DripplesDripples (drops n' ripples) attempts to invite a relook at our current definitions, at what we know and don't know, of our selves, at health and of life itself, and perhaps have a perspective that is new.
Our Logo whom we call MITI BayBe has taken close to a full 5 years in taking shape into the structure she has today, and is Trademarked as our representative Logo with the Government. We think our Logo is a she right now but we know the person of the Logo is a fine balance between masculine and feminine and a form that is unlimited by gender definitions because the person is a human being - a humane being - and represents our idea of what a humane being must look constitutionally/compositionally like ontologically. Here’s a few of the salient features for your kind appreciation; we are mighty pleased and awed by how she came to be our Logo. For starters, she looks like an exclamation mark with its point on top. A person becomes as a consequence of asking questions that he/she/they seeks answers to and hence the point at the bottom of a question mark is where a person lands once he/she/they move through the curves of a question mark. The landing point is then most likely a revelation, as in an ‘a-ha!’ and so is like to evoke an exclamation mark. But, a person cannot just be the point below an exclamation mark because he/she/they would have no ground, awed as the person may be from having had an ‘a-ha!’ moment, and also the ‘a-ha!’ happens in the head, so it is fair to think that the point of this whole journey of discovery since asking the question is likely to be a point on top of a geodecimal locator at a point in time, like a place marker or a location marker on a map! We are, each, afterall on a journey of discovering who we are and what we are doing in the schema of things..at least that’s the start of most journeys. (We are likely to keep finding ourselves at a place where we need an orientor or placemarker en route coz sacred geometry could take us through some interesting spaces where we really need a placemarker to know if we are coming or going sometimes, as we so delightfully often find in our Program, DharmaPada For SoulSatisfaction™️.) Our Logo looks like a person with a certain dignity of bearing but we wanted the person to look like a small i, seeing how most people have a difficulty being a small person - a nobody even - seeing how everybody wants to be a somebody somuchso that no body is home doing nobody’s Work of maintaining home and non-violence and harmony and humane kindness and all those nice things that anybody can do and everybody expects somebody to take care of while nobody ends up doing it. Look at the land dumps and oceans that need caring for and forests needing replenishing and mouths needing feeding. We even have had the Wuhan wet markets because people did not get sufficient to eat somuchso that they had to resort to wet markets, and the pandemic has at least some part of origins there? Nobodies..deficiency in ordinary normal human beings ..while everybody is busy trying to become extraordinary! Little i. Quite inspired .. maybe even ‘awakened’ into thinking about the little i in the iPhone since 2011 or so..way too many years before we even knew we would be having an Enterprise for which we would have to be searching for an appropriate Logo! Life does take some interesting turns while you are busy doing the right things! We found this WhatsApp forward quite matching our thoughts in a way right around this time. Serendipity and all that! Continuing on with the Salient Features of our MiTI BayBe!
The geodecimal locator {bottom half of the image} has 20 plumes; we think if she twirled around, the plumes would fan out into quite a dress. We think she stands en pointe like a ballerina of sorts! We think about from the level of hips until ribcage is the plane of being, like a pillar to post, for maintaining stature and poise. From ribcage to clavicle is 13 steps, the 14th being the invisible sound of being that arises from the valley between head and rest of the body. The steps represent the SriYantra in vertical stack, like if you click a photo from the sideview. On the topmost point is where the ‘head’ is placed - the point that holds the pot of wisdom and maintained upright so that commonsense stays inside the pot keeping the person and people around {and future generations} safe, sane, serendipitous and stacked appropriately/prudently in the schema of things. The point - the head - is a wonder of calculations in and of itself. It has 4 platitudes, 10 points between three of the platitudes and 11 between two of the platitudes for a total of 41 {langhanams that Nirbeeja Yoga®️ and DharmaPada For SoulSatisfaction™️ together will help de’asathya’fy in having a person become originally humanely intelligent - become a humane being. We are still discovering the many facets that this wonderful being who has come to be after so many circuses in figuring out how to do the right thing, and her image is what keeps this Author {me! Bitha Sadanandan} oriented to remember doing the right things coz the image formulated out of so many circus. We wanted the image to represent the Tree of Life and the dualities, which it does in oh so many ways we are just discovering has been intelligently put together. Nirbeeja Yoga®️ does zippy logic a lot of things such that intuition is a definition for integrating intelligence. Our Logo formed from etchings and iterations over several days/weeks? after pondering over iteratively developing, changing, morphing prior developments somuchso that we are awed by what our intelligence has come to put together as our Logo. But then, even our website domain name, Enterprise name, different Programs are also a produce of similar contemplations and documentations over time, and we are still discovering so many aspects of what we have put together, just like consciousness contemplating itself in figuring out who it is and what this is all about and having another ‘a-ha!’ moment. Our several Programs came up similarly and continues to amaze us, like kids do with the fact of their being them when allowed and appreciated to be them and as parents nurturing them in their well-being. It’s a good life and our Creations are our kids too, so may be we inspire people to do well by how we are raising our kids through our Enterprise? Talk about virtual reality!
AuthorMy name is Bitha Sadanandan. I am a person behind MITI World but this blog is my 'look what I found' pin-up kind of wall developed for a purpose mentioned in the Blog Header. Some things just need to be said, even if an idea only you are crazy enough to have! {Volcanoes are the reason why I voice my thoughts here; a healthy steam-engine keeps the environment life-sustainable.} Categories
June 2030