DharmaPada For SoulSatisfaction®️ (advertising and business services)
This Program is like our fifth brain. We know a lot of things individually and collectively, and they are in concreted, fluid or crystalline intelligence forms. This is what we call Earth/terra firma from the kind of intellect we have. A lot of us tend to have concreted intelligence somuchso that nothing new has any chance of even being considered. This Program attempts to till the concreted intellectuoscape so that new ideas, fresh growth, light and ventilation can help healthify the inmates {indoor people} into healthy imagination and dreams worth peek-a-boo'ing for. New things begin from the hitherto locked down intellectuoscapes.
Coming up soon!
- Printable quotes to supply some good Food for Thought to spruce you up or for a good get-up-and-go.
- WordRehab. Yup, we need that. What we speak d-o-e-s NOT match with what the dictations or what the word means. Some of them are worlds apart. Law of Attraction works on a good absolutely sync'd word-meaning exact match. Otherwise, you are looking London going Tokyo. Check out my Instagram account (meristemintelligence) for the ones already created to serve this purpose. I have been told they are good.
- WordRehab. Yup, we need that. What we speak d-o-e-s NOT match with what the dictations or what the word means. Some of them are worlds apart. Law of Attraction works on a good absolutely sync'd word-meaning exact match. Otherwise, you are looking London going Tokyo. Check out my Instagram account (meristemintelligence) for the ones already created to serve this purpose. I have been told they are good.
This is where we teach people how to properly be a hamster in the wheel such that they can bell the cat without even moving a muscle or using any thing. Also, make immaculate love.
Bhakthi yoga
2nd Brain (I)
Self-Brain - our ideas of self is not as organised as it needs to be so identity issues about oneself vs other's self comes from this Brain not being organised enough.
The Whole of the above image is inside MITI BayBe. What this image holds needs a whole Program to distinguish salient features of. We could call it Humpty-Dumpty.
"We are, each, a self-fulfilling prophecy. The path is already laid; all we have to do is walk it."
~ Unknown
Come! Fall and Rise in love through the love for Life!
Yoga with a Difference!
Nirbeeja Yoga®️ is what it takes to maintain love that sustains the test of time.
Come and learn to Johnny Walker walk like a normal, ordinary, human being to walk the path that is already laid out for you.
Narasimha avataara
Siddhidhatri {one who facilitates from the guru cooled enough to simply do/facilitate the right thing}
Nirbeeja Yoga®️ (education, entertainment, training)
Education; Providing of training; Entertainment; Sporting and cultural activities
This Program is like our second brain. The Self is a topic not much thought about by an individual without some prodding or pronking that has one think about oneself {one's self} in a way never before due to whatsoever reasons. This Program supplements food for contemplation to abate the severe deficiency of thought related to this area of intelligence where nonviolence resides awaiting its turn to brook a new song as a way of living.
Patanjali in his treatise, Yoga Sutra, mentions a fourth manner of breathing that unveils the truth. Nirbeeja Yoga may or may not be what he speaks about, but in my practice of this Yoga, have noticed being very closely associated with Life as a presence and this Work demands my being truthful, authetic and in sync with what is right and conscientious, so I am guessing this may be what Patanjali wrote about. This Practice is an important part of being and becoming in my other Program, DharmaPada for SoulSatisfaction™, in living life walking the path of peace and truth in becoming the best version of oneself. It is also a good any-time yoga by which to maintain health without having to go to the doctor for every little discomfort. {Probably by this the physicians and other healthcaring minions of mercy will be less traumatized by the demands placed on life-saving caretakers}.
$8 Store ("Around the world in eight dollars!")
Coming up soon!
- Meditations
...to get you started and/or going and/or refinding your way back into your #InfiniteGame as Simon Sinek puts it. I call it self-healing methods to maintain health without needing a doctor all the time. Thats good to get you going on becoming the best version of you yet! This goes very well with DharmaPada for SoulSatisfaction. Will put up details soon!
- Meditations
...to get you started and/or going and/or refinding your way back into your #InfiniteGame as Simon Sinek puts it. I call it self-healing methods to maintain health without needing a doctor all the time. Thats good to get you going on becoming the best version of you yet! This goes very well with DharmaPada for SoulSatisfaction. Will put up details soon!
