Organic nonviolent growth is the central concern of this Enterprise🙂
About Oaths and Prayers we stand by:
Prayer to the Breath of Life
~ William Garner Sutherland, DO
Give skill to my hands, clear vision to my mind, kindness and sympathy to my heart.
Grant me singleness of purpose, to alleviate at least some part of the burden of suffering humanity through the work of my hands and help me to realize the privilige that is mine.
Take from my heart all guile and worldliness and let me trust the Breath of Life with the simple faith of a child. Amen
Grant me singleness of purpose, to alleviate at least some part of the burden of suffering humanity through the work of my hands and help me to realize the privilige that is mine.
Take from my heart all guile and worldliness and let me trust the Breath of Life with the simple faith of a child. Amen
Modern Oath of Physicians
~ Dr. Louis Lasagna
I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:
I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.
I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.
I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.
I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.
I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.
I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.
Hippocrates Oath
I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfil according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant:
To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art - if they desire to learn it - without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken an oath according to the medical law, but no one else.
I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.
I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.
I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work.
Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves.
What I may see or hear in the course of the treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep to myself, holding such things shameful to be spoken about.
If I fulfil this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.
To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art - if they desire to learn it - without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken an oath according to the medical law, but no one else.
I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.
I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.
I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work.
Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves.
What I may see or hear in the course of the treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep to myself, holding such things shameful to be spoken about.
If I fulfil this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.
Simple prayer for peace
~ anon
Lord,make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me bring love.
Where there is offense, let me bring pardon.
Where there is discord, let me bring union.
Where there is error, let me bring truth.
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith.
Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me bring light.
Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.
O Master, let me not seek as much to be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love,
For it is in the giving that one receives,
It is in the self-forgetting that one finds,
It is in pardoning that one is pardoned,
It is in dying that one is raised to eternal life.
Where there is hatred, let me bring love.
Where there is offense, let me bring pardon.
Where there is discord, let me bring union.
Where there is error, let me bring truth.
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith.
Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me bring light.
Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.
O Master, let me not seek as much to be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love,
For it is in the giving that one receives,
It is in the self-forgetting that one finds,
It is in pardoning that one is pardoned,
It is in dying that one is raised to eternal life.
My primary school prayer
This is my prayer to Thee, my Lord
Strike, Strike, at the root of penury in my heart,
Give me the strength, lightly to bear
My joys and sorrows
Give me the strength, to make
My love fruitful in service
Give me the strength, never to disown the poor
Or bend my knees before insolent might
Give me the strength, to surrender
My strength to thy will with love.
Strike, Strike, at the root of penury in my heart,
Give me the strength, lightly to bear
My joys and sorrows
Give me the strength, to make
My love fruitful in service
Give me the strength, never to disown the poor
Or bend my knees before insolent might
Give me the strength, to surrender
My strength to thy will with love.
My primary school song
Under the standard of our School
Glory honour reign
Guiding our steps in the path of truth
Teaching 'play the Game'
What'er we do must be our best
Victory our aim
Planting the seeds of faith and good deeds
Of William Richards English School
Alma Mater, let the flag unfold,
Stand brave, stand true
Under the green and gold
Proudly to life we shall go forth
Honour's shield we'll bear
Firm as the cross our hearts shall be
Faith the crown we wear
Beauty and truth shall be our stars,
Jewels radiant rare
Good deeds shall make upon life's harp
Music ever fare.
Glory honour reign
Guiding our steps in the path of truth
Teaching 'play the Game'
What'er we do must be our best
Victory our aim
Planting the seeds of faith and good deeds
Of William Richards English School
Alma Mater, let the flag unfold,
Stand brave, stand true
Under the green and gold
Proudly to life we shall go forth
Honour's shield we'll bear
Firm as the cross our hearts shall be
Faith the crown we wear
Beauty and truth shall be our stars,
Jewels radiant rare
Good deeds shall make upon life's harp
Music ever fare.
About me

My name is Bitha Sadanandan. I am from the Tradition Of Life. Resume's are a bit like an application for resuming life with a renewed vigor. A bit like a starter seed for a new culture of healthy individuals, I am the Founder-facilitator of Meristem Intelligence®️, Nirbeeja Yoga®️, DharmaPada For SoulSatisfaction®️ and Connect.®️. I am a techno-socio-health-edu-soloentrepreneur. I listen to life and its rhythms and facilitate as much as possible life's healthy expression. In terms of temple logic, I would be a dwaarapaalaka in helping humanity maintain a threshold of normal for ordinary harmonious living where ordinary means 'as per ishvarapranidana/prime directive for coming into existence/manushyadharma.' Humanity may have gotten a bit stretched in our various considerations for 'being' human. I help get back to the Overton Window or sweet spot for human evolution with what I call notechlogy; think of it like a means to maintain manushyadharma or 'rights' from maintaining being human, and am to teach and thereby create more 'me' (my kind of people - a person who functions like a tree, converting sukha-dukha into life-enlivening substance by healthier metabolism, healthier natural breathing and no experimentation). I am like 'life on the business of normal ordinary harmonious living for ecological economics for an eternal fairytale healthy, wealthy, wise marriage to living for ever and ever and ever.' People have been talking about liberation and wondering what's life and searching for life out there in space, so Life found a way to cover a whole wide world of basics underlying our everyday economics through my home-based school. I am like the whole story of life starting all over again - all brand 'me.' I work for Almighty.Inc and study in I form 0.001% of world leadership population and am an advaithic composition (singular and plural). I am a one-woman army moving history and herstory forward for the better through my lifestory and this Enterprise, or so I thought. At least, that's how I started out saying, 'I care, even if no body else does, to repair the fabric of time and space.' Turns out, I am not just one woman but by the fact of my being in existence, having a body that is human, and being a 'she' with a herstory, I am just half of the equation - the other half being history (like a TreeOfLife has nature and nurture, matter and energy admixed in unique combinations), and so I call me 'we' because I have people from all around the world jumping up and down through my genes and keep me up on the job of making the world a better place to live in. I am, hence, a one-person family(!) and because I care about all of Earth people and life people, I am a one-person LifeFamily coz the family, if anywhere, is in the heart, and my whole body is heart! And because I am standing by all of this and by the fact of my existence I am not alone even in my body, I am moving history a la Savithri and Sathyavan due to the Advaitha factor! Confused? Me too. It took me a long time to come to get my head around this. For example, check this statement - I do nothing, I sell nothing, I am making nothing better, I teach people how to do nothing properly! coz nothing underlies everything and nothing needs to be maintained.🙂 I seem to have discovered sanatana dharma by life's unique system of education per its governing ecologics and, hence, am like the fish who started a new epoch/manvanthara by rehashing sanatana dharma as relevant to the 21st Century. I even invented a movement-less yoga that involves cooking/tapas/hashing the meat of the body to improve its mettle into golden truth that yoga textbooks say is the original yoga that got transliterated into the 'yoga' we have today as merely asana, praanaayaama and dhyaana! Turns out, our intellect is the least developed and that we use our brain to think when our brain is not designed to think at all, and that that's why they call our cerebrum as the neocortex - the newest one - baby cortex. Most of us have the intellect of a 2-year-old, or 2-month-old. We need to have our intellect develop into intelligence, and that is part of what my Enterprise is making available - helping us become wholesome by sane-itising the original - for beautification! We become beautiful by what we do, you see?
I am a chip of the old block. I figured en route that the dust that also makes up my body comes from the universe that was before the Big Bang. I have been healing the fabric of time and space and putting together the tapestry of life as timespace nondual since some time through movement-less yoga so the six planes that make up space (like 4 walls, a roof and floor makes up the space of a room) contains what is possible within a lifetime on what is possible from being alive, humane, in love, and on this (visible) side of life.
