DripplesDripples (drops n' ripples) attempts to invite a relook at our current definitions, at what we know and don't know, of our selves, at health and of life itself, and perhaps have a perspective that is new.
Just as our emotions can be entangled in relationships, spiritually we could just as well be entangled in past life experiences through relationships had in past lives. How else do you explain an inexplicable joy in meeting a stranger for the first time whose name you just cannot recall for some reason but you just feel you know very well though dont know how? I call them 'soulmates' (just like how we have 'classmates' who studied with us in the same class) where 'soulmates' are basically people you have lived with in a previous lifetime(s). It could be a pleasant re-meeting or an unpleasant one, where you are always at each others' 'throat' for some reason and need to find a way to live congenially. It is not surprising that we have soulmates. We are certain to have 'soul schoolmates' considering that we have just one same Earth. Our ancestors lived on the same place and so would our future generations if we care enough to leave it healthy enough to be lived in. Earth is our ancestral home. Genetically we are all well enmeshed. There is a video with a study done to prove what I say. We still harbinge hate against the Nazis and from the witch killings of yore in our individual/collective psyche - some being victims while others are perpetrators or combinations of both, and unbeknownst to us we may be continuing with such behavior though we may not know where such behavior really comes from. Jungian philosophy calls them Archetypes.
Beyond all this and however may have been the past, we are amongst the living now. We are alive today. Through all kinds of the history of mankind, life has come to us in this way. We have what we have (people, circumstances, warts and all) AND we are amongst the fortunate living, fortunate for we can make a difference to how things are and make them better, heal the wounds that somehow, anyhow came to be. We dont have to pass those wounds and hurts to future generations. It is possible to heal the wounds, even those incurred in past lives, for life is happening in the present and in the present is also traces of what has been, no matter how old, bad and the good. Meristem Intelligence Maintenance Therapy offers a kind, organic gentle way by which to heal from wounds you don't even need to know wherefrom. An inexplicable ease and grace in living often is sufficient proof that something has changed for the better, as is the case as reported in feedback by several who have come for sessions. Old wounds just take a little longer to heal but heal they will given sufficient resources, appropriate containment, time and space in which this could happen. Every person who takes the time to heal themselves heals all those who came before them and those who come after them. We each have for sure this one life in which we are amongst the living, having now the resources and means we have now, which may not have been available to those in the past and to us in the past, but they are now. Come, make your attempt to make better and to set things right now what could not be earlier for whatsoever reason. You do have this moment in the present to make a better choice and to do the right thing with the courage in your heart, sweat of your brow, and strength of your back. I can help you through the difficult patch. It need not last forever. You are not alone. Reach out and you will find a helping hand in me.
AuthorMy name is Bitha Sadanandan. I am a person behind MITI World but this blog is my 'look what I found' pin-up kind of wall developed for a purpose mentioned in the Blog Header. Some things just need to be said, even if an idea only you are crazy enough to have! {Volcanoes are the reason why I voice my thoughts here; a healthy steam-engine keeps the environment life-sustainable.} Categories
June 2030