Simple prayer for peace
~ anon
Lord,make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me bring love.
Where there is offense, let me bring pardon.
Where there is discord, let me bring union.
Where there is error, let me bring truth.
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith.
Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me bring light.
Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.
O Master, let me not seek as much to be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love,
For it is in the giving that one receives,
It is in the self-forgetting that one finds,
It is in pardoning that one is pardoned,
It is in dying that one is raised to eternal life.
Where there is hatred, let me bring love.
Where there is offense, let me bring pardon.
Where there is discord, let me bring union.
Where there is error, let me bring truth.
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith.
Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me bring light.
Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.
O Master, let me not seek as much to be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love,
For it is in the giving that one receives,
It is in the self-forgetting that one finds,
It is in pardoning that one is pardoned,
It is in dying that one is raised to eternal life.
The above prayer has poignant messages that are implicit in the practice of Nirbeeja Yoga®️
We call (natural organic) Breaths of Life as life-support vests (lifecare medium) for coming home to 'nothing'.🙂
Watch the movie, The Silent Flute, to get a sense of the 'nothing' referred to in our Enterprise. It goes a bit further in that our body becomes the home from which the Mirror of Erised is recognised and then stepped beyond in coming home to the Mirror of Nothing as the still lake for nonviolence and organic harmonious ordinary {dharma-based} living.
Nirbeeja Yoga®️ is arahathic yoga, beyond arhathic yoga, where arahathic is the realm of the yonder/Unknown {beyond the realms of the known or knowable}.
The Any-time Yoga!
Nirbeeja Yoga - For Beginners (Montessori)A Beginner's Journey into Parvathi method of yoga - yoga without moving a muscle or using any thing!
Have you considered that making love under the skin without moving a muscle is the fundamental basics for maintaining being human?
It is when we dont know to do that that we become animal-like (prone to violence) and antisocial...and kinda outdated, like old hardware or software prone to be destructive than integrative. Nirbeeja Yoga changes all that somuchso that it is a game-changer for the better. An ecological economical 'Green Tara' of a human! This may be what has originally been called 'yoga.' |
Here are a few USPs of Nirbeeja Yoga®️:
Appreciation forms 'ishvarapranidana'
This involves quantum digestion, refinement and distillation so that pure water remains as the elixir of life (read, 'Ganga' from the head of Shiva or cleaner CSF from the choroid plexus). All this using no thing. This also prevents the creation and maintenance of parallel universes so the practitioner has just one life to maintain, prevents entropy, and all energy is employed in effectively, efficiently living the one life one has. Vedic mathematics through sacred geometrical 'right way' movements becomes possible through the starting circle of the Advaithic ground zero (shoonya).
Love forms the Advaitha {one without a second}
As the personal waters become clear, one is prone to be more functional from the lake of personal stillness that is rife with the sounds of silence and effulgent with the SoundsOfLife/Nothing (Mookaambika raaga).