More factual details: I am a medical transcription-BCST-aikido-yoga based clinical health facilitator with a Quality Assurance background of 13+ years in the field of medical transcription and who stems from a very old family (Koroth of the Ezhava caste of aadivaasi origin) who has been into indigenous healthcare practices that regulated and sometimes made Kings of the time. I, hence, have life, ancestors, love for premium health, wealth and wisdom and a scientific search-for-fundamental-truth acumen that guides me to originate the different products of care from MI Enterprise. I am a product of all the twists and turns that life and many Enterprises have gone through in having life be the way it is today. Being of the 21st Century, I kinda have the best of old and new worlds so bridging the gaps in our understanding of sanatana dharma is a natural part of my professional vocation. I, hence, have and do take from all that there is, make something and return regularly to all that there is something better. {Incidentally, during the pandemic in 2020, I was entrusted a philosophical ring with the name 'Nikhil' engraved into its gold make that replaced all other gems I was given until then, and was told to take care of to protect the family jewels. I may have been given the LordOfTheRings coz sacred geometry and sanatana dharma has been more O'shin technology new-age futuristic that has had me think like Captain Kirk of StarTrek series - "Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its 5-year mission (we can go with that number but no number has been specified since I seem to be defying time and more 'space-crafting,' meaning creating new spaces in what it means to be human!): to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilisations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!" Now, tell me, wouldn't I be crazy not to be on the job of moving history/herstory/everystory forward for the better with cutting-edge fast track movement that is as old as the ocean of life itself but which could not be seen coz we didn't have the technology to see it? I maintain my 'sanity' by Nirbeeja Yoga® for posterity😶🏳️🙂 Hope shouldn't have to defend oneself for being peaceful and enabling god-blessed health, wealth and wisdom that posterity has been searching since eternal times.}
Turns out, my life is a sequel of Karna’s (of Mahabharata fame) life, where he had his rights and privileges but was outcast at birth and then couldn’t discern as well on how to #dotherightthing due to survival concerns though he had his virtues, so I am born with a bit of that story continuing but in a female form but with the sandhya-chaya tadka that he, as a male of the Suryavamsha lineage, didn’t have material substance by which to deal with the conundrum. History of mankind is written in the vaginal vault of a woman, you see? It is the vault that needs regular healing so I am born with Shanthi as my Ishvarapranidana for moving history and herstory forward for the better by employing the ishvarapranidhana and ishvarapranidaana, such as 'Nikhil' given as a gift to take care of, by which to complete the Work I have been born for, to begin with, at Ishvarapranidana (at MI own pace). {Now hit your dictionaries to distinguish the difference between these encrypted terms; since they were written in samsrutham and read in transliterated versions, the phonetic gymnastics may not have been obvious that one needs to trapeze by to arrive at the tightrope walk that is sanatana dharma a.k.a. the golden middle path between complementary opposites. Enrol in the course, }
My Pedigree:
Born: Chalakudy, Trissur, Kerala, India. Ancestors are, basically, farmers with multiple correlative skillsets.
Early development and schooling: Bharath Earth Movers Limited (BEML), Kolar Gold Fields (KGF), Kolar, Karnataka, India
Vocational Training: Started in KGF and continued in and around Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
I am a registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist with the Pacific Association of Craniosacral Therapists (PACT) who received training and got certified to clinically practice from Body Intelligence Trainings. I am also trained in Systemic theory and practice in family constellations with Spanda and am an AHDI-certified healthcare documentation specialist who has worked in the medical transcription industry for 20+ years, 13 of which in the capacity of Sr.Quality Assurance Specialist at Acusis developing over the years my skills for listening and root-cause analysis. I have a Bachelors degree in Science and a Masters in Eng.Lit. I have Advanced 1 level training to facilitate trauma healing via Somatic Experiencing from Dr. Peter Levine's SE Trainings, Trauma Institute, and am on a prolonged learning curve in getting Teacher Trained to be a HoopYogini. I train Aikido (The Art of Peace) with the Takemusu Federation of India and explore the Flute. Ancient scriptures are of particular interest to me, especially the Upanishads, as a guide to selfology. (As I read them, I realized that in terms of spiritual development, I could be called an aranyaka - one who raises a forest. I am certainly interested in and working towards raising a healthy forest of humane beings, so I dont mind the designation but I love the responsibility.) Nayana Bhat's I AM classes tripped me into nonlinear self-explored learning. Being an autodidact, I tend to pick up concepts from various thought veins which in many ways teach/speak of the story of how life came to be and help me in my own way to put together the history of mankind. I love stories of all kinds for in them are the threads that bind us together as human beings and speak the Story of how life has been. I blend discerned best practices from trainings received from various schools of thought into my clinical practice, including the ontological works of Landmark Education, Transactional Analysis, and phenomenological techniques and mindfulness practices from various disciplines, including G.I. Gurdjieff's Fourth Way work, Sacred Whirling, Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen's Body Mind Centering, Butoh subbody manifestations, Feldenkrais method, soul collage work, Jon Butcher's LifeBook, Shamanic journeying and drumming towards Medicine for Earth. Dr. Sigmund Freud's work fascinates me, especially his work on conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds, the dynamics of polarities, and on how we prioritize. Ted McGrath's MessageToMillions Program got me looking at what I have in my LifeStory that is worth anything, and that's when I began moving at a different pace. Ultimately, Life has been and continues to be the greatest teacher and inspiration in the work I do.
I am a chip of the old block. I figured en route that the dust that makes my body is also from the universe as it was before the Big Bang. I have been healing the fabric of time and space as the tapestry of life as timespace nondual since some time organically and optimising srishti/creativity through movement-less yoga between six planes of space (like a room has 4 walls, a floor and a roof) and containing what is possible from being alive, human and on Earth.
