DharmaPada For SoulSatisfaction™️ (education, entertainment and training) {Journey towards SoulSatisfaction}
This is our #dotherightthing trainer. It takes some training to know how to ongoingly do the right thing such that concerns and solutions last the test of time and can be called a Classic.
This Program is like our neocortex - got a lot of learning to do on how to do the right things to be safe, sane and functioning with commonsense well enough to be called intelligent, not just intellectual.
This Program is like our neocortex - got a lot of learning to do on how to do the right things to be safe, sane and functioning with commonsense well enough to be called intelligent, not just intellectual.
We were, each, born at different times, to different sets of parents, in different circumstances, grew up in different environments, have different likes and dislikes and the reasons for them are so different. All of this makes for quite a few reasons why each of us is unique even though we look like belonging to the same human race. And we, each, have a journey from birth to death. How we travel betwen birth and death determines what we have, who we become, who would be with us, what impact we leave in our wake on people around us, what opinions we have about ourselves, the kind of life we have as lived on retrospection from the death bed. DharmaPada for SoulSatisfaction™ is a journey on the path of peace in a tete-a-tete with truth in living life on the ledge between the Known and Unknown in a discovery of who we, each, are and what we could become if we allow ourselves to inform Life and for Life to inform us in a dialogue that stretches from the finite to the infinite. Do click on the link below for more details on the Program.
Gnana yoga
1st Brain (Me)
Individuality Brain - Dashavatharification from the degree of citizenship (Earthizenship) one has based on one's carbon footprinting from how humane one has become in the course of living and can support others in becoming. Its all about 'being Me.' There is me, Me and MI to be covered.
Kalki avataara
Katyaayani {one who originates pure perfection}
Becoming human
We call it 'goating' the proverbial 7 mountains for becoming. Well, actually, there are 8 + 2 more - the wealth of Self (in nonviolence), ability to create a better (from self), and ability to be counted as a worthy (blessed) grain in the sands of time! {Dashavatharification!}
The Best is yet to be; the Best is in the making. You are in the making.
(All of the Dashavathara and dashami forms have gaudy out-dated dresses and violent weapons. They haven't become human and nonviolent enough to no longer need weapons, things, magic or power to bring peace to the land. They, just as any representation of divinity, is a symbolic representation of idealised versions of 'goodness' or 'desirable values' to guide people into doing good/right things. A humane being who brings shanthi {sha-anthi ..one who keeps the awakened awakened while awakening others into poornapragna such that violence-based economy is no longer..kind of like the Gurkha saying 'jaagthe raho'/'stay awake or keep awakening'} is still in the making).
Meristem Intelligence®️ (education, entertainment, training)
Education,Business education services,Education information services
This Program is like our tenth brain. While we have concerns and hustlings, we also have difficulties in having what we have been striving towards, like they keep slipping through the cracks and we need to keep the 'rasam' on the banana leaf so that integrity does not run out. We need integrity to be in place so that we can step on the discerned 'better' and goat up the stairs onto the next landing or biblical 'mountain' of becoming better. In Indian cosmology, it is called Dashavathara but it is what it takes to be counted as a worthy grain of sand in the Sands of Time. It is like when MITI BayBe grows up into bigger MITI BayBe, like stardust grows up through the stages of development in the lifecycle of a Star to becoming a Galaxy or a Universe! It is just what is there in the developmental lifecycle {milestones} of a human being.