Shoonya forms 'ishvarapranidhana'
Nirbeeja Yoga is inside hatha yoga and it nonviolently organically nirbeejifies the violence out of ha and tha so that they keep it together to walk {DharmaPada} nonviolently the journey of Life.🙂
Dharma as ground 0 of nothing is at the heart of Nirbeeja Yoga®️ and it churns the ocean of care such that 0 grows between up down, front back, left right, in out movements making 0/nothing of dharma better. Nirbeeja Yoga®️, thus, keeps ha and tha spinning fine thread so that the fabric of life is fresh and beautiful! {Right now it seems like people need to grow from -1000 to 0 to get started on + journey to 1000 and then back again as we move between black/agnaan to white/gnaan to white/agnaan to black/gnaan and so on back and forth but then numbers are an infinite matter. We keep it simple by bothering only about -10 to +10 back and forth; no idea how far we have come thus far. We only know we are to take everyone along to this better place as it seems we are doing a right thing conducive to the Whole so we are sharing the goodies here for your careful consideration. It’s a long journey, so let’s get started! It’s a great fantastic fantabulous journey of becoming that Sisyphus definitely knows about! Sisyphus’ rock is his care that he needs to learn to carry in his heart up the mountain, you see? We call it the ‘Parvathi’ method of becoming healthy.}
Nirbeeja Yoga®️ is a shorter way that can be learned from the comfort of your home; you don’t have to trudge up a mountain pushing or carrying a rock! You become the rock! Plus you get healthy, wealthy and wise and get to be transparent and lightweight in the truth of your self. Responsibly free! {I got some experience; I can show you how!}
In light of recent events, it felt important to inform that the practice of Nirbeeja Yoga®️ is other than anything most people have ever known. Hence, do not presume to know how to do this without Bitha Sadanandan’s guidance. If so, you are not doing Nirbeeja Yoga®️. Bitha’s contact number is available in the Footer. This website is an announcement of services and practices available through this Enterprise, not the practice itself. Most people live in a world where hatha yoga is all that there is {“everything is hatha yoga”}. Nirbeeja Yoga®️ is other-than-that; it is inside hatha yoga and it takes several stages of awareness before moving through layers of sounds, silence and stillness before hitting nothing and then several more stages of development before coming to normal and ordinary living that is nonviolence-based. Nirbeeja Yoga®️ is like Nirbeeja samadhi in walks-talky mode where the goal is not become an alive mummy but to be a person who walks the path of dharma based on nonviolent mindfulness. ‘Thoughtless state’ is a part of what we call dynamicstillnesses but to get to dynamicstillnesses one needs to get to dynamic stillness first. The whole experience is other than ‘alive but unmoving samadhi’ or ‘thoughtless’ state that most associate with Nirbeeja samadhi. If anybody is attempting to hit ‘nothing’ or ‘thoughtless’ or ‘stillness’ or ‘breath of life’ without going through the stages involved in coming home to life {where most people are like living dead in several stages of anaesthesia to life so much so that life is a vague idea let alone an experience that can be felt in their skin} such a person has embarked on a journey to entanglement from presumptions. You reap he products of your presumptions. I (Founder of Nirbeeja Yoga®️ - Bitha Sadanandan) am writing it here: my contact details are available for organic homecoming into this practice of mindful living. In light of the COVID deaths, I am duty-bound to speak of my Work that helps people get healthy ‘under my able guidance’ because it has taken 42 years for me to arrive at his Work {and probably a few lifetimes before that coz no body is talking about yoga the way I am} and what to do versus what not. It is like a surgeon performing surgery without anaesthesia or a scalpel. If you can do that by yourself, I am not responsible for your actions. That is from MI Crocodile on Mookambika mode.😶
It helps to reduce entropy in our body as the home for personal universe so that the environment of personal life is safe disease-free homeground for humane living.
There are ‘wormholes’ everywhere! We keep losing our integrity through them and before we know it ‘I’ becomes a ‘we’ and we don’t know how to put ‘I’ (like in the story of Humpty-Dumpty) back again in original clarity! That’s where Nirbeeja Yoga®️ comes in. No effort. No muscle movement. No pouring sweat even. Simply nonviolent organic homecoming. It is super slow though; we don’t go through the Kuber-Ross change curve, you see? That’s why this Work is kind of superspeciality. Why else do you think non-violence has not been a way of living thus far? We don’t know how to heal the violence using nothing, that’s why. Until now, of course.
It is the science of living, where living is the physiology (P) and life is the anatomy (A). Living life such is what has a person become a humane being.🙂
Our body, then, becomes the topography of our experience of living.
We have individual A&P AND collective A&P where the human species collectively also has an A&P. An individual is just as important as the collective, you see?
A person, then, becomes the smallest unit of a society.
(Advaitha redefined!🙂)
Nirbeeja Yoga®️ is to Dashami what DharmaPada For SoulSatisfaction™️ is to Dashavathara.
Both is needed in becoming a humane being.
One needs to grow internally AND externally to be able to support the growth without compromise in health or qualitative experience of living. Eight wealths are needed for health and wisdom, you see?