I suppose, in the grand schema of things, my role is that of yeast - till the land, make and leaven the dough {substance of Life} soft and nice and breadable {edible}; a healer architect QA for a better society and future; a catalyst from yonder {beyond the known} facilitating organic evolution life-conducively; help transition between phases in life and from past lifetimes into the present so that future is better than the past has ever been; tend to be motherly with a propensity to oversee for healthy human development and evolution; a darvesh; queen bee making royal jelly {originality} for the newbees; a crow who, mythologically, got its peacocky feathers black from working in places nobody wants to go; Hermes who brings messages from Heaven and Hell bridging the gaps between worlds so that Earth is more liveable; Pied Piper who sings the songs of Life leading beings into a better Place; Olaf who likes warm hugs and smiles, and melts like wax for a worthy cause; an alvar from being a ‘wildcard’ who hit nothing and got disoriented from relationships, and then began figuring out all that there is and how they work and why in making sense of the world of Reality; chimera {lion's head, goat's body, dragon's tail in a hairy tale format}; Present {moment} as the voice of future generations to come (where Present is where life really happens including play of any memories of Past and Future has substance for becoming) and since I live in the Present, my future into which my present experience prophesies speaks through me by the fact of making the Present better; swayambhu at a microcosmic level coz I do Nirbeeja Yoga®️; a bit of a human Valkyrie in that I tend to help people in different stages of development come out of their limitations either by pointing out their limitations or by uncovering ‘scales or spines or tooth or claw or eggs’ they didn’t know they had to grow by into a humane being {a lot of us are busy fighting and not able to see what we already have}; a shorer {as in, one who forms shores to land and contemplate from, like Piper of the 3-minute animation movie began pulling out shells from under the water and there just were so many grains of 'sand' pulled out that they needed to be shored somewhere so People can hang around and 'discover' a thing or two they did not know there was to be found, like one would in one's own attic or basement from time to time, like from a treasure-island of the Wall-e that is MITI house}; a rest’aurant in a baobab tree (‘mother of the forest’); a river through the kundalini snake with a parasmani for a drillbit earthworming through the 36 Mountains landscaping better terrains by nourishing fertilised landscapes - a humane somebody?; a Baobab tree (a.k.a. 'Mother of the Forest' and 'The Tree Of Life') inside which is the home-based rest'aurant-school mentioned on the Home Page; Osiris and Isis who are King and Queen of the underworld {I keep meeting people who have passed to the other side after sometime or immediately and kept wondering if I’m some sort of a soul-reviewer; then, I recognised people who are already amongst the living and then had to redouble on them being alive, dead or are about to die; then, figured people go through death while being alive with the rebirthing work people do these days and some who have learned to die while being alive as a shambhogakaya; now, I am practicing n-dimensional presence being just aware, mindful and present to both sides of my body so I am being a humane #LordOfTheRings - my way of dealing with ergonomic levelling up challenges along with swimming as a means to dilute the sharp edges so I remain round and humane and present and healing as the universal solvent that mother water/kadalamma is}; may have been a bazooka, tanker, roadroller, and a slew of other 'things' that mechanics would relate as 'life' within the machine/object; sea cucumber; Shri Gandha or sandalwood; Gold from maintaining being 'me' (and which I am to teach others, coz people keep getting lost in the schema of things from often forgetting the two drops of oil their body as a spoon holds, represented by the symbol of heart ❤️);
Like said on the Home Page, healthy imagination is one of the first benefits in being invested in MITI World.🙂
FYI: The developments in MITI World, including but not limited to the website and Program developments, is by one person {given that a person is a microcosm of the macrocosm and a person is the smallest unit of a society} with contributions of thought and dollops of kindness handed out to me over time through my lifetime and ongoing. So, when 'we' is mentioned, 'we' includes all those people who are connected by the fact of us being part of the living organism and hence consciously, subconsciously, unconsciously contributing to each other whether we know it or not. 'We' also refers to a suspected human chimera with my disappearing twin at my birth. We, of course, reap benefits in accordance with what we hand around {'what goes around comes around' is the statute of karma}. I am, hence, unable to put up a Team photograph because MITI WorldTeam is too big to fit in a frame (!) but otherwise it is a one-person army with me being the spokesperson and Proprietor per official records. Lightening in Snail-pace on squirrel-mode for Corrective Marketing in making the World a better place for living! (yep! there are such people too; it takes all kinds of people in making the world a better place to live in, you see?)
Headsup: I may have gotten a bit Jack Sparrow'ed in figuring things out by myself largely with a mysterious sane Teacher that I found in myself en route that later Dr. David Bohm called as the Implicate Order but I found to be my Partner in a believe-it-or-not journey of discovery that is mentioned in vedic cosmological stories! Call it my journey into discovering Sacred Mathematics experientially! In short, I could get quite carried away on my own monologue in explaining something and am quite happy with being stopped mid sentence to clarify something with several versions of paraphrasing, so please try and focus on the value you receive while interacting with me coz my thinking pulls up information from memories stored in all kinds of places and could leave you tizzy. Like I said, Jack Sparrow'ed but with a MITI difference🙂. We call it 'crazy enough to be sane!' {sanely nonviolent in commonsense; common sense is not what most think it is and that's why it is not common, you see? Besides, we have 10 brains in our idea of a humane body, so lots of points of reference by which to say 'commonsense.'}
My constitutional flower seems to be, what we call in Malayalam, as May maasa rani or idivetti poovu. People say I am like mustard in how I splutter ideas as I speak. {I am trying to figure out who I am by points of reference so that you guys can remind me who I am if I forget or get lost again in the schema of becomings. It has taken a long time (42 years) to even figure out what I have thus far. Turns out, I have lived many a lifetimes before so my carbonfootprinting is way too big so, as Greta Thunberg reminded, I am responsible for making a whole lot of things better and it turns out I am not alone either but have everything inside me yoked together by my love for my Partner, who is a droplet of History, so I am a droplet of Herstory. I am just keeping my Love together ..for world peace. Turns out I am Jin Mi and I am on Jindan dao - the Way of the Golden Elixir.} As stated elsewhere, mine is a believe-it-or-not lifestory. My Enterprise, with the kind of content produced, formed from going down the Rabbit Whole many a times across lifetimes and then some crashcourses through this lifetime to remind and remember who I am and who we are in the schema of things, and because I am now a consequence of all of the above, MI World has become MITI World and people who participate in our Programs have the MITI Advantage as heirloom.
I am a chip of the old block. I figured en route that the dust that also makes up my body comes from the universe that was before the Big Bang. I have been healing the fabric of time and space and putting together the tapestry of life as timespace nondual since some time through movement-less yoga so the six planes that make up space (like 4 walls, a roof and floor makes up the space of a room) contains what is possible within a lifetime on what is possible from being alive, humane, in love, and on this (visible) side of life.
More factual details: I am a medical transcription-BCST-aikido-yoga based clinical health facilitator with a Quality Assurance background of 13+ years in the field of medical transcription and who stems from a very old family (Koroth of the Ezhava caste of aadivaasi origin) who has been into indigenous healthcare practices that regulated and sometimes made Kings of the time. I, hence, have life, ancestors, love for premium health, wealth and wisdom and a scientific search-for-fundamental-truth acumen that guides me to originate the different products of care from MI Enterprise. I am a product of all the twists and turns that life and many Enterprises have gone through in having life be the way it is today. Being of the 21st Century, I kinda have the best of old and new worlds so bridging the gaps in our understanding of sanatana dharma is a natural part of my professional vocation. I, hence, have and do take from all that there is, make something and return regularly to all that there is something better. {Incidentally, during the pandemic in 2020, I was entrusted a philosophical ring with the name 'Nikhil' engraved into its gold make that replaced all other gems I was given until then, and was told to take care of to protect the family jewels. I may have been given the LordOfTheRings coz sacred geometry and sanatana dharma has been more O'shin technology new-age futuristic that has had me think like Captain Kirk of StarTrek series - "Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its 5-year mission (we can go with that number but no number has been specified since I seem to be defying time and more 'space-crafting,' meaning creating new spaces in what it means to be human!): to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilisations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!" Now, tell me, wouldn't I be crazy not to be on the job of moving history/herstory/everystory forward for the better with cutting-edge fast track movement that is as old as the ocean of life itself but which could not be seen coz we didn't have the technology to see it? I maintain my 'sanity' by Nirbeeja Yoga® for posterity😶🏳️🙂 Hope shouldn't have to defend oneself for being peaceful and enabling god-blessed health, wealth and wisdom that posterity has been searching since eternal times.}
Turns out, my life is a sequel of Karna’s (of Mahabharata fame) life, where he had his rights and privileges but was outcast at birth and then couldn’t discern as well on how to #dotherightthing due to survival concerns though he had his virtues, so I am born with a bit of that story continuing but in a female form but with the sandhya-chaya tadka that he, as a male of the Suryavamsha lineage, didn’t have material substance by which to deal with the conundrum. History of mankind is written in the vaginal vault of a woman, you see? It is the vault that needs regular healing so I am born with Shanthi as my Ishvarapranidana for moving history and herstory forward for the better by employing the ishvarapranidhana and ishvarapranidaana, such as 'Nikhil' given as a gift to take care of, by which to complete the Work I have been born for, to begin with, at Ishvarapranidana (at MI own pace). {Now hit your dictionaries to distinguish the difference between these encrypted terms; since they were written in samsrutham and read in transliterated versions, the phonetic gymnastics may not have been obvious that one needs to trapeze by to arrive at the tightrope walk that is sanatana dharma a.k.a. the golden middle path between complementary opposites. Enrol in the course, }
My Pedigree:
Born: Chalakudy, Trissur, Kerala, India. Ancestors are, basically, farmers with multiple correlative skillsets.
