DripplesDripples (drops n' ripples) attempts to invite a relook at our current definitions, at what we know and don't know, of our selves, at health and of life itself, and perhaps have a perspective that is new.
Praharas are measures of time as per a traditional system in the Indian subcontinent.
A day is divided into 8 parts: four Praharas for day and four Praharas for night, the day and night demarcated at sunrise and sunset. Traditional system of Praharas overlaps with the traditional system of muhurthas, which is based on precise astronomical calculations. Thus a day can be regarded as divided into 8 Praharas (of 3 hours each) or thirty muhurthas (of 48 minutes each). In both systems, the day commences at sunrise. The timing of the two systems coincides only at sunrise and sunset (4 Praharas coincide with fifteen muhurthas at the 12-hour, or 720-minute point). Pandit VN Bhatkhanda who formulated the modern system of Indian musical thaat states that the correct time (Prahara) to play a raga has a relation to its thaat or scale. Seen from the perspective of Meristem Intelligence®, geodecimal degree locality {hyperlocality or living-in-the-present-moment} is only possible when circadian rhythms that respond to geodecimal degree environmental physiology {geoDDphysiology or Earth’s physiology at a point on Earth versus geophysiology} demands that for music to be therapeutic {where speech also may be regarded as lyrics of a song of ‘unknown’ beat, where ‘unknown’ is the manodharma/personaldharma of a person in accordance with who they are, which stage of development they are and where they are headed in life, (calculable by D4S progress chart) and affected by geoDDphysiology}, it needs to be sung at a scale consistent with the Prahara and muhurtha failing which you have additional masalas in your experience of living at that moment in time of the day that correspondingly affects the developmental curve of the listeners. The developmental curve is affected by degree of violence in the environment and which correspondingly affects the degree of commonsense/happiness/nonviolence maintainable by the collective of a geoDDphysiology. On a larger scale, different geographical locations on Earth needs to have different time zones because we set our day’s activities {the music or story of our lives} based on the time that the clock shows. If Administrators do not pay sufficient attention to this important detail, several generations of people, both contemporary and future generations of produces both animate and inanimate are affected, and consequently evolution of our story {history/his-story/her-story} gets affected and periodic lockdowns such as the one mediated by corona must be experienced at regular intervals to remedy the situation. Needless to say, this is a strain on everyday living as well as the economy. Rupee value cannot be expected to go up when the makers of products are inconvenienced because happy, peaceful, nonviolent citizens increase productivity whereby lockdown in human industries may be uplifted. Music does have the capacity to bring normalcy to an aching history wanting some care.
AuthorMy name is Bitha Sadanandan. I am a person behind MITI World but this blog is my 'look what I found' pin-up kind of wall developed for a purpose mentioned in the Blog Header. Some things just need to be said, even if an idea only you are crazy enough to have! {Volcanoes are the reason why I voice my thoughts here; a healthy steam-engine keeps the environment life-sustainable.} Categories
June 2030