A tanpura has strings, basic strings, that keeps the drone for the music as a baseline. Nirbeeja Yoga®️helps to come to our own formative strings based off of which our personal earth as homeground gets a blueprint. It is like living from the center of your personal earth. You can’t come to the center without journeying to the center from all directions and in a way that gets you to the center and then be able to be in the center without buoying up to the surface again. That’s why Nirbeeja Yoga®️ is important.
Nirbeeja Yoga is inside Hatha Yoga and is a complete set of disciplines in and of itself. Nonviolence and nondoing is a marked feature of this method of yoga. Advaitha and ishvarapranidana are given starting points in this method. Nonviolence is the modus operandi and vivendi in this method of yoga. It takes into account the anatomical and physiological reasons why nonviolence has been difficult to maintain in being human thus far and, hence, has an evolutionary function in the schema of things. It helps evolve human beings into humane beings.
It is like kriya yoga, sahaja yoga, raja yoga, bhakti yoga, tantra yoga, shaiva yoga, siddha yoga and all those nice yogas out there rolled into one. It helps strengthen the genetic strings while detraumatizing and detangling strings {quantum detangling} such that the seed of life is 10 times better than the tree of life it came from.
Human beings are fine mix of animal and plant characteristics. We move like animals and stand upright like trees. Since we dont know how to be both, we keep breaking out into identities, personalities and subhuman behaviours complaining or being arrogant about the predicament of being human, unable to see the opportunity in being vulnerable, caring and nonviolent.
Since human beings are the most advanced organic computers there is, Nirbeeja Yoga®️ is like a computer going through defragmentation, code-bettering and then encryption all at once and at different times so that diskspace becomes healthier. It just makes the practitioner come to concentrated awesomeness so that they continue to perform at optimum ‘health’ consistent with their station in life at a point in time on their journey in accomplishing what they came into existence for.
Nirbeeja Yoga is, as the name suggests, yoga through nirbeejification {deseeding impressions and nonviable precipitates from experiences of living} so that who we are originally meant to be is the ground from which we become. Sounds like hatha yoga thus far? In Nirbeeja Yoga, the framework of the body as is without needing movement is the arena from which this method of yoga has play. It is like being a washing machine all the time. Samudra Manthan is a good analogy to understand the function of Nirbeeja Yoga®️ within the framework of a person. Living freshly, humanely, originally, in the moment is a benefit. Organic life-maintenance is another. Nonviolence and nondoing is a marked feature of this method of yoga. It could be called the Mahavidya in that it is the Parvathi method of healing the fabric of time and space. Such nonviolence is a requisite for being a humane being in walking the path of dharma.
New is here!
One small step for mankind, one giant step for lifekind.🙂
Slow is the new Fast!
Nirbeeja Yoga is a single, multifaceted practice that moves through stages of advancement as organically possible at a point in time by a student. During the development through the stages of advancement of this practice, the student gradually becomes a nonviolent humane being, clearer in their originality as they stop being a copy-paste of the past or contemporaries. An original intelligence has no need to compete.
Nirbeeja Yoga®️ is for performance-maintenance so that original humane intelligence gives you the Midas Touch over time in your area of vocation. You become the game-changer who makes the world a better place to live in while being engaged in your vocation of choice.
The effect of gravitation on our vertically stacked anatomy tends to keep pulling us down into animal and subhuman instincts otherwise. Pushing against our head strains the muscles leading to physiological stress. The humane method of Nirbeeja Yoga is kinder, nonviolent and completely organic. We work with the Breath of Life.🙂
There are lottts of words on this Page but as usual with Meristem Intelligence®, things are Work-in-Progress here. Another episode of sorting words and clarifying and adding more updated information would have another look to this Page, maybe with more pictures. Again, Work-in-Progress. Thank you for your kind understanding and patience while the Best is in the making.
There is something that always works and never gives up or gives in. It supports and healthifies Life like nothing else can. Nirbeeja Yoga®️is a systematic way to learn how to have it as you go about your path of truth in accomplishing what you came into existence for. It is like being a walking-talking Holy Basil plant - sacred, good for the Planet, cleansing, decontaminating, mindful.
Trying Nirbeeja Yoga®️ on your own without Bitha Sadanandan (the Founder-facilitator)'s guidance is like doing surgery on yourself from reading about how to do surgery on Google. It is a fine science and skill that develops under able guidance in stages of advancement.