Early development and schooling: Bharath Earth Movers Limited (BEML), Kolar Gold Fields (KGF), Kolar, Karnataka, India
Vocational Training: Started in KGF and continued in and around Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
I am a registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist with the Pacific Association of Craniosacral Therapists (PACT) who received training and got certified to clinically practice from Body Intelligence Trainings. I am also trained in Systemic theory and practice in family constellations with Spanda and am an AHDI-certified healthcare documentation specialist who has worked in the medical transcription industry for 20+ years, 13 of which in the capacity of Sr.Quality Assurance Specialist at Acusis developing over the years my skills for listening and root-cause analysis. I have a Bachelors degree in Science and a Masters in Eng.Lit. I have Advanced 1 level training to facilitate trauma healing via Somatic Experiencing from Dr. Peter Levine's SE Trainings, Trauma Institute, and am on a prolonged learning curve in getting Teacher Trained to be a HoopYogini. I train Aikido (The Art of Peace) with the Takemusu Federation of India and explore the Flute. Ancient scriptures are of particular interest to me, especially the Upanishads, as a guide to selfology. (As I read them, I realized that in terms of spiritual development, I could be called an aranyaka - one who raises a forest. I am certainly interested in and working towards raising a healthy forest of humane beings, so I dont mind the designation but I love the responsibility.) Nayana Bhat's I AM classes tripped me into nonlinear self-explored learning. Being an autodidact, I tend to pick up concepts from various thought veins which in many ways teach/speak of the story of how life came to be and help me in my own way to put together the history of mankind. I love stories of all kinds for in them are the threads that bind us together as human beings and speak the Story of how life has been. I blend discerned best practices from trainings received from various schools of thought into my clinical practice, including the ontological works of Landmark Education, Transactional Analysis, and phenomenological techniques and mindfulness practices from various disciplines, including G.I. Gurdjieff's Fourth Way work, Sacred Whirling, Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen's Body Mind Centering, Butoh subbody manifestations, Feldenkrais method, soul collage work, Jon Butcher's LifeBook, Shamanic journeying and drumming towards Medicine for Earth. Dr. Sigmund Freud's work fascinates me, especially his work on conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds, the dynamics of polarities, and on how we prioritize. Ted McGrath's MessageToMillions Program got me looking at what I have in my LifeStory that is worth anything, and that's when I began moving at a different pace. Ultimately, Life has been and continues to be the greatest teacher and inspiration in the work I do.
I am a chip of the old block. I figured en route that the dust that makes my body is also from the universe as it was before the Big Bang. I have been healing the fabric of time and space as the tapestry of life as timespace nondual since some time organically and optimising srishti/creativity through movement-less yoga between six planes of space (like a room has 4 walls, a floor and a roof) and containing what is possible from being alive, human and on Earth.
I suppose, in the grand schema of things, my role is that of yeast - till the land, make and leaven the dough {substance of Life} soft and nice and breadable {edible}; a healer architect QA for a better society and future; a catalyst from yonder {beyond the known} facilitating organic evolution life-conducively; help transition between phases in life and from past lifetimes into the present so that future is better than the past has ever been; tend to be motherly with a propensity to oversee for healthy human development and evolution; a darvesh; queen bee making royal jelly {originality} for the newbees; a crow who, mythologically, got its peacocky feathers black from working in places nobody wants to go; Hermes who brings messages from Heaven and Hell bridging the gaps between worlds so that Earth is more liveable; Pied Piper who sings the songs of Life leading beings into a better Place; Olaf who likes warm hugs and smiles, and melts like wax for a worthy cause; an alvar from being a ‘wildcard’ who hit nothing and got disoriented from relationships, and then began figuring out all that there is and how they work and why in making sense of the world of Reality; chimera {lion's head, goat's body, dragon's tail in a hairy tale format}; Present {moment} as the voice of future generations to come (where Present is where life really happens including play of any memories of Past and Future has substance for becoming) and since I live in the Present, my future into which my present experience prophesies speaks through me by the fact of making the Present better; swayambhu at a microcosmic level coz I do Nirbeeja Yoga®️; a bit of a human Valkyrie in that I tend to help people in different stages of development come out of their limitations either by pointing out their limitations or by uncovering ‘scales or spines or tooth or claw or eggs’ they didn’t know they had to grow by into a humane being {a lot of us are busy fighting and not able to see what we already have}; a shorer {as in, one who forms shores to land and contemplate from, like Piper of the 3-minute animation movie began pulling out shells from under the water and there just were so many grains of 'sand' pulled out that they needed to be shored somewhere so People can hang around and 'discover' a thing or two they did not know there was to be found, like one would in one's own attic or basement from time to time, like from a treasure-island of the Wall-e that is MITI house}; a rest’aurant in a baobab tree (‘mother of the forest’); a river through the kundalini snake with a parasmani for a drillbit earthworming through the 36 Mountains landscaping better terrains by nourishing fertilised landscapes - a humane somebody?; a Baobab tree (a.k.a. 'Mother of the Forest' and 'The Tree Of Life') inside which is the home-based rest'aurant-school mentioned on the Home Page; Osiris and Isis who are King and Queen of the underworld {I keep meeting people who have passed to the other side after sometime or immediately and kept wondering if I’m some sort of a soul-reviewer; then, I recognised people who are already amongst the living and then had to redouble on them being alive, dead or are about to die; then, figured people go through death while being alive with the rebirthing work people do these days and some who have learned to die while being alive as a shambhogakaya; now, I am practicing n-dimensional presence being just aware, mindful and present to both sides of my body so I am being a humane #LordOfTheRings - my way of dealing with ergonomic levelling up challenges along with swimming as a means to dilute the sharp edges so I remain round and humane and present and healing as the universal solvent that mother water/kadalamma is}; may have been a bazooka, tanker, roadroller, and a slew of other 'things' that mechanics would relate as 'life' within the machine/object; sea cucumber; Shri Gandha or sandalwood; Gold from maintaining being 'me' (and which I am to teach others, coz people keep getting lost in the schema of things from often forgetting the two drops of oil their body as a spoon holds, represented by the symbol of heart ❤️);
Like said on the Home Page, healthy imagination is one of the first benefits in being invested in MITI World.🙂
FYI: The developments in MITI World, including but not limited to the website and Program developments, is by one person {given that a person is a microcosm of the macrocosm and a person is the smallest unit of a society} with contributions of thought and dollops of kindness handed out to me over time through my lifetime and ongoing. So, when 'we' is mentioned, 'we' includes all those people who are connected by the fact of us being part of the living organism and hence consciously, subconsciously, unconsciously contributing to each other whether we know it or not. 'We' also refers to a suspected human chimera with my disappearing twin at my birth. We, of course, reap benefits in accordance with what we hand around {'what goes around comes around' is the statute of karma}. I am, hence, unable to put up a Team photograph because MITI WorldTeam is too big to fit in a frame (!) but otherwise it is a one-person army with me being the spokesperson and Proprietor per official records. Lightening in Snail-pace on squirrel-mode for Corrective Marketing in making the World a better place for living! (yep! there are such people too; it takes all kinds of people in making the world a better place to live in, you see?)
