Nirbeeja Yoga®️ (medical and beauty services)
This is our sunny side-uppitude Program; we love to keep the attic bright and sunny so light percolates through the clarity of our window on our roof. Attic bright and shiny is necessary for our attitude (at-it-tude) being uncluttered and clear conscience so God or elders or whomsoever may want to take a peek would not find us wanting of due reverence. This is our 'kohinoor'ifying Program. Maintains the beauty from within 🙂.
This Program is akin to our Emotional Brain that needs regular care so that we can continue to function being humane, not resorting or devolving into animal behaviours. Adulledhood has its dampening effects on our otherwise bright and shiny childlike gaiety suppressed even from asking questions such that we become like the adulled adults. A lot of the sunshine goes out the window and we see a dour survival based living to contend with. Our childlike self just needs regularly sunny-side upping without even needing to move a muscle or break into a pouring sweat or having to do any of those strenuous exercisy stuff that at least causes pain and at most have you get a superiority complex into thinking you are healthy.
This Program is akin to our Emotional Brain that needs regular care so that we can continue to function being humane, not resorting or devolving into animal behaviours. Adulledhood has its dampening effects on our otherwise bright and shiny childlike gaiety suppressed even from asking questions such that we become like the adulled adults. A lot of the sunshine goes out the window and we see a dour survival based living to contend with. Our childlike self just needs regularly sunny-side upping without even needing to move a muscle or break into a pouring sweat or having to do any of those strenuous exercisy stuff that at least causes pain and at most have you get a superiority complex into thinking you are healthy.
Patanjali in his treatise, Yoga Sutra, mentions a fourth manner of breathing that unveils the truth. Nirbeeja Yoga may or may not be what he speaks about, but in my practice of this Yoga, have noticed being very closely associated with Life as a presence and this Work demands my being truthful, authetic and in sync with what is right and conscientious, so I am guessing this may be what Patanjali wrote about. This Practice is an important part of being and becoming in my other Program, DharmaPada for SoulSatisfaction™, in living life walking the path of peace and truth in becoming the best version of oneself. It is also a good any-time yoga by which to maintain health without having to go to the doctor for every little discomfort. {Probably by this the physicians and other healthcaring minions of mercy will be less traumatized by the demands placed on life-saving caretakers}.