DripplesDripples (drops n' ripples) attempts to invite a relook at our current definitions, at what we know and don't know, of our selves, at health and of life itself, and perhaps have a perspective that is new.
![]() I modify Rumi's words to "You are a glass of water from the Ocean AND you are the entire ocean in a glass of water." (You are just as much a tiny drop in the whole scheme of things as much as You are not JUST a drop. I say 'glass of water' because we have physical/material bodies whose nature is basically crystalline.) Wholesomeness us SUCH a beautiful word. The Vedas say, Poornamadah poornamidam poornaath poornamudachyathe, poornasya poornamaadhaayah poornamevaa vashishyathe (There is whole, here is whole, from whole arises whole, From/being whole, with whole as the basis (relied upon), whole ever subsists/remains) (Sanskrit is an ancient language with layers of meanings in each of its words, so translating it becomes a challenge but the translation above is a good enough approximation, I suppose) The Vedas delineated thusly a law cosmologically for anything created to subsist and then further for the created to create subsisting/lasting (read, that which stands the test of time) creations in the scheme of things. We are creations too of the Universe (born to a mother and father and part of some community/geography whether we like it or not) and so part and parcel of the Whole (on a Planet that is part of a solar system that is part of the Milky Way that is part of a bigger galaxy and so on). Any dissociation/breakage from wholesomeness (i.e., sum of many many Wholes) is 'trauma.' Who you are and what you create from being in existence depends on the degree of wholesomeness in you. (the subsistence of what you create in time again depends on the degree of wholesomeness by the above cosmological law of creation as delineated by the Vedas). {I say 'you' in the above sentence because the individual - I - when unwholesome, tends to hide conveniently behind the 'we' and not take responsibility in becoming the person that he/she/they can become in bringing into existence what You can bring into existence simply because of not waking up to the fact that there are no two You's!) The following is a list of the big headings under which we could check our relationship with wholesomeness. (Yes, as the image suggests, 'trauma' is like an oppressive force that squeezes our brains and bodies into inability to think clearly or behave appropriately). The more wholesome we get, better is the nature and quality of what we create (bring into existence and maintain) in the world. The nature of the relationship with the items in the following list would indicate health or trauma in that aspect of wholesomeness, or would at least help to gauge the degree of trauma (or degree of deviation from wholesomeness) in us (as an individual or the individual in a community):
- Relationship with God (or energy or force bigger and greater than you/I - the individual) - Relationship with Nature - Relationship with the land/geography/Country - Relationship with parents - Relationship with people/collective (Relationship with extended family other than parents is a separate subheading under this. This can be further subheaded with relationship with a specific person) - Relationship with things (eg. phone, chair, the rock in the garden, a paper, etc. - nonliving things) - Relationship with life - Relationship with Death (and, consequently, with living) - Relationship with ones body - Relationship with oneself - Relationship with purpose How do we know that there may be a dissociation? Personal Journey through life. If you dont have one, there are several levels of trauma already (because Nature is simply ecological; nothing without a purpose exists, especially if it has life, which you and I have because of which we are countable amongst the living). If you already know your Journey and are buffed every now and then, you may be buffed by the above checkable list. Identify the detractor and you know what takes you out of your Journey. (If you don't have a personal journey, just go through the above list and as you work out the 'trauma' in your relationship with the above items, you are more likely than not to come up with at least one good purpose for existence in the fulfilling of which you are amongst the living and then you would have identified your Personal Journey. I will post further in the category called Finding your Path on this Blog site to further delineate/support you in identifying your path.) There would be bumpers every now and then on the Journey, and they are there because sometimes if the necessary tools are not already learnt in maneuvering through the Journey, the Journey simply would need to teach you those tools because these tools would be essential further on too. If you already had it, you would not be delayed because you would simply be using them. What the above list helps in is identifying the already existing unwholesomeness due to which learning the required tools in your Journey becomes/has been difficult. You could keep bumping up against the same challenges until the 'trauma' in this check-list areas are healed and then you can sail smoother. Your Journey would still have what it takes to complete it but the chances of the Journey just being a dream versus a reality increases tremendously. Self-actualization is not really the end of the story; it is the beginning of having 'real'ized a possible and the Journey now is in maintaining the healthy existence of this new New. If it is not already there in the world, your Journey is still in possibility/work-in-progress stage. When we think/perceive a threat or unfriendliness by that whose relationship (with the item in the list) we are examining, something that bound us in a relationship got sour with reactive behaviors that override reason and create avoidant behaviors, and that is 'trauma.' Experts would perhaps argue that Trauma (with a big T) is severe form of breakage from wholesomeness, but some foundation for it could be seen in the less severe versions. 'Trauma' is nevertheless painful, no matter what the degree. It affects ones well-being emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, physically, and affects ones outlook at life and what one thinks is possible and/or does in the lifespan that one does have. How to identify a trauma: I will attempt to help identify trauma with an example from the list above (Relationship with people/collective). The same method can be used to check with other items from the list. Sift through the knowledge content of what you know about the topic. If there is something against which you react/get triggered by (read, lose your equilibrium), you have identified a trauma. If the breakage from wholesomeness is with a person with whom unfriendliness or homogeneity is missing (read, lose your equilibrium or sense of happiness), there is trauma. The reason for the trauma could be a 'trauma' in the other but a reactivity from us (read, lose your equilibrium) is what would tell if at least part of the reason is a 'trauma' in us. Can we BE in the presence of what we assess the nature of relationship with (or of items from the list). If a reactivity in the individual me is identified, there are many ways to heal the trauma, including but not limited to counseling, working with a therapist, healthcare practices, or maybe even sitting with the uncomfortable for a tete-a-tete. Every trauma can be healed. Everything that is broken can be fixed. Every problem has a solution and can be solved if you have the will to find it and solve it. If you don't think so, there is a trauma that is waiting to be healed! If we can not only be in the presence of but also affect an effect that makes things better for the 'other' ('God'/nature/geography/people/self/purpose that we check nature of relationship with), then there is a great amount of health in us (as against trauma). Everything that is broken can be repaired because wholesomeness is always there to be checked and connected with, because we ARE a part of a community/geography/Planet/solar system and so on. We simply are part of a Whole, so any breakage ('trauma') from the connectedness is just a matter of effort and time invested in repairing the breakage from wholesomeness. It simply IS. I am available for support if you or people you care about are facing a difficulty in getting back to Whole or some disconnection persists. My work is getting things back to whole. Part of my work is 'trauma' healing, which basically means putting things back together in the best possible way, in the most organic way possible, and the other part of my work is enabling the Journeyer (whether or not they know their Journey) in getting to be their best possible self, so unless it is Great Health, the work is not done yet, and I am available to support through the entire process in whatsoever manner I can.
AuthorMy name is Bitha Sadanandan. I am a person behind MITI World but this blog is my 'look what I found' pin-up kind of wall developed for a purpose mentioned in the Blog Header. Some things just need to be said, even if an idea only you are crazy enough to have! {Volcanoes are the reason why I voice my thoughts here; a healthy steam-engine keeps the environment life-sustainable.} Categories
June 2030