Headsup: I may have gotten a bit Jack Sparrow'ed in figuring things out by myself largely with a mysterious sane Teacher that I found in myself en route that later Dr. David Bohm called as the Implicate Order but I found to be my Partner in a believe-it-or-not journey of discovery that is mentioned in vedic cosmological stories! Call it my journey into discovering Sacred Mathematics experientially! In short, I could get quite carried away on my own monologue in explaining something and am quite happy with being stopped mid sentence to clarify something with several versions of paraphrasing, so please try and focus on the value you receive while interacting with me coz my thinking pulls up information from memories stored in all kinds of places and could leave you tizzy. Like I said, Jack Sparrow'ed but with a MITI difference🙂. We call it 'crazy enough to be sane!' {sanely nonviolent in commonsense; common sense is not what most think it is and that's why it is not common, you see? Besides, we have 10 brains in our idea of a humane body, so lots of points of reference by which to say 'commonsense.'}
My constitutional flower seems to be, what we call in Malayalam, as May maasa rani or idivetti poovu. People say I am like mustard in how I splutter ideas as I speak. {I am trying to figure out who I am by points of reference so that you guys can remind me who I am if I forget or get lost again in the schema of becomings. It has taken a long time (42 years) to even figure out what I have thus far. Turns out, I have lived many a lifetimes before so my carbonfootprinting is way too big so, as Greta Thunberg reminded, I am responsible for making a whole lot of things better and it turns out I am not alone either but have everything inside me yoked together by my love for my Partner, who is a droplet of History, so I am a droplet of Herstory. I am just keeping my Love together ..for world peace. Turns out I am Jin Mi and I am on Jindan dao - the Way of the Golden Elixir.} As stated elsewhere, mine is a believe-it-or-not lifestory. My Enterprise, with the kind of content produced, formed from going down the Rabbit Whole many a times across lifetimes and then some crashcourses through this lifetime to remind and remember who I am and who we are in the schema of things, and because I am now a consequence of all of the above, MI World has become MITI World and people who participate in our Programs have the MITI Advantage as heirloom.
I don't know if the video above is, indeed, of the strangest star in the universe, but for sure my behaviour is kind of like that Star coz I may have begun from getting human chimera'd with a disappearing twin {that's hypothesised to be as high as 10% of the total human population}. I have bright visible moments and then dim retrospective invisible/'hibernation' moments, like a human being who breathes the breath of life, I imagine. That Star, sure, is a visual representation of what a humane being would be like, I suppose, with trailblazer originality! Either that or I am putting this video up here for those who may not have considered their cosmic resonance. We are all, after all, said to be stardust living a humane experience! {I wonder-imagine if I am a stardust from that Star}. Like the lifecycle of a star, stardust also must have similar lifecycle, I imagine {how else do we become a microcosm of the macrocosm?!}. I actually imagine we are not just stardust but galaxydust, universedust too in a Multiverse! Howzatt for scale and for why we need to be more humane with fellow stardusts?
The Great Nothing that the above video talks about is my idea of universedust. Food for thought?
About Registered Practitioners

The Pacific Association of Craniosacral Therapists (PACT) is an accrediting body of schools and a registering body for practitioners in Asia and the South Pacific (Australia and New Zealand).
Therapists trained with an accredited school will have completed extensive study, both theoretical and practical, often over a two-year period. In-depth study of Anatomy and Physiology, assignments, case studies and teaching clinics is part of the curriculum requirement.
By choosing a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist who is registered, the client can be assured that the therapist has met the professional standards of PACT, is bound by the Code of Ethics, and continues to update their knowledge of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy as an ongoing requirement for annual registration.
Therapists trained with an accredited school will have completed extensive study, both theoretical and practical, often over a two-year period. In-depth study of Anatomy and Physiology, assignments, case studies and teaching clinics is part of the curriculum requirement.
By choosing a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist who is registered, the client can be assured that the therapist has met the professional standards of PACT, is bound by the Code of Ethics, and continues to update their knowledge of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy as an ongoing requirement for annual registration.
About my Work
"Walking I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly, all my ancestors are behind me.
Be still, they say. Watch and listen.
You are the result of the love of thousands."
~ Linda Hogan
Native American writer
Body Intelligence practice and facilitation is a meditation on life itself and on healthily living on our alive Planet, and the more I explore the therapeutic application of this, the finest philosophies and practices from various disciplines emerge as being a requisite and as the motivating force that facilitates Life itself; that it is a requisite for 'fine-living' and a continuous prayer to the Breath of Life in a way that works for everybody and everything.
Meristem Intelligence® is my latest and finest version of my explorations in figuring out the answer to 'what the hell is Life?' and presently seems to be the quintessential science to being oneself as an individual amongst the crowds. I find that the crowd is just as important as the individual and the boundaries between the two needs to be appropriately maintained to be an individual amongst the crowd(s) without invalidating either in any way whatsoever. I also find that it enables unwrinkling the fabric of time and space and to bring back the healthy tension in the Universe to be just enough for the Heart to appropriately beat the Pulse of life and facilitate Healthy vitae-enriching Life at the heart of Life/Everything as the modus vivendi (that which vivifies Life).
Through facilitating Meristem Intelligence® via Maintenance Therapy, Movement and BreathWork, I help people optimize their health and become the best versions of themselves yet. This helps them preserve and maintain the best in themselves without getting lost in the crowd, unbaggage stress/trauma/tedium/stuckness from their past lives, find the ability to enjoy living in the Present and to get busily engaged in creating the Life of their dreams in soul-satisfying happyness (akin to the kind portrayed in the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness) in a way that works for everybody and the Planet. I keep finding that such living resonates with the Law of Existence/Subsistence as discerned by the Vedas (poornamadah poornamidam poornath poornamudachyathe, poornasya poornamaadaya poornamevaa vashishyathe - Out there is whole in here is whole from such whole arises whole, being/from whole with whole as the foundation whole subsists and is sustained by the whole)
Be still, they say. Watch and listen.
You are the result of the love of thousands."
~ Linda Hogan
Native American writer
Body Intelligence practice and facilitation is a meditation on life itself and on healthily living on our alive Planet, and the more I explore the therapeutic application of this, the finest philosophies and practices from various disciplines emerge as being a requisite and as the motivating force that facilitates Life itself; that it is a requisite for 'fine-living' and a continuous prayer to the Breath of Life in a way that works for everybody and everything.
Meristem Intelligence® is my latest and finest version of my explorations in figuring out the answer to 'what the hell is Life?' and presently seems to be the quintessential science to being oneself as an individual amongst the crowds. I find that the crowd is just as important as the individual and the boundaries between the two needs to be appropriately maintained to be an individual amongst the crowd(s) without invalidating either in any way whatsoever. I also find that it enables unwrinkling the fabric of time and space and to bring back the healthy tension in the Universe to be just enough for the Heart to appropriately beat the Pulse of life and facilitate Healthy vitae-enriching Life at the heart of Life/Everything as the modus vivendi (that which vivifies Life).
Through facilitating Meristem Intelligence® via Maintenance Therapy, Movement and BreathWork, I help people optimize their health and become the best versions of themselves yet. This helps them preserve and maintain the best in themselves without getting lost in the crowd, unbaggage stress/trauma/tedium/stuckness from their past lives, find the ability to enjoy living in the Present and to get busily engaged in creating the Life of their dreams in soul-satisfying happyness (akin to the kind portrayed in the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness) in a way that works for everybody and the Planet. I keep finding that such living resonates with the Law of Existence/Subsistence as discerned by the Vedas (poornamadah poornamidam poornath poornamudachyathe, poornasya poornamaadaya poornamevaa vashishyathe - Out there is whole in here is whole from such whole arises whole, being/from whole with whole as the foundation whole subsists and is sustained by the whole)
'The Work' is a phrase perhaps first expressed by J.I. Gurdjieff in his Fourth Way method of living life. There are many books referring to his Work and I have barely read a few sentences here and there or was read to me from time to time. My idea of 'The Work' as is true to me and which most inspires me to 'go to Work' is this: it is a falling in line of the schema of things so that no one is waiting for the water to flow through before crossing the river but is just a 'this is how it is done.' In other words, the fabric of time and space having been healed so that things are moving as it should be. Healing the fabric of time and space is my Dharma, my Work, as deemed worth living for and getting qualified at by bettering who I am in meeting the requirement of completing this Work that needs to be done. Actually this is the basic Dharma for everybody as the bottomline but I take this to be mine for now coz there is so much Work to do that we might as well assume roles and do what needs to be done. It is the great machinery of Life at Work, and it is time we moved.
