in the engine of a train, which when its potential realized, with its internal combustion engine, can add boggies/compartments and become a full-fledged train pulling civilization, mankind and destiny into a new dawn. Enough said for now. Rest later. (BTW, Nirbeeja Yoga™ is a method I offer to teach to anyone interested in learning how to direct their mind in manifesting their potential. This method is designed to integrate mind and body to function in unison, which with regular practice helps arrive at states of nirvana, so you always maintain a fresh perspective of life and live life such. It is refreshing, like having just come out of a bath every new moment as you walk through the everyday moments of life.
Seek before you speak.
Words gain meaning in accordance with context. If the meaning as intended by the speaker/writer is not grasped first and if quickly concluded the meaning before understanding the context, lesser and lesser understood is the message in what is spoken/written. Sometimes grasping the context leads to understanding the thread of thought. Yet, it is the words that give the specifics. It is a bit like zooming into the geography of a place using Google satellite view where you get the location of a house (context) but the brass doorknocker and particulars of the person opening the door are specifics not immediately available, and specifics give details that change a lot the meaning and message conveyed. (Maybe that person opening the door was a terrorist that was being attempted to be watched via the satellite. Did the story of the whole zooming-in change now? It is probably the nuances and details around the specific words that is not immediately available in just the over-view/context that changed the story). Under-standing the context and the nuances in the meaning of the word(s) is required before the word or context opens up the world that each come from. Under-standing (as in standing under) a word or context is much like standing in front of a door waiting for it to open. The door may lead to a tiny little room or a full garden/forest or it may be the rabbit hole that led Alice to Wonderland too easy to miss by over-standing (as in standing over) a word or context. The word could be something as dangerous as a little bomb or just a lump of clay but you miss the point by underestimating it, by over-standing it. Meaning, underestimating (over-standing) what a word or context may be would lead to completely missing the point or losing out on a jolly good Alice in Wonderland world of discoveries, or the next big thing on the planet should you have paid attention to that word or context that would trigger that idea in your head that would change everything :). Afterall, where else do we understand something than in our own heads of something that is happening outside our heads. Under-standing is a bit like meditating on the word/idea/concept - a bit like placing that word or idea or context on an imaginary table in our mind and sitting in front of it curiously waiting for it to speak or do something, maybe even regard you back, and tell you in some way about itself. It is much like meeting a new person, ay? We are likely to take a second look at a 'stranger' (as in 'strange' or different-from-what-I-am-used-to-seeing person) but not someone who looks just like oh-so-many-people-seen with maybe very little brush-aside'able difference, unless of course the person shows or does something unexpected! What if the person doesn't do something unexpected. Does that mean the person is not different just because we can't see the difference? Presuming the meaning of that oh!-so-familiar word has us lose out on the world that that word comes from uttered/written by that person. Under-stand before over-stand. The word or context then becomes a step on which to step and get to the next step on your journey. (Hey! I am learning too, so don't judge me if you find me on the road happily over-standing. These words are soo much Alice-in-Wonderland rabbit holes - too easy to miss thinking it is just another word! They say 'you teach/preach what you most want to learn' and this is one of the things I am working on - under-standing - and I am somewhere between the thinking and habiting stage of the, you know, "watch your thoughts they become words, watch your words they become actions, watch your actions they become habits, watch your habits they become character, watch your character it becomes destiny" saying of some wise folks. So, here I am wording my thinking as I learn to action and habit it. Happy learning, fellow-traveller! (You know, "life is like a train journey and we are all fellow-travellers" bit? :) |
AuthorMy name is Bitha Sadanandan. I am a person behind MITI World but this blog is my 'look what I found' pin-up kind of wall developed for a purpose mentioned in the Blog Header. Some things just need to be said, even if an idea only you are crazy enough to have! {Volcanoes are the reason why I voice my thoughts here; a healthy steam-engine keeps the environment life-sustainable.} Categories
June 2030