What I do is, basically, this: I live amongst people who have dirty tissues and constitutions that they don't know there is to clean or how. I regularly clean my tissues by the Nirbeeja Yoga®️ method. Any person who requests for a session, then, is guided to learn this method for personal practice only because facilitating this for other people requires advanced extensive training. While I am guiding them, I practice simultaneously Nirbeeja Yoga®️ so that my cleaner constitution helps have a therapeutic effect on the student while they learn something new per class in accordance with their level of training. It is advanced interpersonal biodynamics where nonviolence and healing of violence routinely helps 'reverse global warming' at a personal individual level. The body becomes more livable, happy place to be in, and life becomes more inspiring and worth living for again.
A person is the smallest unit of a society. Within the framework of a single person is the setup of an entire family. The real battleground of living is within the framework of a person where Epic dramas such as the Mahabharatha and Ramayana and even the Bible's Garden of Eden really has homeground. Nirbeeja Yoga is about restoring the Garden of Life by restoring the Garden of Eden within a person. Within a person is where Dharma begins to have meaning because truth is only truth when recognized as such within a person.
This is a yoga for minding one's own body/self/life/business and what becomes possible from constantly doing that unto peace and truthfulness. You know you are beginning to get into Nirbeeja Yoga practice when the voices in your head starts to quiet and thats when you begin to restore your health and yourself through further stages. It is kind of like learning to ride a bicycle where at first you cant even sit on a bicycle but later you could participate in the Olympics if you want to. Being yourself and experiencing being yourself moves from a state of not knowing what that even means to being able to be you only during the Nirbeeja Yoga practice for that little 2 seconds in your own room to beginning to be you even as you encounter various kinds of environment with various kinds of people and energies...it is a skill you develop over time through being and becoming better.
Disclaimer: This is a yoga that anybody can do once you learn how to safely. It is a method to achieve siddhi {a state of perfection in being an instrument of peace and a version of truth}. It takes dedication and perseverance and is an art to be learned through several stages of development, starting with the discouraging, amateurish 'I-dont-know-what/why-I-am-doing-this' through stages of 'this-is-way-too-slow/tough' or 'I-cant-see-any-benefit' or 'maybe-I-am-imagining-the-benefits-coz-no-one-else-sees-any-benefit-from-it' through to 'I-think-I-am-beginning-to-get-a-little-bit-of-something-about-what-this-is' {but then you just cant get the whole of it and kind of feels like walking through a mist where you cant see whats ahead or where you are going but the present place feels right but nothing else to verify that feeling of right} to 'I-am-always-at-the-beginning-and-how-come?!' to 'I-am-getting-used-to-being-comfortable-in-the-uncomfortable-and-it-feels-right/good-for-me-and-it-is-ok' {and people around also are settling in quiet approval and imperceptibly supporting} to 'This-is-how-you-live-life' {and people and the Universe are definitely supporting coz things are falling into place and opportunities are opening up consistent with who you really are and you are happy but in a get-up-and-go way with people expecting things out of your talents/gifts by which you bloom out further}.
With Nirbeeja Yoga, (with right practice and regular advancement through stages in doing the right thing) the Force will be with you {and peace too ...and joy as a soft glow from within}.
From Frayed to Restored
Check for wear and tearSubstance of our spirit could get frayed, worn, hazzled, inflamed in the course of everyday survival/living. It could sometimes get so worse it feels like you have become less than human or don't know who you are anymore. Sign up and learn to identify the signs of wear-n-tear.
Cook in your own elementsBreathe and settle further into the warmth of your own tissues while gradually learning to move from compulsive 'doing' to 'non-do' and then 'being.' It is kind of like having an internal combustion engine inside you - a fire that detoxifies along with refining yourself into a fine version of yourself and most certainly a better human being than you perhaps ever was, maybe even kinder and sensitive/sensible than most people around you. Helps maintain being humane. Learn how to in a stepwise process.
Spring-cleaned!Experience feeling like yourself - restored, refreshed and whole. Over time, you discover having become a new You. People tend to relate to you as a nicer person - finer person. Opportunities begin to show up that you may never have thought possible or imagined to have existed before. Joy becomes a regular part of living.