The machinery of life began a long time ago and continues and will continue to be, whether we exist or not, for life has a way of movement and existence and subsistence that is privy to the machinery of life itself. The question is will we fall in line with the ease, grace and flow of life, coexisting with others with whatever we have, sharing and caring, healing and repairing, putting our best selves to use in making the world a better place to live in with whatever we have. We can, if we put our hearts, minds and souls to it, and that is what The Work is. Perhaps this is what has been referred to as the Holy Grail or the Golden Fleece or the real Ring that is not of the dark lord but then the 'dark lord' itself is much misunderstood and so is the system of gods, demons and angels. We sure have made an epic drama out of teasing out what is inherently together and designed to be so smoothly functioning that it would put the creamiest souffle batter into go-back-to-homework mode. But then, that is what makes my Work special - it is the domain of the silent, still and yet-to-be-formed or the inbetweens; a smile certainly comes to mind - it is not a circle, not a straight line but something in between that straightens a whole lot of things and wholesomizes a lot more.
The machinery of life began a long time ago and continues and will continue to be, whether we exist or not, for life has a way of movement and existence and subsistence that is privy to the machinery of life itself. The question is will we fall in line with the ease, grace and flow of life, coexisting with others with whatever we have, sharing and caring, healing and repairing, putting our best selves to use in making the world a better place to live in with whatever we have. We can, if we put our hearts, minds and souls to it, and that is what The Work is. Perhaps this is what has been referred to as the Holy Grail or the Golden Fleece or the real Ring that is not of the dark lord but then the 'dark lord' itself is much misunderstood and so is the system of gods, demons and angels. We sure have made an epic drama out of teasing out what is inherently together and designed to be so smoothly functioning that it would put the creamiest souffle batter into go-back-to-homework mode. But then, that is what makes my Work special - it is the domain of the silent, still and yet-to-be-formed or the inbetweens; a smile certainly comes to mind - it is not a circle, not a straight line but something in between that straightens a whole lot of things and wholesomizes a lot more.

Our Vision: {Vidhi}
Terabithiya is a Country by intelligent cosmic design where Life is touched such that health, wealth and wisdom is inspired to flow from dis-ease to wellbeing organically. Consistent with one's original blueprint living matrix or ishvarapranidhana, people in this Country mind their own busyness by following along one's conscience as vocation until ordained by Life as the station from which to serve for the betterment of the Whole as the physis of growth. Each being {people, animals, plants and microbiome, as visible forms of life} shines in their own light from occupying their own place in the schema of things, functioning in harmonious rhythmic synchrony with All That There Is in the Universe and Multiverse, being and becoming better by doing what makes them happy and soulsatisfied.
Our Mission: {Vidaan}
To have humane human beings who are HOPE (Humane {beings} Of Planet Earth <-- click here) and therefrom have Deepavali Mandala/Constellation from people shining by their own lights in their own orbits in the schema that is things around the Sun, where the Sun is the invisible restless physics of life that is constantly looking for a better {Wholeness}. (This basically means people coming to their fullest potential as a human being and behaving as part of a Whole.)
Terabithiya is a Country by intelligent cosmic design where Life is touched such that health, wealth and wisdom is inspired to flow from dis-ease to wellbeing organically. Consistent with one's original blueprint living matrix or ishvarapranidhana, people in this Country mind their own busyness by following along one's conscience as vocation until ordained by Life as the station from which to serve for the betterment of the Whole as the physis of growth. Each being {people, animals, plants and microbiome, as visible forms of life} shines in their own light from occupying their own place in the schema of things, functioning in harmonious rhythmic synchrony with All That There Is in the Universe and Multiverse, being and becoming better by doing what makes them happy and soulsatisfied.
Our Mission: {Vidaan}
To have humane human beings who are HOPE (Humane {beings} Of Planet Earth <-- click here) and therefrom have Deepavali Mandala/Constellation from people shining by their own lights in their own orbits in the schema that is things around the Sun, where the Sun is the invisible restless physics of life that is constantly looking for a better {Wholeness}. (This basically means people coming to their fullest potential as a human being and behaving as part of a Whole.)
About Meristem Intelligence
Meristem is the botanical name of the tissue containing undifferentiated cells found in zones of a plant where growth can take place. It is analogous to stem cells in animals. Meristematic cells are capable of continued cellular division (youthful). It has the totipotency to become any part of the plant body and is the precursor of life, just like the perfect single undifferentiated zygote that you and I were that underwent cell division and differentiation in the course of growth to become the physical form that we now have. The potential for that totipotency of life continues to exist within the blueprint of our make - maintaining, repairing, healing, evolving. It is called meristematic cells in plants, and stem cells in animals and human beings. Meristem, being part and parcel of Nature, responds to the environment, the life forces and with its own inherent intelligence and becomes what it needs to become in the environment it is in. It is found in the tip of the root and in the tip of the shoot. Meristem is a droplet that can contain the Ocean of Consciousness in its Nature and create harmonious worlds in the Universe, just as you and I.
Meristem Intelligence is the intelligence required for an organism to live such that its existence is lovingly supported by All That There Is and for it to support All That There Is lovingly. It is akin to the mind of the multiverse. To understand the mind of the multiverse, it is important to understand one’s own mind and that is only possible when one understands one’s own body, for mind is the software and body the hardware, which in turn is the software for our soul. As the software and hardware improves, the beauty of the soul as possible to manifest consequently becomes the blessing in being amongst living beings, until which time we are like half-baked cakes. For human beings, Meristem Intelligence is the science and technology for how to evolve and be humane beings. For Earth, this is what it takes to be an organic entity of Life, meaning 'what it takes to be a child of Life.' It imbibes thinking from several Schools of Thought and Disciplines such that each harmoniously has space for existence, contribution and evolution, and together contribute to form a peaceful dynamism that forms a unifying field for becoming. These are thought-vectors along the lines of “seed of life sacred geometry of becoming,” "microcosm being a reflection of the macrocosm" and being "a drop of the Ocean of Consciousness and the Ocean of Consciousness in a drop" along the Advaithic {philosophy of nonduality} law of existence, which in Sanskrit says Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornaath Poornamudacchyathe Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poornameevaavashishyathe. Meaning, That is Whole This is Whole From Whole Arises Whole. Being Whole (thusly) with Whole as the basis (for existence) Whole Always continues to Be (subsisted by the Whole and as a Greater Whole together consequently without exclusions). (Sanskrit is a wholesome language with deeper wholesomer layers of meaning revealed to the student as comprehension dawns, I find, much like Hebrew, and so the Reader may find slightly different versions of meaning through different pages on this website about this same Verse. I have been updating the website at different points in time as I grow/evolve in understanding and appreciation of Life, you see? Thank you for your kind understanding.)
