DripplesDripples (drops n' ripples) attempts to invite a relook at our current definitions, at what we know and don't know, of our selves, at health and of life itself, and perhaps have a perspective that is new.
![]() It is getting back to be ones original self. Not just getting back on feet, on some feet and carrying on however though that is also resilience in being able to get up and go. It may come to be that eventually one would get back to ones original feet but the real juice is in being able to do that soon after )being knocked out of it by whatsoever circumstances, for example), in a flash of a second if you may. What is original self? It is who one is really. It is the person within all the different personas and identities assumed, which are much like clothes worn for the day. In the end of the day, those clothes are taken off to don more comfortable not-really-to-impress clothes, and even within all of these clothes is the real naked person who does not change skin at will whenever, who experiences life through the different circumstances and situations and who has a history (more like 'his' or 'her' story which comprises of his/her ancestry, cultural background, upbringing and circumstances thereof, influences through schools and neighbourhood, whose likes and dislikes have been shaped through various experiences of living). Within even that person is a self which is like the soul of the person who makes choices, who has the ability to change 'channels' by choosing differently (like changing a TV channel by clicking a different button on the remote control, and that change is a change of choice), who has an energy or frequency all of the person's own. It is when the thoughts are not borrowed or a replica of someone else's. It is original. What comes into being from this original self may never have come into existence before. This self is authentic, second to no one else. It is the first person after which comes even parents who are the first relatives after birth with the mother being the first relationship from having a heartbeat the first time in the womb. The self of a person is related to this woman by the relationship named mother. The self of a person is a consciousness who then forms relationships in this space and time called this world. True resilience is in being and coming back to this original self in a flash of a second. It is when the person truly becomes an in-dividual, the original self as an entity of existence - a phenomenon. Food is anything that can be consumed. It could be material. It could be information. It could be energy. It could be space. It can be consumed and it can be imbibed. What you consume or imbibe becomes you. You are what you food. You are food. You are part of the food chain, literally and figuratively. What kind of food you are depends on what you pay attention to. What you pay attention to becomes food for thought, whether you like it or not. Pay attention to what you pay attention to and you know what is that you consume, and what becomes of it. You become the food you consume and imbibe.
Bon appetite! As clichéd as it may sound, there really are two aspects of us that are poles of each other - lets call them the archetypal 2 wolves (honouring the ancestors whosoever introduced the idea of the wolves to the masses). What we eat feeds either the healthy wolf or the unhealthy wolf (I degress from tradition here - they are not the good and the bad wolves).
When we eat our veggies and drink our milk and honey, the healthy wolf gets stronger and has us choose healthy constructive lifestyles and healthy quality of life than we would have asked for. When we feed us a lot of coke, fried potatoes, more meat than our body needs, and cigarette and alcohol, the unhealthy wolf is happy and gets us into more trouble than we would have asked for. Bon appetit ! "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
~ Marianne Williamson Place soles of the feet flat on the ground.
Knees soft. Elbows soft. Tuck the tail bone in (slightly firming/tightening the lower abdominal muscles will help with this) and pull back the neck. Spine erect, with the vertebral bones aligned one on top of the other, starting from the base of the spine through to the base of the skull, with the head softly placed on top of the spine. Jaws soft - unclenched (allow tip of the tongue to touch the front roof of the mouth, with tongue tip touching the back of the front upper row of teeth; this helps relax the jaw). Shoulders back (rotate the shoulders front-up-back and then drop them. This would help bring the head and neck back and also broaden the chest while bringing the shoulders into a more anatomical unstrained alignment with the rest of the skeleton). Feel or sense the top of the head (crown region). Relax the forehead. Relax the face. Relax the thighs and calf muscles. Relax the abdomen. Relax the pelvis and hip joints. Feel or sense the breath through inhalation and exhalation. What thoughts are running through the head, what bodily sensations there are at the moment, what emotion is present? Checkin on how the skin throughout the body feels. Feel the air and clothes on the skin. Tune in to all the sounds you can hear. Tune in to smells. Tune in to taste. Look around and orient to the variety of colors available to see. This is ground zero. Anytime you feel confused or in trouble, come to this as a baseline. This is basic alignment/orientation. (I will fine-tune this post in time but this is available for now) |
AuthorMy name is Bitha Sadanandan. I am a person behind MITI World but this blog is my 'look what I found' pin-up kind of wall developed for a purpose mentioned in the Blog Header. Some things just need to be said, even if an idea only you are crazy enough to have! {Volcanoes are the reason why I voice my thoughts here; a healthy steam-engine keeps the environment life-sustainable.} Categories
June 2030