“I love you so much, I can’t breathe.” “I can’t stand the sight of you, I can’t breathe from how much I hate you.” “It gets acutely discomforting when I am in the presence of some people.”
The above statements are examples of experiences that come from entanglements of one or more person’s constitution with that of another. Unable to untangle or even know that a person is entangled due to past-life connections whether of this lifetime or another, oftentimes complete strangers experience discomfort in the presence of another and it turns out their great great great ancestors were connected in a good or bad way with each other, maybe even familiarly and strangers cannot stand each others’ presence. Religious strife is sometimes because of this, unfortunately, and God is blamed! Let’s get our fabric of life - our tissues and fluids and earth, water, air, fire, spirit, soul washed clean so our conscience is innocent and beautiful so that the joy of being alive becomes possible to experience during everyday moments of living. This is how we can walk on the golden middle path of health, wealth and wisdom in living a normal, ordinary life!
The above statements are examples of experiences that come from entanglements of one or more person’s constitution with that of another. Unable to untangle or even know that a person is entangled due to past-life connections whether of this lifetime or another, oftentimes complete strangers experience discomfort in the presence of another and it turns out their great great great ancestors were connected in a good or bad way with each other, maybe even familiarly and strangers cannot stand each others’ presence. Religious strife is sometimes because of this, unfortunately, and God is blamed! Let’s get our fabric of life - our tissues and fluids and earth, water, air, fire, spirit, soul washed clean so our conscience is innocent and beautiful so that the joy of being alive becomes possible to experience during everyday moments of living. This is how we can walk on the golden middle path of health, wealth and wisdom in living a normal, ordinary life!
This is what it takes to be in Advaitha!
Of course, that virginal beauty of originality goes out, like wear and tear of a vehicle from everyday use. Until we humans learn to be nonviolent and humane, we need to learn to put ourselves together so that our original beauty remains coz we simply need our original self to create those awesome beautiful things in the world that we alone can create because of who we, individually, really are. That’s why we need Nirbeeja Yoga regularly, like brushing teeth or having a bath! Keeps the beauty beautiful and we need beauty to keep sanity being sane and nonviolent for normal and ordinary everyday living!
Proper practise gives you these results:
- Become truth such that you no longer have need to hide or be in guilt. {you can look into the mirror straight into your eyes and see support and affirmation of becoming a better person with your conscience restored}.
- Experience freedom to be responsible.
- Be connected increasingly with everything in a resourseful, supported and supportive manner without losing personal grounds of being and becoming.
- People of different religions naturally tend to agree with your becoming without questioning the name of your religion.
- You would be becoming happier as your senses awaken.
- You would be making people proud in subtle and obvious ways about you and what you do. Nature seems to support your becoming.
- Synchronizations and serendipities come about towards achieving your goals.
- You get naturally wired towards manifesting your best potential.
- You naturally become a fine humane being.
The Buddha says the forest lies within the seed which, when you break open, you find nothing.
At the heart of Meristem Intelligence would be found the practice of Nirbeeja Yoga, which is a prayerful way of living life from nothing as the base. This practice may resonate with Mahayana buddhism but the 'how' of it very well resonates with the idea of religious wholesomeness across several religions and is also advanced science of an interdisciplinary nature.
It all first boils down to Nothing before something could ever happen!
Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, I hereby present the science (and art) of ...Nothing.
I had to request trademarking on what it takes to do Nothing! coz this Nothing detoxifies, prevent injuries, enables peace, soothes distress, clarifies the mind by unclogging stuckness from unprocessed issues, brings rest where there has been overwork, slows down the frenzied rat race against some unseen punishment to a moment of hygge.
Trust me. It takes some effort...yes to do Nothing.
(Details coming soon. Meanwhile, you may contact me on the Form below to get started (if you already know what this is. Media-work takes some time formulating, I discover.
Patience is the mother of beautiful!)
Meanwhile, you do have this to read:
Learn to be movingly nonmoving and find the freedom to be You amongst the crowds.