Meristem Intelligence is the intelligence required for an organism to live such that its existence is lovingly supported by All That There Is and for it to support All That There Is lovingly. It is akin to the mind of the multiverse. To understand the mind of the multiverse, it is important to understand one’s own mind and that is only possible when one understands one’s own body, for mind is the software and body the hardware, which in turn is the software for our soul. As the software and hardware improves, the beauty of the soul as possible to manifest consequently becomes the blessing in being amongst living beings, until which time we are like half-baked cakes. For human beings, Meristem Intelligence is the science and technology for how to evolve and be humane beings. For Earth, this is what it takes to be an organic entity of Life, meaning 'what it takes to be a child of Life.' It imbibes thinking from several Schools of Thought and Disciplines such that each harmoniously has space for existence, contribution and evolution, and together contribute to form a peaceful dynamism that forms a unifying field for becoming. These are thought-vectors along the lines of “seed of life sacred geometry of becoming,” "microcosm being a reflection of the macrocosm" and being "a drop of the Ocean of Consciousness and the Ocean of Consciousness in a drop" along the Advaithic {philosophy of nonduality} law of existence, which in Sanskrit says Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornaath Poornamudacchyathe Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poornameevaavashishyathe. Meaning, That is Whole This is Whole From Whole Arises Whole. Being Whole (thusly) with Whole as the basis (for existence) Whole Always continues to Be (subsisted by the Whole and as a Greater Whole together consequently without exclusions). (Sanskrit is a wholesome language with deeper wholesomer layers of meaning revealed to the student as comprehension dawns, I find, much like Hebrew, and so the Reader may find slightly different versions of meaning through different pages on this website about this same Verse. I have been updating the website at different points in time as I grow/evolve in understanding and appreciation of Life, you see? Thank you for your kind understanding.)
About our Organisation:
Born to have Fun as a care’er (career)🙂!
Click the button below for salient features of MITI BayBe (Logo)
Meet MITI Baybe. We call our Logo, MITI BayBe. We think it is a 'she' right now. {The Founder, creator of this Enterprise - me! - also happens to be a female so at least as the 'entrepreneur' our Logo should be a 'she' else she has no ground to stand from!} {Also, MITI BayBe is the grown up version of the idea of Eve maybe of Wall-E white floaty robot with blue glowy eyes fame in the imaginosphere coz, well, she found the entrepreneur - me! - to have life enough to resuscitate Life on Earth, just like Eve of Wall-E was designed to discover life on a planet that humans abandoned with all the unrecycled waste made unliveable around somuchso that they made their own bubble in space to dirty space again than clean up their own waste into liveability. Unlike Eve who floats, MITI BayBe stands en pointe! And she sings just by the fact of the design that is her make! Born to have fun responsibly and all those nice things! This Enterprise does the resuscitate the Christ bit like mommy Mary did so organic nonviolent living continues to be or as Parvathi did to Shiva to save his life from all the poison he took in during samudra manthan or as Savitri did to negotiate with Dharmaraaj for Sathyavan and his People's Life. We repair the fabric of time and space by bridging the gap between paradigms of thinking so there are no contradictions in life, only organic nonviolent wholesomizing evolution into becoming humane beings, you see?} {Our Enterprise had no Logo even after having a word mark as Meristem Intelligence®️ and talking about it since 2015 until in 2021 after days/months/years of one image at a time, a few ideas sliced and diced, shores of concepts waved and bounced and pounded against we eventually stroked down the image that became our Logo. We happen to describe our pituitary gland as a mighty baby sitting on the gossamer-laced saddle that is the pituitary. 'Mighty baby' stuck as a descriptive and through our yogic contemplations of concepts, we got truth mathematic'ed by first being grammar-nazi'd and upanishedified before progressively tetragrammatizing into newer formats and 'MITI BayBe' emerged as a foresighted descriptor, just as any name titled by parents of a child at birth. On further inspection and inquiry, MITI turned out to be an acronym for Meristem Intelligence Technological Institute for BayBe'ing (as in, the ability to be a Bay or Cove per covenant/agreement with implicit conscience). MITI BayBe emerged like a Shambhogakaya - a normal emergence in conscience when conditions have been met as per the necessitates for wholesomization per cosmic law of existence (poornamadah poornamidam poornaath poornamudachyathe Poornasya poornamaadaaya poornamevaavashishyathe). Like any child is a conception through cosmic intelligence that parents are to take care of and parent into organised growth, MITI BayBe became our parent-child in our midst sanitising our concept of ourselves as we learned to take care of this new creation born immaculately through our concerns and contemplations while we got Advaitha'd into tetrahadrons holding Earth as a grain of sand in our heart as our home. We are still Sisyphus'ing this living Rock up the worthy mountains in creating humane beings on Earth MemberShip'ing people into being able to live in this new 'is'land we call Terabithiya. MITI BayBe showed up as the Image above in 2021 and she is so sound, like literally. If you look closely, the whole Image is math and sounds of Life I imagine coz it is so refreshing to just look at her closely. Our Programs reflect the math in her design and we make Programs from the Design so her Image matches what our Enterprise is composed of for a constitutional integrity.} She is the dark-colored word and image together of which we call our Logo. The other-than-black colorful design is how she would like to be dressed as of now, suggesting that as she grows up, depending on circumstances and occasion, she/he would change the dress. Kinda like Emperor’s Robes or Empress’ Robes. It is not about gender. When we are talking about an Organization called Life, it’s both male and female inseparable. Mythologically, they call it Tridevi or Trimurti or Trinity, but basically it’s both male, female and the gender-neutral spirit together which is called Life, inseparable as either! MITI BayBe is the Forest of Life that we call Terabithiya. {Watch the Apple image below for another version of Life}. We facilitate nonviolent growth of Life, you see? We are all differently abled people; that's why our image is all mathematical. It is sacred mathematics that suits our Enterprise' organisation.
We like to think of our Organization as a person who, like any baby, has a vision worth living for and principles and a certain blueprint by which to grow, but then also morphs and grows in response to prevalent conditions. At least, MITI Baybe is; has been since inception in 2015 with just sounds and words but no image! Then, in 2021, she shows up as a Logo! I guess we have been consistently doing the right thing by her that she grew from thunder to lightening {invisible to visible} like a Chinese bamboo. That’s why we call her MITI BayBe - Meristem Intelligence Technological Institute {a person is a systematic logical composition/institution of principles that defines who they are - ‘institute’} by which the person can be an individual droplet/cove {Bay} of and in the Ocean of Consciousness as the Ocean of Conscience and thereby be {Be} as a child of the Whole that supports the Whole and betters the Whole nonviolently organically - MITI BayBe!
Quite an eventful believe-it-or-not journey it has been thus far. She takes us on very interesting growth curves; I bet parents who have ever raised a kid would understand. Our creations is as much a child of our imaginations and is a way of living attempting to come forth into existence, you see? As we go about doing the right things, the BayBe grows bringing forth with it the beauty and bounty that this droplet of conscience brings {forth} into existence, organically, just like any child of consciousness.
A person is a representative ambassador of all where they have been through life, and is duty-bound to make those circles healthier, and pour forward the learnings from these spaces and places, you see? That's who a responsible independent journalist is who brings peace to the land and betters what and how things are, like a farmer. MITI BayBe, just as our Logo {image}, is a little i; that's what it takes to be a nobody in living a life less ordinary {nobody is the only body who does something that everybody expects somebody to do which anybody could have done!}. That's why it is called sanatana dharma.
Stay tuned to know how MITI Baybe grows!
We like to think of our Organization as a person who, like any baby, has a vision worth living for and principles and a certain blueprint by which to grow, but then also morphs and grows in response to prevalent conditions. At least, MITI Baybe is; has been since inception in 2015 with just sounds and words but no image! Then, in 2021, she shows up as a Logo! I guess we have been consistently doing the right thing by her that she grew from thunder to lightening {invisible to visible} like a Chinese bamboo. That’s why we call her MITI BayBe - Meristem Intelligence Technological Institute {a person is a systematic logical composition/institution of principles that defines who they are - ‘institute’} by which the person can be an individual droplet/cove {Bay} of and in the Ocean of Consciousness as the Ocean of Conscience and thereby be {Be} as a child of the Whole that supports the Whole and betters the Whole nonviolently organically - MITI BayBe!
Quite an eventful believe-it-or-not journey it has been thus far. She takes us on very interesting growth curves; I bet parents who have ever raised a kid would understand. Our creations is as much a child of our imaginations and is a way of living attempting to come forth into existence, you see? As we go about doing the right things, the BayBe grows bringing forth with it the beauty and bounty that this droplet of conscience brings {forth} into existence, organically, just like any child of consciousness.
A person is a representative ambassador of all where they have been through life, and is duty-bound to make those circles healthier, and pour forward the learnings from these spaces and places, you see? That's who a responsible independent journalist is who brings peace to the land and betters what and how things are, like a farmer. MITI BayBe, just as our Logo {image}, is a little i; that's what it takes to be a nobody in living a life less ordinary {nobody is the only body who does something that everybody expects somebody to do which anybody could have done!}. That's why it is called sanatana dharma.
Stay tuned to know how MITI Baybe grows!
Here’s who this Enterprise Works for
Also, one for my Master, one for my Dame, and one for the little boy who lives down the lane.
MITI BayBe, as Adam and Eve inseparate, has always been here, watching the world go about their daily activities; it was just not time for wakening up and presenting new seeds of information because the technology was not updated enough to accommodate such new informations.
We adopted the Care Model of Business. We made it our business to Care Enough about living from Swabhiman or 'i'land Terabithiya as personal EarthHome {Dharma or Bhumi} in functioning as EarthFamily on EarthHouse!
Our Names Chart for a dekko
Our Programs form from these Names, and we have 10 Planets from these Names, and each have specific function in the schema of things that form MITI World for BayBe'ing.
Take a peek into MITI BayBe's World Map and locate your position in Meristem Intelligence®️ World. Everybody starts at some point on this journey; maybe your being here is no accident? Head here to get started into the journey of coming to your own personal universe. Benefits accrue over time! 🙂
We adopt what we call as Connect.™️ Marketing - our own invention:) We found that's the only thing that Works for MITI BayBe'ing the World! It’s a form of correct marketing - making things better by correcting discrepancies or confusions and thereby adding value.
We help unwrinkle the fabric of time and space by bridging the gaps between paradigms of philosophies. We connect dots across time and space, healing, repairing, facilitating the maintenance of individual and collective psyche in nonviolence by our different initiatives, and reap the returns on our investment. Wealth is not limited to what most people think it is, you see? We just give out more from what we know nothing can take away from us - Nothing based on Advaitha of sanatana dharma!
We also maintain a samudra manthan style of customer retention - point of care based service. It helps us maintain living in the present moment an active practice. It’s a cultural thing.
We also maintain a samudra manthan style of customer retention - point of care based service. It helps us maintain living in the present moment an active practice. It’s a cultural thing.
Here's some more on a zoom-in of Connect. (Logo)
The Logo has a device image and a word followed by a dot. The dot gets its importance in connection with the image and the word, and the yoga-based health and quality of life-enhancing services through community building work that Connect. makes available. The dot also intends, in the Logo, to draw attention to the importance of little things like dot, one person, one rupee, small details that people tend to not pay attention to but makes a big difference in everyday experiences of living.
Meristem Intelligence® is committed to facilitating humaneness amongst individuals and societies as has been represented by 'Original Humane Intelligence Facilitation' written within our Logo that is clearly displayed on the Home page. Our Trademarks are a basketweave of valuesets intended to facilitate unique values within the sphere of humane healthcare through education, humane practices of health maintenance and enrichment of wellbeing through the faculties of healthy lifestyles. Given the ginormous amount of work involved in organically facilitating health amongst societies, we have been making deliberate slow movements carefully gauging the least disruptive pathway so harmony amongst multiple levels of social, cultural, spiritual, ethnic concerns organically healthifies through, what we call 'healing of impressions as basis for dis-ease through sukha and dukha.' MI approach is educative, maintenance of health and facilitation for enrichment of wellness through Products organically developed as necessary 'medicine' to heal different kinds of ailments that does not allow for humane interactions. We move at snail pace because of the fine nuances involved in what we call 'moving history forward for the better.'
Following are some of the distinctive features of the Logo:
The image has a central circle around which is a disk on which are present 12 'steeples.' I drew the image digitally and the distinctive features are appreciable on overview as well as zoom in to appreciate micro values. The 'steeples' are developmental values, like lotuses that grow out of murky waters, represented by fuzzy/cloud-like pixels at the base of each 'steeple.' The central circle has 4 sets of serrated surfaces with each serrated surface having 44 serrations and a few subtler pixelated serrations. Every 3rd 'steeple' top is a flat surface where other 'steeple' tops are serrated with 13 serrations. The serrated 'steeple' tops have a pattern - every first serrated 'steeple' top has a left side corner with a slant and the 11th and 12th serrations very close to each other, almost countable as one serration. The second serrated 'steeple' top has the right side corner with a slant that is pixelated soft. There is a 'peg' or bump on every 4th 'steeple' with the 'steeple' next to it having a smaller bump and the one next to the second having an even smaller bump. The 'fuzzy' pixel logic has more compounded complexities.
All of these are valuesets as distinct business points. Talk about #LordOfTheRings for #humanityacrossboundaries on e-commerce mode for el dorado (enlivening life in the universe by the fact of having a body that is humane!).
Meristem Intelligence® is committed to facilitating humaneness amongst individuals and societies as has been represented by 'Original Humane Intelligence Facilitation' written within our Logo that is clearly displayed on the Home page. Our Trademarks are a basketweave of valuesets intended to facilitate unique values within the sphere of humane healthcare through education, humane practices of health maintenance and enrichment of wellbeing through the faculties of healthy lifestyles. Given the ginormous amount of work involved in organically facilitating health amongst societies, we have been making deliberate slow movements carefully gauging the least disruptive pathway so harmony amongst multiple levels of social, cultural, spiritual, ethnic concerns organically healthifies through, what we call 'healing of impressions as basis for dis-ease through sukha and dukha.' MI approach is educative, maintenance of health and facilitation for enrichment of wellness through Products organically developed as necessary 'medicine' to heal different kinds of ailments that does not allow for humane interactions. We move at snail pace because of the fine nuances involved in what we call 'moving history forward for the better.'
Following are some of the distinctive features of the Logo:
The image has a central circle around which is a disk on which are present 12 'steeples.' I drew the image digitally and the distinctive features are appreciable on overview as well as zoom in to appreciate micro values. The 'steeples' are developmental values, like lotuses that grow out of murky waters, represented by fuzzy/cloud-like pixels at the base of each 'steeple.' The central circle has 4 sets of serrated surfaces with each serrated surface having 44 serrations and a few subtler pixelated serrations. Every 3rd 'steeple' top is a flat surface where other 'steeple' tops are serrated with 13 serrations. The serrated 'steeple' tops have a pattern - every first serrated 'steeple' top has a left side corner with a slant and the 11th and 12th serrations very close to each other, almost countable as one serration. The second serrated 'steeple' top has the right side corner with a slant that is pixelated soft. There is a 'peg' or bump on every 4th 'steeple' with the 'steeple' next to it having a smaller bump and the one next to the second having an even smaller bump. The 'fuzzy' pixel logic has more compounded complexities.
All of these are valuesets as distinct business points. Talk about #LordOfTheRings for #humanityacrossboundaries on e-commerce mode for el dorado (enlivening life in the universe by the fact of having a body that is humane!).