A human being is n-dimensional. Some of the dimensions we are aware of, some we may have guessed at and so are in different states of 'knowing,' others we may be unaware of. Nevertheless, even that which we are aware of or not is present even if absent in our awareness. Hatha yoga is the coming together of the some of the visible and invisible. Nirbeeja yoga is staying together and movement further. Coming together is just the beginning. How to stay together is the movement through the birthing canal between the dark and the light. Moving together as One is where life is. Welcome to the journey of nirvana as your birthing canal to a world where things make sense, where things work and you come to be living in a working world, where 'random' is order of a particular kind, and where you discover your place and purpose of being in All That There Is. Welcome to Nirbeeja Yoga - your journey to discovering your universe en route to Everything/All That There Is.
We are each spinning (our stories of how things are, what things are, creating things like a spider with its spinnerette). We create stories spinning. We move, whether or not we are aware of it. Even when we are sitting apparently still, there is thoughts, emotions, different things moving in us. We get spun into the already existing movements and then we yarn some more adding our own spin to those spins. We mostly get lost thusly and we live life lost in them stories, whether our own spun or in already existing spuns. Our lives become kind of a copy-paste from previous day, previous month, maybe even a copy-paste of a version of our ancestors. Our wars are an example; they used to be what our ancestors did to survive their challenges while there was so much space in which to fight and still have a planet that can sustain the developments. Now, we have kind of lost sight of where we are headed but continuing our ancestral patterns of survival. Our ancestors have such wisdom through their years of learning and living somuchso that we came to be living. Nirbeeja Yoga is a remembrance, practice, inculcation of timeless wisdom that sustains and is sustainible by the fabric of Life. It helps us come to our senses, at the very least, and further to our commonsense, which is a step further from having senses working well enough through practices that have sustained the test of time through evolutionary history with some newer ones to make the brew richer to keep things fresh and getting better. Interested in refreshing your cup of Life? Sign up and get ready to drink deep from the cup of life. Nirbeeja Yoga - my next newest offering as your evolutionary advantage - the first being Maintenance Therapy.
Patience is the mother of beautiful!)
Meanwhile, you do have this to read:
Learn to be movingly nonmoving and find the freedom to be You amongst the crowds.
A human being is n-dimensional. Some of the dimensions we are aware of, some we may have guessed at and so are in different states of 'knowing,' others we may be unaware of. Nevertheless, even that which we are aware of or not is present even if absent in our awareness. Hatha yoga is the coming together of the some of the visible and invisible. Nirbeeja yoga is staying together and movement further. Coming together is just the beginning. How to stay together is the movement through the birthing canal between the dark and the light. Moving together as One is where life is. Welcome to the journey of nirvana as your birthing canal to a world where things make sense, where things work and you come to be living in a working world, where 'random' is order of a particular kind, and where you discover your place and purpose of being in All That There Is. Welcome to Nirbeeja Yoga - your journey to discovering your universe en route to Everything/All That There Is.
We are each spinning (our stories of how things are, what things are, creating things like a spider with its spinnerette). We create stories spinning. We move, whether or not we are aware of it. Even when we are sitting apparently still, there is thoughts, emotions, different things moving in us. We get spun into the already existing movements and then we yarn some more adding our own spin to those spins. We mostly get lost thusly and we live life lost in them stories, whether our own spun or in already existing spuns. Our lives become kind of a copy-paste from previous day, previous month, maybe even a copy-paste of a version of our ancestors. Our wars are an example; they used to be what our ancestors did to survive their challenges while there was so much space in which to fight and still have a planet that can sustain the developments. Now, we have kind of lost sight of where we are headed but continuing our ancestral patterns of survival. Our ancestors have such wisdom through their years of learning and living somuchso that we came to be living. Nirbeeja Yoga is a remembrance, practice, inculcation of timeless wisdom that sustains and is sustainible by the fabric of Life. It helps us come to our senses, at the very least, and further to our commonsense, which is a step further from having senses working well enough through practices that have sustained the test of time through evolutionary history with some newer ones to make the brew richer to keep things fresh and getting better. Interested in refreshing your cup of Life? Sign up and get ready to drink deep from the cup of life. Nirbeeja Yoga - my next newest offering as your evolutionary advantage - the first being Maintenance Therapy.